Are VACCINES Really Safe and Effective?
Moses designed the brazen serpent on a pole that was used by God for healing (Num. 21). Then 743 years later Israel worshipped it with offerings and incense (2 Kings 18:4). From here the image was adopted into Greek mythology where it became the symbol of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing. Asclepius was symbolized by a serpent winding about a pole. Today that same symbol is used by the modern medical profession. "Ahaziah ... was sick.... and said ... Go, inquire of Baalzebub ("Lord of Flies"), the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this disease." (2 Ki. 1:2-3). This was the god of filth and dung, the patron deity of medicine. "RX" is today the sign for "prescription" but it came from Egypt and originally referred to the "Eye of Horus" (The Body by A.E. Nourse, p.10) or to the pagan symbol for Jupiter. "And Asa ... was diseased in his feet ... yet in his disease he sought not the Eternal, but the physicians" (2 Chr. 16:12). He trusted ONLY in the physicians, rather than ALSO in the Eternal (an incident that has led some to needlessly reject medical treatment for themselves, or their families, with sometimes tragic results - it should be kept in mind, for example, that Luke, the writer of the Gospel book that bears his name, a man of great faith and righteousness, was a practicing physician). Notice another example: "Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria (ONLY), and not relied on the Lord thy God (ALSO), therefore is the host of the king of Syria escaped out of thine hand" (2 Chr. 16:7). Many of these contrasts are found throughout scripture with "ONLY ... ALSO" left out. The word translated "sorceries" in Revelation 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15 is the Greek word pharmakeia or pharmakos. This is how we got our English word pharmacist, or druggist. Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon defines pharmakeia as "the use or the administering of drugs; poisoning; sorcery, magical arts." Galatians 5:20 translates it "witchcraft." With this as background, let's examine vaccines more closely. "At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary, more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox." -- George Bernard Shaw
Polio vaccine did not cause Polio to disappear. Polio was disappearing all by itself. The reduction of polio coincided with the banning of DDT and other compounds in the 1970’s. However, where they are still in use today in developing countries for example in Nigeria there are once again high rates of infantile paralysis (polio by another name). Dr Morton S. Biskind’s published articles in 1953 illustrate that the epidemics of the 50’s and 60’s have in fact been clearly linked to the use of the insecticides DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), BHC (benzene haxachloride), Arsenic and Lead insecticide compounds, produced by the agrochemical industry, they were also components of household fly killer produced at the same time. These insecticides inevitably found their way into our food and being potent neurological poisons, caused acute neurological poisoning, paralysis, long-term weakness, muscle wasting, brain damage and even death in susceptible individuals. Vaccines actually increased the incidence of the disease. Some doctors and scientists of the National Institute of Health stated that the Salk vaccine was "worthless as a preventive and dangerous to take" (Eleanor McBean, The Poisoned Needle, p.142). In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the killed-virus vaccine used throughout the 1950s, testified that the live-virus vaccine (used almost exclusively in the U.S. since the early 1960s) was "the principle if not the sole cause" of all reported polio cases in the United States since 1961" (Washington Post, September 24th, 1976). The virus remains in the throat for one to two weeks and in the feces for up to two months. Thus vaccine recipients are at risk, and are potentially contagious, as long as fecal excretion continues (Amer. Acad. of Pediatrics, Report of the Committee on Infectious diseases, 1986, pp. 284-285). Polio is caused by an excessive consumption of sugar and starch. Ice cream and soda pop leach calcium from nerves, muscles, bones and teeth. A serious calcium deficiency precedes Polio (Benjamin P. Sandler, MD, Diet Prevents Polio, pp. 116-118, 146; also see note 10).

