From Storming the Bastille Until the End of World War One
"And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image" (16:1-2)
At Passover the Jews recite the ten plagues while dropping ten drops of wine onto their seder plates from the second "cup of freedom" (a.k.a. "cup of wrath" -- Rev. 14:10; 16:19; 17:4; 18:6). All of these seven cups are symbolically that second "cup of freedom" pouring out the Egyptian plagues. "For in the hand of the Eternal there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is fully mixed, and he poureth out of the same; but the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall drain them, and drink them" (Ps. 75:8; Ps. 11:6). The first four Vials (Cups) here judge PAPAL Rome (16:2-8) like the first four Trumpets of chapter 8 that judged PAGAN Rome. Both are poured out respectively on 1. the "earth" 2. "sea" 3. "rivers" and 4. the "sun." The sixth Trumpet and sixth Vial (Cup) both concern the "EUPHRATES" (Moslem Ottoman Turks)
Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, 27th August 1791. This was the "GREAT VOICE" threatening invasion of France to dissolve the National Assembly and restore the French king's power. Thus began a 24-year war that changed Europe. The Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Mercury each rotate to a specified place where they are "poured out" (16:1). They look like cups when at their half-illuminated phase, and also at other phases. The seder plate is the Zodiac with the Lamb, a large horseradish Milky Way bitter herb as well as Romaine lettuce bitter herb, and cups of wine. The round "Equator of the Heavens" is Shmura Matzot pierced with star air holes and striped with a zodiac design. It appears burnt. The first (Moon) poured out his cup upon "the men" (Gemini) in the form of a guillotine-shaped gibbous moon 120 degree-months from the sun in Aquarius (10-year duration of French Revolution 1789-1799). The "sore" was having your Catholic head cut off. Stars dotted the bodies of constellations as RED "liberty" caps that afflicted the Roman Catholic European population (16:2) (e.g. red Antares afflicting ten-limbed Scorpio). The French Revolution was anti-Catholic. Mobs of RED-capped Frenchmen looked like a rash or plague at a distance. From 1758 to 1770, infidel, atheistic literature flooded France. The voices of Voltaire, Diderot, Boyle (sore) and Rousseau (Rosacea -- a skin disease leading to pimples on face; Roseola -- disease with a rash) waged a literary war agitating for APOSTASY against Roman Catholicism leading to massacres and confiscations against Catholics as well as the aristocrats and Royalty that supported them. Roman Catholic Churches were burnt and thousands of priests, monks and nuns were slain. It was the plague of INFIDELS. It is estimated by historians that in five years 2,000,000 people were roasted alive, drowned, guillotined or shot; that 24,000 priests were murdered, and 40,000 churches turned into stables and 4,000 monasteries and nunneries were suppressed. Church and State were separated and the Pope stripped of his temporal sovereignty.

There are also seven main stars (angels) in Crater (the Cup of Wrath). The cup is turned upside down as the earth rotates on its axis causing the sun, moon and other five planets to "drop out." The stars also drop out of the cup and cover or dot the bodies of the celestial constellations giving the appearance of "sores." Historically, from 1758 to 1770, infidel, atheistic literature flooded France. The "voices" (Rev. 11:19) of Voltaire, Diderot, Boyle and Rousseau originated and led a school of ATHEISTIC philosophers who waged a literary war agitating for APOSTASY against Roman Catholicism leading to massacres and confiscations against Catholics as well as the aristocrats and Royalty that supported them -- and later against eachother. (Socialism, Communism and atheistic materialism can also be traced back to the French Revolution.) Why? Divine retribution for two past crimes.
The first crime occurred about 200 years before in France. Huguenot leader Henry of Navarre came to Paris to marry the king's sister Marguerite. It represented peace between the two religions. Wedding receptions and feasts were held for thousands of Huguenots, lulling them into a false security. Then on August 23, 1572 at midnight, church bells rang. This was the signal. Catholics rose up with white arm bands and white crosses on their hats, and butchered man, woman and child. The murder spread to every major city in France. Catholics massacred 100,000 innocent Protestants in the St. Bartholemew Massacre. Rome was filled with great joy and a Te Deum was sung. Pope Gregory XIII called it a "glorious and joyful victory." (A dragon is the heraldic symbol of Pope Gregory XIII.) Rome taught the people that they had the right to depose or murder Protestant rulers, close Protestant churches, and kill and confiscate their property. Papal clergy seized Protestant property and thus held one fifth of the land of France prior to the Revolution. The industry and skill of the Huguenots had contributed to the greatness of France. Without these who were the "salt of the earth," Roman Catholic France went "putrid" in infidelity and immorality. At least one million Huguenots fled France and took their skills with them. Nobody was left to restrain the people or check the faults in government.
