![]() Will BRITAIN Be Defeated By GERMANY? When Ephraim goes to ASSYRIA, God says, "I will spread my net upon them" (Hos.7:11-12). "Ephraim hath hired lovers" (8:9) (made alliances with NATIONS) but they "despise thee, they will seek thy life" (Jer.4:30). "Wherefore, I have delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the ASSYRIANS, upon whom she doted" (Ez.23:9)."The ASSYRIAN shall be his king, because they refused to return (to me). And the sword shall abide on his cities" (11:5-6). According to Isaiah 10:5, God uses ASSYRIA to punish Israelites who refuse to obey the Bible. The GERMAN economy and ROMAN CATHOLIC religion will dictate the terms of the EUROPEAN UNION envisaged by the MAASTRICHT TREATY. This treaty would take away Britain's sovereignty and its Protestantism. The right of the British to elect and dismiss lawmakers would be gone. The attempt of any nation once in the federation to withdraw would be resisted with force. "Come out of her (European Union), my people (Britain) that ye be not partakers of her of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4). Exit Britain. Brexit. "O ASSYRIAN, the ROD of mine ANGER... I will send him against an hypocritical nation ... to take the spoil ... and to tread them down." He did it anciently several times and the past two World Wars were fought against Germany, but "Let the sword be doubled the third time" (Ezek.21:14). The invasion of Judah by Sennacherib, king of ASSYRIA, may foreshadow an end-time World War 3 by another Hitler-like leader from Austria (Nahum 1:11). God says, "I change not" and "Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday and today and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Even the pharaoh of the oppression was ASSYRIAN (Isa.52:4) and a possible type of what will occur (Isa.14:25-26; 27:13; 30:31). "They shall not dwell in the LORD'S land; but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things in Assyria" (Hos. 9:3). This prophecy received one fulfillment when allied POWs were shipped to Colditz Prison in Germany in World War Two. Small pieces of "some kind of meat" in soup were fed to the British prisoners. Then God says, "I will break the ASSYRIAN ... then shall his yoke depart" (Isa.14:25). Israelites "shall come who were ready to perish in the land of ASSYRIA" (Isa.27:13). "I will bring them AGAIN also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of ASSYRIA" (Zech.10:10). "I was wroth with my people (Anglo-Saxons), I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst show them no mercy" (Isa. 47:6). Should we ignore these prophecies and assume they only applied to ancient peoples? Is ASSYRIA Germany and Austria? Shem's son ASSHUR" became ASSYRIA (Ant.1:6:4). But the capital of Assyria -- Nineveh -- was destroyed in 612 B.C. Where did the ASSYRIANS go? Diodorus Siculus, book 2, section 43 says, "Many conquered peoples were removed to other homes, and two of these became very great colonies: the one was composed of ASSYRIANS and was removed to the land between Paphlagonia and Pontus (northern TURKEY), and the other was drawn from Media and planted along the Tanais" (Don in Ukraine area), which people are called SAUROMATIANS, who many years after, increasing in number and power ... totally ruined the whole nation" (of Scythia). "The coast of the BLACK SEA is called ASSYRIA" (Sylax's Periplus, 2:261 of Perrot and Chipiez's History of Art In Sardinia, Judea, Syria and Asia Minor). According to Pliny's Natural History, book 4:12:85, we read that "The population (of the Crimea) includes ... ASSYRANI" (p.183). HITTITE and ASSYRIAN patterns displayed in worked metal remains (stirrups, bridles, swords, ornaments) of SARMATIAN culture discovered in South Russia confirm the HITTITE and ASSYRIAN origin of these people. Herodotus says that beyond the Tanais to the north "are not Scythae, but SARMATAE" (4:57). On the W. shore of the Caspian is the river and city called ASTARA (21:188, A1) and the Persian District of ASTARABAD (2:790d). The "t" sound is pronounced "s" in German. In Asia Minor we find the towns of ASSAR (21:544a), ASSARJIK (13:536, C2) and ASSARLIK (5:330b). These people migrated to AUSTRIA as Teutonic AUSTROGOTHS or OSTROGOTHS (29:63; 23:649, E2, F2) and the Germanic ATTUARII Franks (Amm. Mar. 20:10,2.). We find AUSTERLITZ, Austria (2:937a), ATTER-SEE Lake, Austria (24:106c), ISER river, Austria (3:4, D1), ISERE river, Germany (11:808, D4), ISERGEBIRGE mts. Germany (11:808, E3), EISERNES THOR mt. Austria (3:183d), ISER-KAMM mt. Germany (10:521b), ISER LOHN Germany (11:808, 1K6), ISER THAL Austria (3:4, C3), ISERWEISE Austria (24:202b) as well as AUSSER-RHODEN district (26:242, G2), and AUSSER-FERRERA town of Switzerland (26:242, G3). According to Jerome's Letter 123, p.237, "Savage tribes in countless numbers have overrun all parts of Gaul. The whole country between the Alps and the Pyrenees, between the Rhine and the Ocean, has been laid waste by hordes of Quadi, Vandals, Sarmatians, Alans, Gepids, Herules, Saxons, Burgundians, Allemani and -- alas! for the commonweal! -- even Pannonians. For "ASSUR also is joined with them.'" (c. 360 A.D.) "Medieval Arab authors say that the ASSYRIANS are from the same source as the GERMANS ... Barhebraeus wrote that 'The GERMANIKAH are a people in Mosel (Nineveh) who