A significant decline in diphtheria began long before the vaccine was discovered. (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Summary, see Note 7, pp. 161-162). This decline was due to increased nutrition and sanitation ("A Mother's Research on Immunizations" Patricia Savage, p.76 Mothering Fall 1979). Germany began compulsory Diphtheria vaccinations in 1939. After that country was thoroughly vaccinated cases of the disease skyrocketed to 150,000 (Vaccinations Do Not Protect, Eleanor McBean PhD, p.8). France initially rejected diphtheria vaccinations because of the disasters she witnessed in other countries due to its use. But after the German occupation, France was forced to submit to the shots. By 1943, cases of Diphtheria in France had soared to nearly 47,000 (ibid. note 10, page 19). At the same time in nearby Norway, which refused vaccinations, there were only 50 cases (ibid. Note 31).

A significant decline in Measles began long before the vaccine was introduced. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization, chances are about 14 times greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated against the disease than by those who are left alone. (National Health Federation Bulletin, Nov. '69; also see note 6, p.216). According to Dr. Atkinson of the CDC, "measles transmission has been clearly documented among vaccinated persons. In some large outbreaks ... over 95% of cases have a history of vaccination" (FDA Workshop to Review Warnings, Use Instructions and Precautionary Information [on Vaccines], Sept. 18, 1992, p.27). The measles vaccine may cause ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle movements), learning disability, retardation, aseptic meningitis, seizure disorders, paralysis, and death. It may also cause or contribute to causing multiple sclerosis, Reye's syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, blood clotting disorders, and juvenile-onset diabetes (ibid. note 6, p. 215). Giving vitamin A to children with measles reduces the likelihood of complications and their chances of dying ("Vitamin A Supplements -- Too Good Not to be True" New England Journal of Medicine, Oct. 4, 1990, pp. 985-987, Gerald T. Keusch).
In a Casper, Wyoming rubella epidemic, 91 of the 125 cases (73%) occurred in vaccinated children (But Doctor, About That Shot ... The Risks of Immunizations and How to Avoid Them, Robert Mendelsohn, MD, p.31). In another study by Dr. Beverley Allan of the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, 80 percent of all army recruits who had been vaccinated against rubella just four months earlier still contracted the disease (Australian Journal of Medical Technology, 4, (1973), pp. 26-27, Dr. B. Allan). In two separate scientific studies, the new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as Epstein-Barr Virus), an immunological disorder first reported in the U.S. in 1982. Given to children, the vaccine can linger in their systems for years and can be passed to adults through casual contact (Dr. A.D. Lieberman, "The Role of the Rubella Virus in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," Clinical Ecology, vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 51-54). Other adverse reactions to the rubella vaccine include arthritis, arthralgia (painful joints), and polyneuritis (pain, numbness, or paralysis in the peripheral nerves (note 6, pp.217-218).
Recent studies show "substantial numbers of cases" of mumps among persons previously vaccinated against the disease (see note 6, p. 213; 47,pp.29-30, "Rubella Vaccine and Susceptible Hospital Employees: Poor Physician Participation," JAMA Feb. 20, 1981). Adverse reactions to the mumps vaccine include rashes, itching, bruises, febrile seizures, unilateral nerve deafness, and, in rare cases, encephalitis ("Rubella Vaccine and Susceptible Hospital Employees: Poor Physician Participation," JAMA Feb. 20, 1981, p. 214).
This disease was steadily disappearing from developing countries long before the vaccine was introduced. Some researchers attribute this decline to an increased attention to wound hygiene ("A Mother Researches Immunization," Mothering, Roxanne Bank, Summer 1980, see note 5, p.35). Wounds should be thoroughly cleaned and not allowed to close until healing has occurred beneath the surface of the skin. In order to decrease severe reactions to the tetanus vaccine, it has been significantly diluted, causing it to be clinically ineffective (Isaac Golden, PhD, Vaccination? A Review of Risks and Alternatives, 1991, p. 31, see note 59, p. 41). Nevertheless, complications have occurred after tetanus vaccinations including high fever, pain, recurrent abscess formation, inner ear nerve damage, demyelinating neuropathy, anaphylactic shock and loss of consciousness (ibid. p. 71).

Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
The incidence and severity of whooping cough had begun to decline long before the pertussis vaccine was introduced (Harold E. Buttram and John C. Hoffman, "Bringing Vaccines into Perspective," Mothering, winter 1985, see note 5). Adverse reactions include anaphylactic shock, seizures, convulsions, collapse, breathing problems, brain damage, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (A Shot In the Dark: Why the P in DPT Vaccination May Be Hazardous to your Child's Health, 1991, Harris Coulter & Barbara Fisher, see note 99 pp. 10-16, pp. 32-34, pp. 221-222). In 1986 in Kansas, 1300 cases of Pertussis were reported. Of the patients whose vaccination status was known, 90% were "adequately" vaccinated (Vaccine Bulletin, February 1987, p. 11). Autism is thought to be caused by the Pertussis vaccine since both originated and became widespread at the same time (S. Wakabayashi, "The Present Status of an Early Infantile Autism First Reported in Japan 30 Years Ago," Nagoya Medical Journal 46, 1984, pp.35-50).
The diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccines are generally combined into a single formula (DPT). Both the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines are "stabilized" using FORMALDEHYDE -- a known CARCINOGEN. Each dose of DPT also contains THIMERSOL -- a derivative of MERCURY -- and ALUMINUM PHOSPHATE. MERCURY and ALUMINUM are TOXIC to humans (ibid. see note 45, p. 39).
Official statistics from many countries indicate that smallpox was declining before vaccination programs were enforced. This may be due to the sanitation and nutritional reforms instituted around the mid-1800s. For example, water supplies were protected from contamination, streets and stables were cleaned, sewage was removed, and food was delivered while still fresh (National Vaccine Information Center, April 1992, note 10, p. 12). However, once smallpox vaccinations became mandatory, deaths from the disease steadily increased. In fact, records in several countries show that nearly every contagious disease -- plague, cholera, dysentery, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough -- except smallpox (kept alive by mandatory vaccinations), declined in number and severity on its own (ibid. pp. 14-20). Before England passed a compulsory vaccination law in 1853, the highest death rate for any two year period was only 2,000 cases, even during the most severe epidemics (ibid. p.13). (Jenner himself admitted that smallpox was relatively unknown before he began his vaccinations (ibid. p.16). In fact, there were only a few hundred cases of smallpox in England at the time) (note 31, p.26). After more than fifteen years of mandatory vaccinations, in 1870 and 1871 alone more than 23,000 people died from the disease (ibid. note 10, p. 13). In Germany over 124,000 people died of smallpox during the same epidemic. All had been vaccinated (ibid.). In Japan, nearly 29,000 people died in just seven years under a stringent compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination program (ibid. p. 103). In Italy, during the late 1800s, mandatory vaccinations were required, but only in the army were they thoroughly enforced. The smallpox death rates in Italy at the time, for men and women under 20 years of age, were equal. But the smallpox death rate for men in the army (20-30 year old) was disproportionately greater than for women of the same age (ibid. p. 16). Compare these devastating figures to Australia, where the government terminated compulsory vaccinations when two children died from their smallpox shots. As a result, smallpox virtually disappeared in Australia (three cases in 15 years) (note 31, p. 8). Hospital records consistently show that about 90% of all smallpox cases occurred after the individual was vaccinated (NVIC, April 1992, note 10, p.13).