The second crime occurred about 100 years before the French Revolution in 1685. Louis XIV, the Sun King, revoked the Edict of Nantes and trampled under foot civil and religious liberty of his Huguenot subjects. Their children were kidnapped. Their property confiscated. Their churches demolished and their ministers banished. Using a policy called DRAGONNADES, the King's soldiers, known as DRAGOONS, were billeted in their houses and used those houses as horse stables and raped their wives and daughters. Huguenot men were made galley slaves. The women imprisoned in Rome's convents. Bibles were burned. Libraries closed. Protestant universities suppressed. Rome celebrated, sang Te Deums, and a special Papal medal was struck celebrating the Revocation. Ludovicus or LVDoVICVs (Lewis xiv) = 666.
The martyrs had asked, "How long, O Lord ... do you not ... avenge our blood?" (Rev. 6:10). The French Revolution was the reply. The very places where the Protestants had been massacred most were the places that experienced the worst violence in the French Revolution. Prior to the Revolution, the royal family took Huguenots through the streets chained in carts to their execution. The Revolution took the French king and queen through the street chained in a trumbles to the guillotine. The very places where Protestants were roasted alive in Orleans, the revolutionaries threw the aristocrats in and did the same to them. The very places where the French Huguenots were sent as galley slaves, the priests of Rome were sent the same way. When the king of France was on the scaffold about to be guillotined, he wanted to make a final appeal to his people but the Revolutionary soldiers drummed out his speech and nobody heard his dying words. Almost 90 years before in the exact same spot, the last of the Huguenot martyrs to be executed in France had tried to make a speech from the scaffold but his speech was drowned out by the drumming of Royal soldiers. The Notre Dame Cathedral was the place where services of thanksgiving were held for the destruction of the Huguenots. When the French Revolution came about, they went into Notre Dame and burned crucifixes, made a donkey drink the communion chalice and desecrated the wafer host. We could also mention the wars against the Huguenots, the siege of La Rochelle, suppression of the Jansenists, destruction of Port Royal, etcetera.
What was the "noisome and grievous SORE"? The sixth plague against Egypt was literal "BOILS ... upon the magicians and upon all the house of Pharaoh" (Ex. 9:10) and from 1770 to 1800, a literal plague of SMALLPOX afflicted the French Royal Family. Louis XV died from the disease, while Louis XVI caught the malady on ascending the throne, and it spread to and affected many other members of the Royal Family and the Court of Versailles. The Revolutionary leader, Marat, had "open sores, often running" that pitted his countenance because he was in the last stages of SYPHILIS. Danton's face was "pockmarked, hideous, his mouth distorted by a scar" and Robespierre was shot in the jaw while being arrested, so had a WOUND. Since the Papacy is called "spiritual Egypt" (Rev. 11:8), there is also a spiritual symbolic SORE. Isaiah likens a variety of SINS to "wounds, and bruises, and putrefying SORES: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment" (Isaiah 1:6). Then he specifically defines the SORES as a "country ... desolate ... cities ... burned with fire ... land ... overthrown by strangers ... a besieged city ... like Sodom and ... Gomorrah ... incense is an abomination ... your appointed feasts my soul hateth ... your hands are full of blood.... How is the faithful city become an harlot ... murderers ... Thy silver has become dross ... Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves; every one loveth bribes" (Isa. 1:7-23), etcetera. These "SORES" became the skin disease known as the French Revolution (1789-1793) which began within the French political body and spread to all other Roman Catholic nations by means of the printing press and revolutionary agents. In 529 A.D. Justinian's Imperial Code confirmed Papal supremacy. Adding 1260 years (Dan. 7:25; Rev. 11:2-3; 13:5-7) we come to July 14th 1789 A.D. when a Paris mob stormed the Bastille in France to get gunpowder for the muskets they had stolen. Also, women protested the shortness and high cost of bread and so marched to Versailles, massacred the royal guard, took flour from the king's storehouses and escorted the king and queen to Paris as prisoners (6th Oct. 1789). In 533 A.D. a Decretal letter recognized the Pope as "Head of all the Churches." Adding 1260 years to this date we come to 5th Sept. 1793 A.D. when the Reign of Terror began in France. There were spies throughout France. The slightest suspicion sent anyone to the guillotine. Anyone who used the formal "Misseur" or "Madame" instead of "citizen;" anyone complaining about the high price of bread; or not being enthusiastic enough about the Revolution. Paranoia was the result. Neighbor denouncing neighbor. It ended 26th July 1794. Roman Catholic Churches were burned and thousands of priests, monks and nuns were slain. It was the plague of INFIDELS. In other words, general LAWLESSNESS which ran wild and unrestrained into APOSTASY.