came from Persia' ... Arab tradition have the GERMANIKAH as ASSYRIANS" (pp.88-90, Israelites und Hyksos by Martin Gemol, Leipzig, 1913, translated from German). "The inhabitants of Trier (4 miles east of Luxemburg in GERMANY) maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe. Trier was founded by Trebeta, a son of the famous ASSYRIAN king Ninus. In fact, one finds ... in Trier the inscription reading 'Trier existed for 1300 years before Rome was built'" (In Deutschen Landen, Bihl, 1953:69). Are The Hessians HITTITES? All three races of mankind had their HITTITE tribe. There were the dark Canaanite Hamitic sons of Heth (Gen. 15:19-21); the Japhetic KHITTIM in Greece and the Shemitic KHETTI in Asia Minor from KETURAH. These Shemitic descendants of Keturah became Hessians. In A.D. 15 the Roman army led by Germanicus advanced across the Rhine into Germany. The first tribe encountered were the KHATTI (Keturah). These agree in geographical position with the modern HESSIANS. Now, as "water" is the same as the German "wasser," so KHATTI and HESSE are identical names. At a very early period we find this people calling themselves HET-wara or People of HET. These names correspond exactly to those of a powerful nation bordering on ancient israel, known to us as HITTITES. They called themselves children of HETH; the ASSYRIANS called them KHATTI (Keturah). The two-fold similarity of name and the vicinity of an Israelite nation suggest that these KHATTI (Keturah) were the descendants of the ancient HITTITES who must have been equally exposed with Israel to the power of ASSYRIA. From their position between Israel and ASSYRIA they risked the possibility of being conquered first and may easily have shared in their escape. The MEDIANS (Keturah's son Medan) have been traced into Europe under the name of Sauro-MATAI, or Sar-MATIANS. Of these the LITHUANIANS (Keturh's son Letushim) are the direct descendants. The resemblance of the LITHUANIAN language to that of ancient MEDIA is complete. The PRUSSIAN tongue is also a dialect of the LETTISH and LITHUANIAN (Letushim). The LETTISH language is spoken in Prussia, Samogitia, Curland and Livonia. The Heruli or Veruli spoke LETTISH and had manners similar to the SARMATAE. Therefore, the SARMATAE are PRUSSIAN (Keturah's son Epher). A large part of the so-called Slavs are tribes of kindred origin, whose language has become merged in that of the MEDES. Others are Mongolian Tatars. There is no such thing as a great Slavonic race. The Tatars burst into Europe from Asia in the fifth century as Huns. The ASSYRIANS migrated to Europe as Sclavonic SAURO-matai (Diodorus 2:43) and ALLEMANI and are found in the High GERMANS and SWISS of today. The Allemani settled in Helvetia, Swabia and Alsace. Some of these, such as the KHATTI or HESSIANS, are only ASSYRIANIZED. "Germany is ... an incoherent agglomeration of heterogeneous nationalities, bound together for a season by a common speech, and a common dread.... More than dialectic variations separate the people of Hanover from the mountaineers of Bavaria and the Tyrol. Nor is any form of German essentially akin to English. Words there are indeed, and many of them, which are identical in the two languages. But can two languages be more DIFFERENT in IDIOM and GRAMMAR? Surely, the POSITION of the VERB at the CLOSE of the SENTENCE, and the COMPLEX GENDERS and TERMINATIONS are sufficient to mark off the German as distinct. To take a parallel instance from the past: read a page of Hebrew, and then a column of Assyrian inscriptions; and you will find numbers of words common to the two, but in almost every sentence the POSITION of the VERB in HEBREW is the position it holds in ENGLISH; while in the ASSYRIAN, it holds the same position as the GERMAN.... At any rate, similarity in speech is declared, by leading authorities in philology, to be an indication of social contact only." (pp. 124-125, British Israel Truth by Hanan & Aldersmith). The German word "KAISAR" came from "KHETA-SAR" (i.e. HETH King) (13:534c). Herodotus mentioned a branch of KATIARI (Keturah) of European Skuthia around 450 B.C. coming to Europe (4:6,16, 119). Once again, where the British say "water" or "what," the Germans say "wasser" or "was." The original Canaanitish word KHETH, surviving in KHATT-WARA and HET-WARA, got metamorphosized KHAS-WARA and HESSE-WARA or HESSEN-WARA. The peoples of HESSE-DARMSTADT, HESSE-KASSEL, and HESSE-HOMBURG in Germany are all HITTITES. HESSIANS were anciently known as KHATTI (Keturah) [Encyc. Brit. art. "Germany"]. Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany believed and accepted a HITTITE origin of the GERMANS (J. Lehman 1977, "The Hittites"). "It was through the HITTITES that (composite animal art) ... made its way into Europe, like the TWO-HEADED EAGLE" from Babylon (Hasting's Dict. of the Bible 2:392). Austria's coat of arms all the way back to the fourteenth century was a TWO-HEADED EAGLE, but after World War One overthrew the Hapsburg Monarchy,Austria's eagle became single-headed. Then during the 1930s, the TWO-HEADED EAGLE was again revived till 1945 when Hitler was defeated. Could it be significant that "The Eternal will bring a nation against you from afar ... as swift as the EAGLE flies, a nation whose language you will not understand" (Deut.28:49). |