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God? ... If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy" (1 Cor.3:16). Salk polio vaccine is made from the kidneys of rhesus MONKEYS. Rabies vaccine is made from the rabid brains of DOGS or RABBITS. "Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you" (Lev. 11:8). DPT (diphtheria pertussis tetanus) vaccine is made from rotten HORSE'S BLOOD that has been injected with DIPHTHERIA, to which is added a poisonous MERCURY derivative Thimersol. Typhoid serum is made from decomposed FECAL MATTER from Typhoid patients (cp. Ez.4:12-14); Smallpox vaccine is made from GLYCERINE, PUS, LYMPH and BLOOD from a calf. Putrified duck eggs are used to manufacture measles, mumps and flu vaccines. GLYCERINE, PUS from a DEAD or DYING animal, CHLOROFORM, and FORMALDEHYDE are other ingredients (Immunizations: The Reality Behind the Myth, pp.10,72). But "Ye shall not eat of anything that dieth of itself" (Deut.14:21) and "flesh with the life (blood) thereof ... shall ye not eat" (Gen.9:4). Dr. E.J. Post said, "I have removed cancers from vaccinated arms exactly where the poison was injected." Such well-known diseases as cancer, leukemia, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and SIDS are linked to immunizations (Physicians Desk Reference, 1980, p.1866). Most states provide waivers permitting parents to object to mandated vaccines on personal, religious, or philosophical grounds. (For more information, see the book VACCINES: Are They Really Safe and Effective? by Neil Z. Miller).
Do Germs Cause Disease?
The universal acceptance of the germ theory and widespread bacteriophobia resulted in frenzied efforts to avoid the threat of germs. A whole new era of modem medicine was then inaugurated, including over-sterilisation, pasteurisation, vaccination, and fear of eating raw food. It is frequently overlooked that around 1880, Pasteur changed his theory. According to Dr Duclaux, Pasteur stated that germs were “ordinarily kept within bounds by natural laws, but when conditions change, when its virulence is exalted, when its host is enfeebled, the germ is able to invade the territory which was previously barred to it.” On his deathbed, he confessed, “It was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found.” – Louis Pasteur – The father of the fallacious germ theory.
This is the premise that a healthy body is resistant and not susceptible to disease. With the advent of Pasteur’s mysterious germ, however, medicine cloaked itself under the guise of ‘science’ and ever since has succeeded in keeping the public ignorant of the true nature of dis-ease. -Arthur M. Baker – Exposing the Myth of the Germ Theory
“Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” -Antoine Béchamp
“If we see flies on a manure pile which do we think is more intelligent – to fight disease by swatting flies or to remove the pile of manure.” -Dr. J. Baldor, Surgeon, Florida
It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. -Hippocrates
The correct idea is, instead of poisoning our bodies, as we would do with antibiotics (anti-life) to kill an ‘infection’, we would instead provide the right conditions for the body to heal itself, and forget about trying to kill everything in sight. Bechamp’s research proved, as long as 150 years ago, what the root cause of disease was, and how it could be reversed or avoided altogether using safe, natural methods. This was long before the synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines with which we are all so familiar today became the mainstays of mainstream medical treatment. Bechamp’s work showed that the inner condition and health of the cells determined whether disease would manifest or spread in the body. He proved through rigorous scientific method and repeated experiments over many years that disease was not due to germs attacking the body from the outside, as Louis Pasteur later convinced the world. What you eat, breathe, drink, and bathe in are the primary factors that determine your body’s inner condition. ‘Germs’ arise as a result of a diseased condition. They are a symptom, not the cause.
Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk turns putrid; processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized milk by a process of centrifugal clarification. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria for Johne’s disease suspected of causing Crohn’s disease in humans with which most confinement cows are infected. Much commercial milk is now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two seconds.
What's in the Covid Vaccine?