The Sunday-Sabbath was abolished. Scriptures were trampled under foot. Streets carrying the name "Saint" were renamed. Religious icons were destroyed (statues, altars, stainglass, crosses, etc.). Years were no longer numbered from the birth of Jesus but from the overthrow of the Monarchy, September 1792. Months were broken into three weeks of ten days each (so you lose track of the Sabbath). God and Christianity were renounced publicly. A donkey was made to drink the wine out of the Communion Cup. A prostitute was worshiped as the Goddess of Reason, with all its subsequent orgies. King Louis XVI (of the French Royalty who had initiated the Bartholemew Massacre and Revocation of the Edict of Nantes and Dragonnades against Protestants) and Queen Marie Antoinette (of the Hapsburgs who had persecuted Bohemian and Netherlands Protestants) were guillotined. It is estimated by historians that in five years 2,000,000 people were roasted alive, drowned, GUILLOTINED or SHOT; that 24,000 priests (like the magicians of Egypt who were afflicted) were murdered, and 40,000 churches turned into stables and 4,000 monasteries and nunneries were suppressed. Church and State were separated and the Pope stripped of his temporal sovereignty. (In 1713 Bull Unigentius by Pope Clement XI suppressed the New Testament in French. The Pope had called the NEW TESTAMENT "a contagion" and "a sickness which was breaking out into a worse SORE and disease" -- symbolism diametrically opposed to God's) The atheistic Revolutionaries cried "Ecrasez l'infame" or "Crush the Wretch" (Roman Catholicism). The purchasing power of the money in circulation was diluted by printing unlimited amounts of currency known as "assignats" causing inflation. Many contemporary historians likened the French Revolution to a DISEASE. Edmunde Burke described it as "An infectious PLAGUE requiring the most severe quarantine." Sir Walter Scott in his "Life of Napoleon" described French affairs during this time as "wasting SORES." Lambert, the French Dominican monk, described it as "A sick man covered with ULCERS." The great historian Niebuhr, who was ambassador at one time to the Papal Church, said, "The Revolution of 1789 was the breaking out of a local DISEASE peculiar to the Roman Catholic nations and governments of southern Europe.... owing to the despair created by an effete aristocracy and a hypocritical priesthood." Napoleon said when an exile at St. Helena, "It was the SPANISH ULCER which ruined me." Britain, like ancient Israel, was spared this "plague of Egypt" because of the open Bible as antidote (Passover blood covering mezuzah law on doorposts). But the dogma of the French Commune was, that a nation ought to be governed by reason alone. They left Scripture out. Voltaire once boasted that "It took twelve ignorant fishermen to establish Christianity, I will show the world how one Frenchman can destroy it." But within thirty years of his death, his home was purchased by the Geneva Bible Society and became a Bible storage building, while his infidel printing press was used to print an entire edition of the Bible. In 1792 the guillotine had a curved blade, but it was later made straight and oblique like the examples above.

"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea" (16:3).
