![]() The Amazing Stone of Scone Again, when God promised Jacob many descendants, a royal line, and land, Jacob "set up a PILLAR in the place where he talked with him, even a PILLAR of STONE" (35:14). Jacob prophesied that "in the last days" Joseph would be the "shepherd (custodian) of the STONE of Israel" (49:24). Joseph followed in the rear of the camp carrying the ROCK. This is why "the ROCK ... followed them" (1 Cor. 10:4). Apparently this was part of Joseph's birthright blessing. In the Talmud it is written, "Two arks came up out of the land of Egypt with Israel; One containing the SHKONYAH (Scone) STONE, and the other the body of Joseph" (Sotah 13a). Moses was commanded to "smite the ROCK" so that water would come out for the Israelites (Ex.17:6). Later, Moses was commanded to speak to the ROCK "and it shall give forth its water" (Num.20:8) but Moses "spoke unadvisedly" by saying "must WE fetch you water" rather than giving God credit (Num20:7-12; Ps.106:33) and "smote the ROCK twice" (Num.20:11). This same STONE was rejected by the builders of Solomon's Temple (Ps.118:22) but we find that it became "the head of the corner" since Joash, when he was made king, "stood by ("upon" -- Compan. Bible) a ("the" -- RSV) PILLAR, as the manner was" (2 Ki.11:14; 2 Ki. 23:3; cp. 2 Chr. 23:13; Joshua 24:26-27). Also Josiah "the king stood by a PILLAR, and made a covenant before the Eternal ... to keep his commandments" (2 Ki.23:3). Thirdly, notice Abimelech was also made king by the "plain (oak) of the PILLAR" (Judges 9:6). It was the custom for this STONE to be used in coronation ceremonies. According to First Samuel 7:12, Samuel took the unique STONE , and set it between Mizpah, and Shen, and called its name Eben-ezer (Meaning "the STONE of help"). But the tribes of Israel were taken captive and existed "many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image (or "sacred STONE" -- Mof.)" (Hos.3:4) until Jeremiah transferred it from Jerusalem to Ireland. This stone was the witness of all the agreements between God and his people. Christ DWELLS (Scones) in it (1 Cor.10:4). And "The STONE that smote the image upon his feet became a great mountain and filled the whole earth" (Dan.2:35; cp. Isa.27:6). Above the stone in Westminster Abbey are the words, "This is the House of God." Jacob called the city "BETHEL" (i.e. "House of God"). The Scots claim this was the STONE Jacob slept on. When Jacob vowed that "this STONE which I have set up for a pillar (or stone witness) shall be GOD'S HOUSE" he may have meant that wherever the STONE would be, that place would be GOD'S HOUSE because as it turned out, the PILLAR was in "the TEMPLE" (2 Ki.11:13-14), then transferred to a coronation chair in Tara Ireland; then to the ABBEY at IONA Scotland; then to the MONASTERY at SCONE; then to WESTMINSTER ABBEY. In spite of claims that this pebbled, red sandstone came from a Scotch quarry, the professor of Science at Yale University, C.A. Totten, made a thorough examination of the stone and concluded that "there are absolutely NO QUARRIES in Scone or Iona from where a block so constituted could possibly have come, nor yet from Tara." Professor Odlum, a geologist, also made microscopic examinations of the Coronation Stone, comparing it to similar stone from Scotland (including Iona and the quarries of Ireland) and found them DISSIMILAR. Odlum then explored Palestine and discovered a stratum of sandstone in Bethel of IDENTICAL microscopic texture (pp.59-60, Jacob's Pillar by Raymond Capt). Prophecy says, "And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel (Zedekiah), whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God: Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; this shall not be the same; exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will OVERTURN, OVERTURN, OVERTURN, it: and it shall be no more (in Jerusalem), until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him" (Ez.21:25-27). David's diadem was taken off the exalted king Zedekiah of the exalted Pharez branch in the exalted kingdom of Judah and given to the lowly daughter who went to lowly King Heremon of the lowly Zarah branch in the lowly kingdom of Israel (Ireland). The throne was FIRST OVERTURNED when Jeremiah REMOVED it from Jerusalem to IRELAND in 583-582 B.C. The stone on which the kings of the united kingdom of Israel and Judah were crowned until Judah ceased to be a nation, now was transferred to Ireland. Irish kings were then crowned on the "Lia Fail" for 1083 years. In 503 A.D. the stone was REMOVED to SCOTLAND by "Feargus Mhore," king of Argyll. In 563 A.D., Saint Columba took it to the Island of Iona. For 793 years Scotch kings reigned and all were crowned on it. King Kenneth (d. 860) finally deposited it in the monastery of Scone (846). Then in 1296 A.D., King Edward I MOVED the STONE from Scotland to LONDON and placed it within a specially constructed Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey. All ENGLISH kings have been crowned on it since Edward I. It remained in Westminster till 1997 when it was returned to Edinburgh Castle. All symbols used in the Bible were realities that referred to some object (Brazen Serpent, Ark, Mercy Seat, Tabernacle, Paschal Lamb, Scapegoat, Aaron, etc.) besides referring to Christ, so why would the "ROCK of Ages" be any different (Matt.21:43; Isa.28:16; 1 Pet.2:8).