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it. Polyethylene Glycol is one ingredient in the vaccine. That is antifreeze (poison). Covid 19 contains the genetic code for snake venom. The mRNA "vaccines" have this same venom component that replicates. It rewrites your DNA. "Take off your silly mask, you're the only one in the car." Masks are not only useless, they make you sick. Masks contain graphene oxide which is toxic. Swabs used in PCR tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. Social distancing is silly. The Covid virus is .125 microns in diameter, much smaller than the 3-micron-or-less size needed to float in the air for miles. The PCR tests are a fraud. "No one has isolated the Covid 19 virus" to even test it. That is because it doesn't exist. Covid 19 is Cobra Venom dumped into our water supply which paralyzes our diaphragm so we can't breathe. Remdesivir, the supposed cure, has been proven to cause acute kidney failure and multiple organ failure in every human within 5-10 days. It is Cobra venom. This is Jesuit Anthony Fauci's Covid treatment protocol. It was Remdesivir that killed 90% of Covid patients -- not Covid 19. Fauci's AIDS treatment protocol prescribed AZT which killed millions also. There were 110 known diseases as side effects of the shot before it was even offered to the public as a "vaccine". It is Cobra snake venom and Krait venom (another snake). 75% of vaccinated women have miscarriages in the first trimester. The vaccine causes our own body to generate snake venom molecules by changing our DNA. This Transhumanism is making humans into hybrids of Satan the Serpent -- "as in the days of Noah".
According to an article that appeared in Scientific American, Jan. 22, 2020, "Snakes Could Be the Original Source of the New Coronavirus Outbreak in China." Its not viral. Snake venom is used in making pesticides (kills insects), drugs, vaccines (kills disease germs) and cosmetics since it kills bacteria.
Dr. Andreas Noack (German chemist) says "There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death on the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the RAZORS will do." He asks, "Why are there RAZOR BLADES in the vaccine?" (Graphene Hydroxide) You are cutting people up from the inside." "The piece is 1 nm thick and 50 nm long ... one atom layer thick ... sharpest imaginable structures." "A normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes, cannot find it, because it doesn't move." (undetectable in autopsies) "These are nanoscale RAZOR BLADES. They last forever ... zero biological degradability ... It (Graphene Hydroxide) stays in the body forever. Even if people don't drop dead immediately (like athletes dropping dead with fast moving blood), it cuts up the blood vessels little by little. It destroys the heart. The heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels cut up. The epithel cells are extremely smooth for a good reason, but become rough when cut up like this and things stick to it. What you are doing is mass murder with the vaccine mandate." Also you can now be controlled and manipulated by 5G technology. These metallic particles are magnetic to interact with cell towers or satellites. They can track and contact trace you with the internet of things and have control over your body.
By forcing us to take an experimental product that changes our genetics is destroying God's temple (1 Cor. 3:16). People are being coerced into compliance. To keep their job or even to meet together. Our rights come from God and human governments can't take them away. We should not be begging to get them back. Just take them back. The purpose of the COVID vaccine is to destroy your personal genetics. How do they intend to do it? Mass inoculation of all people multiple times with a gene-modifying serum. The serum weakens and destroys our God-given immune system. The spike proteins turn healthy people into chronically ill "customers for life" for the "pharmakeia" and healthcare industry. Doctors and nurses are complicit. Treatments for vaccine-induced disease results in massive profits for the global elites and brings poverty to the population. This is a crime against humanity. They are turning you into a trans-human. It permanently rewrites your DNA making you a genetically modified organism. "All flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth" (Gen. 6:12) contrary to God's law (Lev. 19:19). Dr. Judy Mikovitz says you can stop the production of this modified genetics by taking DiMethylGlycene (DMG) or S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe). They cause you to be ill to make money off of your sickness. "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor. 6:19). Don't defile it.
They are literally killing the heart. The risk of myocarditis after a dose of Covid mRNA vaccine is sharply higher than the risk of myocarditis from a coronavirus infection. When men under 40 get a Pfizer shot , the risk of myocarditis nearly doubles after this first shot. It doubles again after the second, and doubles again after the third -- to almost 8x the baseline risk. They're planning seven boosters. When you get a Moderna shot, the risk of myocarditis after the second jab increases 16-fold. They're also killing your immune system. In the Pfizer shot, the terminal nucleoside, uridine, is replaced by synthetic pseudouridylyl. This allows the mRNA to pass into the cells -- where it can replicate indefinitely. The mRNA ablates the activity of TLR 3, 7 and 8 -- our primary, first line of immune defense -- making us more susceptible to getting Covid infection. The spike protein enters the nucleus of cells, binds to DNA irreversibly changing it,
and compromises and stops a person's repair enzymes allowing cancer to form -- and cancer is exploding. Shedding is transmission. How long does it last? Possibly forever. Replicating spike proteins forever. There are at least ten different ways the spike proteins make you sick. We don't know how to eliminate spike proteins from from your system since there is no such test available commercially. Any claims of pills, potions or teas that are able to do that are therefore fraud.