"At Lyons the scaffold opposite the Hotel de Ville, where the trials were conducted, was kept in ceaseless employment. Around its bloody foundations large quantities of water were daily poured; but they were inadequate to wash away the ensanguined stains, or remove the fetid odour. So Noxious did they become, that Dorfeuille, the functionary entrusted with the executions, was obliged to remove it to another situation; where it was placed directly above an open sewer, ten feet deep, which bore the gore away to the Rhone. The washerwomen there were obliged to change their station from the quantity of blood which became mingled with its waters. At length when the executions had risen to thirty or forty a day, the guillotine was placed in the middle of the bridge at Mo-rand in the center of the Rhone, into which the stream of blood at once fell, and into which the headless trunks and severed heads were precipitated. Yet even this terrible slaughter, which went on without intermission for three months, appeared insufficient to the Jacobins" (Alison, vol. 2, p.339)
Many died of disease and pestilence in the prisons of France. There were so many corpses accumulated in the Loire River, that the water became infected making a public ordinance necessary forbidding the use of it by the inhabitants. No less than 80,000 perished by drowning or by the guillotine in Nantes alone, during the administration of Carrier. The fish became so poisonous that the city of Nantes issued an order prohibiting fishermen from catching them. "From Samur to Nantes, a distance of 60 miles, the Loire was for several weeks red with human blood; the ensanguined stream, far a sea, divided the blue waves of the deep. The multitude of corpses it bore to the ocean was so prodigious that the adjacent coast was strewn with them; and a violent west wind and high tide having brought part of them back to Nantes, followed by a train of sharks and marine animals of prey, attracted by so many human bodies, they were thrown ashore in vast numbers. Fifteen thousand persons perished there under the hands of the executioner, or of diseases in prison, in one month: the total victims of the Reign of Terror at that place exceeded 30,000." (Alison, History of Europe from the Commencement of the Revolution, vol. 2 p.281).
And the second angel (Sun) poured out his vial upon the sea (when inside Aquarius's bucket-cup); and it became as the blood of a dead man (black): and every living soul died (became black) in the sea (16:3). How does the sea become like the "BLOOD of a DEAD man"? We know that the sea would have to COAGULATE, CONGEAL and STOP CIRCULATING. Britain STOPPED all French, Spanish and Portuguese TRADE by SEA. The first plague against Egypt was also "waters ... turned to blood" (Ex. 7:20). In 1793 France declared war on Great Britain, the strongest naval power in history. From 1793-1815 terrible naval warfare destroyed altogether nearly 200 ships of the line, between 300-400 frigates, and an almost incalculable number of smaller vessels of war and ships of commerce (James' Naval History). Hundreds of crews also were destroyed. To mention a few of the sea battles, in 1793 almost the whole of the French Fleet at Toulon was destroyed by Lord Hood. In 1794, Lord Howe defeated the French off Ushant. Then Corsica and nearly all the smaller Spanish and French West Indian Islands were taken. Lord Bridgeport defeated the French and Dutch fleets at Cape Good Hope in 1795. Likewise, soon after, the French and Dutch fleet sent to retake it were captured. In 1797 the Spanish Fleet was beaten by the British off Cape Saint Vincent and the Dutch off Camperdown. Then came Lord Nelson's mighty victories of the Nile (1798), Copenhagen (1801) and Trafalgar (1805). At Trafalgar the French fleet was nearly annihilated, and England was rescued from all chance of invasion for the rest of the war. If the sun is at 1789, then the black, non-circulating Aquarius river extends 18 degree-years more to 1807 (and then doubles back) marking the last significant naval battle called the Battle of Copenhagen where British seized the neutral Dano-Norwegian fleet so it couldn't be used against Britain. It was a period of naval warfare and bloodshed unique in history. The maritime powers of the Papal nations were SWEPT OFF the seas by the British victories. This was God's retribution. Huguenots were persecuted as galley-slaves in these Papal ships. Therefore, these Papal fleets were "persecuted" by the British. Also the spirit of the French Revolution spread to the Latin colonies overseas resulting in Spain and Portugal LOSING their South American possessions which REVOLTED and finally became INDEPENDENT. For instance, the island of San Domingo experienced a bloody civil war from 1792-1804 where 60,000 blacks were killed and all white French colonials were exterminated. Then it became lost to France and was known as the Republic of Haiti. This, coupled with Britain's victories in the colonial warfare, is probably the meaning of the symbolism in the prophecy that "every living soul died in the sea" -- it was the death of the sea-power and overseas colonies of Papal Europe. This is when Britannia began to rule the waves. For a maritime power to enter into alliance with France was merely to expose itself to British naval attack. As a result many Dutch colonies (Cape Colony, Malacca, Ceylon, West Indies) and Spanish colonies (Trinidad) fell into British hands.
