![]() Are the HEBREWS in HIBERNIA? After Israel was taken captive to Media, the land between the Black and Caspian Seas was named IBERIA and its kings were called "Pharesmanes" (Tacitus, Annals books 6, 11-14). They also named the KHABUR and CHABORUS Rivers in Mesopotamia (1 Chr.5:26) (26:305, D2; 26:970a). Their route of migration is also traceable. The KHYBER Pass India,the HEBRUS river in Rumili, European Turkey, now called Maritsa River, HEBRUS River called Evros today in Greece, and even the Mediterranean Sea used to be called "Mare IBERICUM" on Ptolemy's map, the TIBER River Italy, the IBERUS River" (called EBRO today in Spain or IBERIA), and the Gaudalquiveir River (anciently called Wadi-al-HIBRI). The name IBERIAN took its name from the Israelites passing through since "IBERES" is the Gaelic name for Hebrews. Pliny says Spain was penetrated by invasions of HIBERI as well as Celts, Persians and Phoenicians (3:1:8). EVEREUX a town in Normandy. The "EBURONE" tribe of northern France (Strabo's map 4) whom Lempriere says are of Belgium while adding that the "EBUROVICES AULERCI" were in Normandy (p.218) and "BERONES" of northern Spain (map 3) as well as the island of HIBERNIA (Ireland today) and HEBRIDES (off Scotland) take their names from "HEBREW" ISRAELITES. Rufus Festus Avienus in his Ora Maritimacalls Ireland "the HOLY Island ... the dwelling of the HIBERNIAN race." "HYPERBOREAN" means "Northern Hebrew." The Irish "Leabhar Gadhala" or Book of Conquests, points to these "IBERII" (Iberians) , also called Firbolgs, as being the earliest inhabitants of Ireland. They called the land "IBERNE" which was later abbreviated to "ERNE," then "ERIN" and then later Latinized to "HIBERNIA." Realize that in pre-Exodus days Abraham's descendants were still called "HEBREWS" (see Ex.2:6,13, etc.) or "HEBERITES" (Num.26:45). Thus the HIBERNIANS or IBERII who came to Ireland about 1700 B.C. from the EBRO River in IBERIA Spain and EBORA Portugal must be HEBREWS. The ancient name for York in ENGLAND was "EBORACUM" (p.396, Rawlinson's Ancient History). There is a town called EBRINGTON in England (9:420, 111 D2). There is evidence that Hebrew was spoken almost all over Ireland at a very early period, as ancient inscriptions in that language have been unearthed not only on the coast but even in the very center of the country. There are over 20 places in Wales which begin with the prefix "ABER" (from EBER) -- ABERYSTWYTH and ABERDARE. In SCOTLAND we find ABERDEEN, ABERFOYLE, ABERFELDY, ABERDOUR, ABERARGIE, ABERUTHYEN, HAPPREW (24:418, E3) and several others. In FRANCE is EBREVIL, EBREDUNUM, EBROICINUS Pagus District, LeHAVRE and EBURODUNUM. In GERMANY we find EBERMANNSTADT, EBERSBURG, EBERSDORF, EBERSTADT, EBERSWALDE, and EBRACH (11:808). AUSTRIA has EBERSTEIN. SWITZERLAND has EBURODUNUM. ITALY has EBURUM, EBURLAND EBRO. Many place names in Germany, Austria and Switzerland begin with the "OBER" prefix also (29:569-570). See Ptolemy 2:1 for more. Yes, "they call their lands after their own names" (Ps.49:11). |