According to German data, The injected are 8.12x more likely to be infected with Omicron than unvaccinated. The more jabs taken, the faster the immune system deteriorates. It is estimated that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over 30 years old may have the equivalent of full-blown AIDS. The ability to fight any infection will be gone.
According to 2 Thess. 2:9-12, "The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the power of Satan. He will use every kind of power ... every type of evil to DECEIVE those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful DELUSION so that they will believe the LIE. Then all who have not believed the truth, but have taken pleasure in unrighteousness, will be condemned." "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them many teachers, having itching ears. They will turn their ears away from the truth, and turn aside to FABLES" (2 Tim. 4:3-4). These deceiving teachers are the CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci, etc. "False prophets" (Matt. 7:15,20). "For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil" (Eccl. 12:14). "There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and there is nothing secret that won't be known" (Luke 8:17). "If you remain silent at this time ... you will perish" (Esther 4:14).
Quantum computers were specifically designed to house Artificial Intelligence. It is the brain of pure evil. It is the modern day Tower of Babel. Will humans that take the mark of the beast become quantum entangled with the mind of antichrist? According to Anthony Patch:
1. After being vaccinated, all neurons in the human mind and within every cell in the body, become quantum entangled electrons.
2. These entangled electrons also become entangled with the quantum computers. They are all networked together.
3. When two particles, like photons or electrons, become entangled, they can remain connected even when separated by vast distances.
4. When hundreds of particles become entangled, they act as one unified object. ONCE ENTANGLED, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. It is slavery technology.
They want you part of this trans-humanism movement. Inside the Pfizer shot are electronic components (ceramic capacitors with circuitry). They may be micro-routers. This micro-technology is seen under the microscope at 1200 magnification. Spain, Germany, New Zealand and United Kingdom all independently confirm this. The whole point of this is to create the Hive Mind. Every person on the planet will be represented in a virtual computer as a NODE. Every node has an AVATAR that allows real time 24/7 monitoring of every person on the planet. Once the brain-computer interface and quantum entanglement has occurred, each person is bound into the D-wave technology, the Righetti Computers, Google's Social Credit Score system and Blockchain, etc. It links your mind to a digital computer (Darpa Avatar Project Sept. 2019)
The creation of the Hive Mind comes about when the computer generated "you" will be an exact replica of the human "you" in every way, down to your memories and emotions in your individual cells. There will be continual "testing" (DNA harvesting). The endgame is that humans will become transhuman humanoids, Artificial Intelligence simulated AVATARS to replace every human, eliminating God's creation.
If you have already taken the shot, try to detox your liver, gallbladder, kidneys and heart with apple pectin powder (700 ml./twice daily; used at Chernobyl and Fukushima to detox ionized radiation). Cannabis blocks the spike protein. Nicotine blocks neurotoxins (Use Nicorette gum or patches). Supplement in the morning with vitamin C (10,000 mg/day ascorbic acid; used in China to cure people of Covid in three days), magnesium (500 mg/day), selenium (200 mcg/day -- HIV prevention), vitamin D (sunshine), zinc and N-acetyl cystein (NAC) (both zinc & NAC degrade graphene oxide), Hydroxychloroquin (when the peel from 3 grapefruit and 3 lemon are boiled in 3 cups of water and simmered for 3 hours, strained and refrigerated), Ivermectin and Quercetin. Pine needle tea, Suramin and Green Chiretta are also very effective. Nattokinase (fermented soy beans & bacillus subtilis are called Natto) dissolves blood clots within 18 hours and prevents new clots from forming. Turn off 5G wireless (when activated, graphene oxide does much more damage in the body causing cytokine storm and immune system collapse). Take Melatonin before bedtime to correct the sleep cycle from 5G disturbances. Eat non-GMO. Don't drink tap water. Melt snow or get your water from a stream or river. Then boil it, distill it and use a Berkey Water Filter.