"And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments" (16:4-7).
And the third angel (Jupiter) poured out his vial upon the rivers ... and they became blood. 1789 + 6 degree-years = 1795 (Jupiter in black Aquarius River that's not circulating). Napoleon's Revolutionary Wars were waged from 1795 till 1815 against the Roman Catholic ruling classes of other nations. Since rivers formed natural boundaries and defensive positions, they were where the battles were mostly fought. And the angel of the waters (Picis Australis) said Roman Catholics drowned Bible followers, and therefore God was right to give them blood to drink (16:6). Another voice out of the altar (Ara) agreed since Bible followers were also burned (Edict of Nantes Revoked -- 1685; St. Bartholemew Massacre -- 1572) (16:7). The French cap was adorned with a tricolor cockade (red, white & blue) which "coincidentally" looks like a round puss-filled boil or pimple. Just as the third trumpet was Attila the Hun, so the third vial was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon, who was unaware of this type and anti-type, exclaimed, "I will prove to be an Attila to Venice" and "The hand of God leads my armies." In 1795 France declared war against the ruling classes of the other nations. The revolutionary armies carried the revolution everywhere by military force. Europe was then plunged into the bloodiest war history records since the fall of Rome. The Revolutionary Wars merged into the Napoleonic Wars. From 1796-1799, the revolutionary armies invaded and fought Germany, Piedmont, Sardinia, Lombardy and Austria -- all persecutors of Waldensians. In the whole history of Papal Europe there has never been any one war in which the valleys of the Rhine, Danube and the Poe were so filled with bloodshed. These same lands which witnessed such carnage were also the "fountains" or sources of the rivers of Europe.
The children deserved the penalty for their parents' sin because they supported their parents' deeds. God visits "the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me" (Ex. 20:5). In the same way, Jesus told the Jews of his generation that upon them would come all the righteous blood shed upon earth from "the blood of righteous Abel" to that day (Matt. 23:35), because "ye allow the deeds of your fathers" (Luke 11:48). Therefore "The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge" (Jer. 31:29) when they approve. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal.6:7) immediately individually (Judges 1:6-7; Job 15:31; Matt.10:10) and delayed nationally as here shown.
"The WATERS ("PEOPLES ... and NATIONS" -- Rev. 17:15; Isa. 48:1) became blood." Truly the valleys of the Rhine, Danube and Alpine streams of Italy had witnessed the martyrdom of hundreds of thousands of Waldensians, Albigenses, Vaudois, Hussites, Moravians, Lutherans, Reformers and Hugenots. Thus the "altar" of martyrs sacrificed from the fifth Seal onward (Rev. 6:10) is now mentioned again as being satisfied with the vengeance. An estimated ten million men fell on all sides or died of wounds or disease between 1792 and 1815.
"And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory" (16:8-9).
And the fourth angel (Venus in Pisces: 1789 + 17 degree-years = 1806) poured out his vial upon the sun (Austrian Holy Roman Emperor abdicated -- Pisces puts a leash on Cetus); and power was given unto him (Napoleon) to scorch men with fire (Sun turns Zodiac black). In 1799 the artillery officer named Napoleon overthrew the French government and established himself as dictator or "sun" (16:8). The Milky Way represents a cannonball trajectory with a blast (sun in Gemini) generating "great heat" (16:9). This "Sultan of Fire" used cannons to defeat all of Roman Catholic Europe. Napoleon dismembered the Holy Roman Empire. Of the more than 380 states with direct allegiance to the Papacy only 30 survived after Napoleon and they had no further dependence on Papal authority.
Who is the "SUN"? The SUN represents the head of the family (Gen. 37:9-10) or Byzantine ruler (Rev. 9:2) or Holy Roman Emperor (Rev.8:12) and this imagery was commonly used in the Middle Ages. A halo behind the head of these leaders emphasized this point. Those who REIGN "SHINE as the brightness of the firmament" (Dan. 12:3). After the tribulation "shall the SUN be DARKENED" (Matt. 24:29) as all human government COLLAPSES. In 1799 a young artillery officer named Napoleon, already famous as a military leader, overthrew the revolutionary government and established himself as a military DICTATOR or "SUN" called "First Consul." Thenceforth the French "liberating" armies became, under Napoleon, the scourge of Europe. In 1801 his armies defeated the imperial armies in Germany and northern Italy. Napoleon then replaced the Imperial Code of Justinian, which had given legal recognition to the Papal supremacy of Christendom, with his own Code. In 1804 Napoleon was crowned EMPEROR of the Holy Roman Empire, and was "sanctified" by the presence of the Pope. During his Egyptian campaign, Napoleon earned the title "Sultan of Fire" due to his aggressive use of artillery in warfare. From 1438 to 1806 the choice was almost invariably the ruler of Austria as "HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR" or SUN. Therefore, Napoleon was the fourth angel who poured out his "cup" on the Austrian Emperor, scorched Austria's army and occupied Vienna, culminating in the abdication of this title on August 6th, 1806. Within the space of eight years, Napoleon SCORCHED every kingdom in Europe, from Naples to Berlin, and from Lisbon to Moscow by means of oppressive wars and grinding taxation. Ancient kingdoms withered before the intense BLAZE of his power. Plagues accompanied his progress. He established a system of spoilation, extortion and oppression to enslave subjected nations to the will of one man. Like the sun, there was nothing hidden from his great HEAT; and the exercise of his power caused misery to millions (Keith's Signs of the Times p.191).
All the revolutionary leaders in France came to a terrible end. Furthermore, Germany had persecuted the Hussites and now was defeated in battle and divided into the Confederation of the Rhine; Piedmont had murdered the Waldensians and now was invaded, defeated and looted; Spain had crushed the Reformation using the Spanish Inquisition and now suffered under the seven years Peninsula War. A decree was passed by the Jacobins in 1792 ordering the Catholic clergy to leave the kingdom of France within fourteen days after its date. But instead of allowing them the time specified by this decree, the Jacobin tyrants of France employed that whole period in seizing, imprisoning, and putting them to cruel deaths. This is the very same time period and treatment which Louis XIV had given to the Huguenot ministers in 1685. We know 24,000 Catholic priests were massacred in the French Revolution, so perhaps that many Huguenot pastors perished at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Etcetera. "The wicked are snared in the work of their own hands" (Ps. 9:16). Great Britain, as Protestant Israel, was never invaded. She alone feared God. Norway, Sweden, Holland and Denmark were all either allies or part of Napoleon's Empire. Moreover, Britain's navies helped in this judgment on the Papal nations by blockading Europe's trade. Britain's armies under the Duke of Wellington finally defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. In spite of all these judgments, the hearts of the Latin-German nations were only further hardened and they refused to repent of the Papal sorceries and infidelity. At the Congress of Vienna the Papal kingdom was restored, the Church of Rome reinstated, and the wicked Roman Catholic kings of France, Spain and Naples returned to their thrones (portrayed by Cetus after 1815). The Papacy continued to boast that it never changes or "Semper Eadem."
"And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds" (16:10-11).
And the fifth angel (Mars) poured out his cup upon the seat of the beast (rear end of Cetus; Gemini's sun in 1918 A.D. - 120 degree-years = 1798); and his kingdom was full of darkness (after sunset). The French Army captured Rome 13th Feb. 1798, and General Berthier proclaimed a republic and demanded of the pope the renunciation of his temporal authority. Upon his refusal to violate his oath by recognizing it, he [Pope Pius VI] was arrested Feb. 15 1798 and taken prisoner. His ring signifying his office as husband of the Church was removed from his finger, Thus ended the Pope's (sun's) reign. Vatican palaces were looted. On the 20th of Feb. he was escorted from the Vatican as a prisoner to France where he died in 1799. The Curia were also expelled from Rome in 1798. Then "they gnawed their tongues for pain (Hydra, Drago, Serpens, Argo & Victima all have tongues between their teeth; they bite their tongues for refusing to violate their oaths (16:10), because of their pains and their sores (star-sores on their bodies) (16:11).