Sources for this article: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny; Dr. Bryan Ardis; Dr. Andreas Noack; www.orwell.city's Dr. Jose Luis Sevillano; Dr. Judy Mikovitz; Nutritionist Mike Adams
Reverse Engineering "the Worst Crime in History"
Dr. Zeb Zelenko has reverse engineered "the worst crime in history". Covid 19 is a weapon of mass destruction (murder). Nothing natural about it. Its never been about health. Notice his reasoning:
1.) In 1998-1999 Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, funded by the NIH, began research on CRISPR species transmissibility which means to take a virus from one species and make it infectious to another species. He published two papers and perfected the technique.
2.) In 2002 Dr. Ralph Baric, funded by the NIH, got a patent which described how to take a Corona Virus and modify its lethality to human lung tissue.
3.) In 2015 Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr. Shi Zhengli in Yuan, published a paper, funded by the NIH, where they figured out how to take bat Corona Virus and make it infectious to human beings. So the bomb was completed. There are two steps to the bomb. 1. Make it infectious 2. Make it lethal. The reason this research was outsourced to China is because it was made illegal in the US. Gain of Function research has come to mean taking a benign animal virus and making it infectious to humans and disruptive to human lung tissue and causing blood clots.
4.) March, 2020, Dr. Sholtz described using zinc ionosphores (hydroxychloroquine) with zinc
to inhibit an enzyme and thus stop the virus from spreading (see medcram video episode 34). They are like a gun and bullet when used together. That paper was published in 2010 and authored by Dr. Ralph Baric and funded by the NIH. (Create an antidote before spreading the disease)
5.) When doctors like Zeb Zelenko stumbled across that information, that information was suppressed, villified and marginalized in a very organized and choreographed fashion. Any doctor who dared to speak about its use was deplatformed; and the media was all in a very unified fashion doing the same thing. This research was paid for by the American taxpayer, published in 2010. It belongs to us. Its not like they didn't know about zinc and hydroxychloroquine. Why didn't more doctors speak out? Because doctors are usually massively in debt and so become slaves to the system and because there are no nutritional classes required to become a doctor so doctors are indoctrinated with a pharmaceutical drug approach.
6.) March 27, 2020, Mario Cuomo issued an executive order blocking pharmacies in New York from dispensing hydroxychloroquine. That was a direct attack on Zeb Zelenko because he was the only one prescribing it. By treating early with anti-viral you eliminate the need for hospitalization (reduction of 85%). Other zinc ionosphores are Ivermectin and Quercetin and EGCG. Doesn't have to be Hydroxychloroquine. Quercetin is found in apple peels and onions. Best thing is it was over-the-counter.
7.) Then a study came out from the VA saying that Hydroxychloroquine kills people. But the study was done on patients in the ICU on respirators for at least seventeen days. Zeb Zelenko was advocating for day 2 or day 3 of the the illness.
8.) A second study came out of Oxford University. During recovery from Covid 19, 27% of patients with Hydroxychloroquine died. But they used 2400 mg per day od Hydroxychloroquine, when the recommended dose was 400 mg. They gave six times the recommended dose. It was poisoning people.
9.) Lancet published the third study which was a meta-analysis of 96,000 patients showing that Hydroxychloroquine kills patients. Immediately the World Homicide Organization issued a global moratorium on research and use of hydroxychloroquine. The only problem with that study was that it was a fraud. Biggest scandal in the history of medicine and peer reviewed science. Both Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine had to retract that study by Surgisphere for fraud. It was retracted in May 2020 by Lancet.
10.) When President Trump said he wanted Hydroxychloroquine available to every American, that task was given to Secretary Azar and to Rick Bright, head of BARDA, a division of HHS. They were involved in biomedical research (See documentary called Totally Under Control).
Rick Bright didn't agree with Trump. they were supposed to open the national stockpile of Hydroxychloroquine to all Americans. Instead they issued an emergency use authorization only for hospitalized patients. This sent a message to every doctor in the country that you could only use it in a hospital setting. Not in an outpatient setting. The exact opposite of what Trump had ordered. In June of 2020 the FDA revoked the emergency use authorization even for the hospital setting. Footnote 32 gives the rationale. They quote the Lancet paper that had been retracted for fraud after its retraction as the basis for revoking the emergency use authorization.
11.) Look at the province of NSW in Australia for insight. As of today any doctor that prescribes Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin goes to jail for six months. The government tells you why. Because "it encourages vaccine hesitancy". They're not denying it works.
12.) Recall what Bill Gates said in 2015: "If we do a really good job with new vaccines, health care, reproductive health, we can lower it (world populaltion) perhaps by 10 or 15%." Why would I take a vaccine for my health
from someone who wants to reduce the world population using vaccines? In fact, why vaccinate children who have nearly a 100% recovery rate? Not for health reasons.
13.) Klaus Schwab was asked in 2016 when chips can be implanted
into humans? He said, "Certainly in the next ten years. And at first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains or in our skin."
14.) The World Economic Forum's agenda (which has schooled most of world's leaders) for 2030: America will no longer be a superpower.
But how to achieve this end? Shut down the economy with over a million small businesses closed. This is the theft of the middle class. It is "safe" to go to Walmart and Home Depot but "unsafe" to go to local hardware store or local grocery store. Drive up inflation to such an extent that Saudi Arabia will ditch the petro-dollar for China's digital Yuan crypto currency. Create a national debt of over 30 trillion dollars. In 2026 according to Congressional data, Medicare will become insolvent and go bankrupt.
15.) A US patent (Aug. 31, 2021) describes what's in these vaccines: they have the "capability to measure biometric data: heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature". It has the ability "to transmit the information with your location to a third party
16.) A US patent owned by Microsoft W/O/2020/060606. This patent describes the linkage between biometric data transmission and crypto currency.
17.) Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls the central bank and Yuan. The only way to transact business in China is to be connected to the Social Credit Score System where they have COMPLETE CONTROL MECHANISM of you. If they don't like you, they shut off your ability to transact business. China's system is a dry run for what will happen globally. They don't need a gulag anymore. You just can't buy food. Global crypto currency. You will have to be a transmitter of biometric data in order to participate in that system. Scan your hand on the sensor. Bible followers will be excluded, but there will be a black market.
18.) October 2020 the FDA made an internal presentation: slide 16 showed all the side effects of the vaccine: blood clots, stroke heart attack, myocarditis, miscarriage (300% increase), cancers, autoimmune disease, ovarian and testicular disfunction (infertility), suppress your immune system. In other words premeditated first degree murder. Crimes against humanity. POPULATION REDUCTION MECHANISM.
Some die right away, others linger. The one thing the vaccine doesn't do is protect you from Covid 19.
19.) Through a GENE EDITING MECHANISM, mRNA is a wonderful platform to deliver CRISPR-Cas9 technology which allows for gene editing. Splice out a segment of a person's genetic code and splice in at will another segment. "These vaccines change who you are" -- Bill Gates. Yuval Noah Harari (professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem) said, "Humans are hackable animals and if you hack into an animal you can re-engineer that animal". But not by intelligent design. But by fallible humans. No such thing as free will. Yuval Noah Harari also said, "We're entering a new era. The Covid 19 crisis will be remembered as the transition to 24/7 surveillance through the implantation under your skin of biometric sensors. What previous tyrants and despots wanted to do, a few corporations and governments are now able to actualize".