Where was the "SEAT of the BEAST"? The VATICAN in ROME. The Pope's "kingdom" consisted of the Papal States. Progressive disintegration began in 1789 when all Church property was confiscated in defiance of its legal guardian, the Pope. The tithes due to the Pope were seized by the State, and the clergy, appointed by and subject to the Pope, were popularly elected, and made pensioners and servants of the State. In 1793, the Roman Catholic religion was officially abolished in France. In 1797 Napoleon defeated Austria, the chief supporter of the Papal "THRONE," defeated the Papal army in Italy and by the Treaty of Tolentino the Pope surrendered almost all his political SOVEREIGNTY, paid heavy tribute to Napoleon, and handed over most of the art treasures of the Vatican to enrich Paris. This was retribution for the Papal robberies over the centuries. In 1798 the French Revolutionary army invaded the Papal States, captured ROME February 10th, and on February 15th, General Haller, a Swiss Calvinist, with a band of French soldiers, broke down the doors of the Sistine Chapel with axes and proclaimed the Pope's reign to be at an end. On the 18th, Haller took the Pope's so-called "Ring of the Fisherman" from his finger. As the Vatican was being stripped to the bare walls, the actual Chair of St. Peter was found by the French to bear the Arabic inscription, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet." February 20th, Pope Pius VI was arrested and escorted out of Rome by French soldiers. He was taken first to an Augustinian Convent at Sienna, but this was damaged by an earthquake during his stay and he was taken to Florence. Finally he was escorted to the French fortress of Valence where he died July 28th, 1798. The regalia robes of the Pope and his Cardinals were burnt to melt down the gold in them. Gold, precious stones, silver and valuable relics were taken from the VATICAN palaces. The new Pope was forced to watch while Napoleon took the crown from his hands and crowned himself Emperor in Notre Dame Cathedral in 1804. Then in 1809 the new Pope Pius VII rebelled. Napoleon launched against him the Decrees of Schonbrunn and Vienna. These revoked the Donations of Charlemagne to the Papacy, annexed the Papal States to Italy, abolished the Pope's temporal POWER and reduced the Pope to a salaried official of the State. At the same time he removed the Pope and the Papal Offices to Paris where the Pope remained a prisoner of Napoleon till 1814.
The Congress of Vienna in 1815 restored the STATUS QUO of the Papacy and Papal States ("REPENTED NOT"). In the next European Revolution in 1848, the French overthrew King Louis Philippe and the ruling House of Orleans and Pope Pius IX was divested of all his temporal authority and forced to flee from ROME, but restored by Napoleon III. In 1854 the Pope taught the doctrine of Immaculate Conception, that Mary the mother of Jesus was born without sin (cp. Rom. 3:23). In 1860 the Sardinians under Victor Emmanuel invaded the Papal States and defeated the Papal troops. By 1861 the Papal territory had been reduced to the city of Rome and the surrounding area known as the Patrimony of Saint Peter. In 1870 the Pope assembled the Vatican Council to declare him "infallible" when seated on the "chair of St. Peter." A contrivance was set up in the Church of St. Peter to surround the Pope with dazzling light, so that the assembled crowd would see the Pope in a blaze of glory. But it depended on the sunshine which never came. Instead "his kingdom was full of DARKNESS" just as the ninth plague of Egypt was "thick DARKNESS" (Ex. 10:22). A terrible, DARK storm broke over Rome -- the thunder roared, the lightning flashed and terrified them all. Loud thunder frequently interrupted the voting. Including the Pope (Pius IX), there were 754 present. Of them, 533 voted for Infallibility; 62 were for it with reservations; 71 were neutral (including Pius IX) and 88 voted against this blasphemy. Thus, 754 - 88 = 666. Then the next day war was declared between France and Germany. All the French troops who had defended the Pope had to leave Rome to join the war. So the Pope was left DEFENSELESS and 60,000 Italian soldiers marched to ROME. When they had made a hole in the wall surrounding the city, one of the first to enter was a dog named "Pius" pulling a cart full of Bibles that England had sent over. It was the first time the Bible -- burned and hated by Catholics -- could be publicly carried into ROME. In October 1870 the people of ROME were asked if they would have the Pope or the King of Italy as their ruler. They almost unanimously (133,681 vs.1,507) replied they preferred the king. ROME was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy, thus ENDING the rule of the Pope as a temporal POWER. During all those years of decline, the Papal powers "gnawed their tongues for pain," and hurled anathemas and curses at those forces instrumental in their decline. Instead of repenting of their idolatry which had brought this plague, the Popes continued to blaspheme God just as "Pharaoh's heart was hardened" (Ex. 7:22). In 533 A.D. Justinian's Imperial decree recognized the Pope as the only head of Christendom. Then in 606 A.D. Phocas also recognized the Pope as the only head of Christendom. In 610 A.D. he was "taken out of the way." Then 1260 years from these dates (Rev. 13:5) we reach 1793, 1848 (using 360-day years) and 1866-1870, all of which witnessed the overthrow of the Papal States and Rome. The 1335 years (Dan. 12:12) from 1870 bring us to 1945 -- the end of World War Two -- Rome's latest attempt to create a Holy Roman Empire.
"And the sixth angel (Saturn) poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates (Aquarius); and the water thereof was dried up (by Picis Australis), that the way of the kings of the east (Cepheus and Coma) might be prepared" (16:12).
October 1917 Communism appeared in Russia just after Turkey ("Euphrates") receded from eastern Europe. The way was prepared for the advance of modern "kings of the east," (Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Breshnev) -- Soviet Russia (the Medes) -- into Moslem Europe (Babylon) to destroy its civilization (Jer. 50-51). August 23, 1939 a Nazi-Soviet
nonaggression pact was signed. Then in June 22, 1941 "Operation Barbarossa"
began exactly 666 days later. But just as ancient Babylon was conquered
by Medo-Persia symbolized by a "BEAR," so also Nazi Europe
(Papal Babylon) was conquered by Russia (the Medes -- Ukraine and the
Persians -- East and West Prussia) whose national emblem is a BEAR. Stalin
ordered Russian troops to move into the territory of the former "Euphrates"
power called Turkey in order to defeat the Nazi-Fascist "Babylon".
Then Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Hungary were made atheistic
and Communist. The "cities"
of the "nations" fell both literally by being bombed, and, in
the Baltic States, the Balkan States and Eastern Europe, by forsaking
religion and accepting atheistic Soviet Communism.
The fall of China with its 450,000,000 to Communism and the millions who
have followed suit in south-east Asia since 1945, all helped to make "a
great and mighty earthquake, such as never was."
The "hail" of Revelation 16:21, also prophesied as
the "great hail" of Revelation 11:19, may be cannon shells, rockets or missiles
just as natural hail storms sweep over Europe from the north. Each "stone"
or missile weighs about a "talent." That is 158 pounds 10 ounces
Troy Weight or 130 pounds Avoirdupois Weight. But the Latin-German nations
did not repent of their idolatries by recognizing God's punishment using
Russia. Instead they blasphemed. The walls of Jericho-Egypt-Babylon
fell flat and the "city" was burnt with
fire by "the kings of the east" -- Russia. Just as ancient Babylon
was conquered by Medo-Persia symbolized by a "bear," so also
eastern Europe (Babylon) was conquered by the Russian bear (the
Medes -- Ukraine).
Another meaning is that Mohammedan Turkey had been a great persecutor of the Jews. For centuries it trod down Jerusalem, and kept the Holy Land desolate. The mighty empire of Turkey which stretched to Africa and Spain, and was the great menace to Christianity in the 16th century, dried up to open a way for the return of JEWS to Palestine -- a "way of the (JEWISH royal) KINGS of the east" was thus prepared -- just as Cyrus dried the Euphrates and then delivered the JEWS from Babylonian captivity in 539 B.C. The social and political emancipation of the JEWS in Europe was the direct outcome of the FRENCH Revolution allowing ZIONISM to develop leading to their national independence.
Furthermore, the Emphatic Diaglott says "the way of the kings of those from RISINGS of the sun". Sprouting plants RISE by the power of the sun acting on planted seeds. Jesus Christ is the Sun of righteousness who will appear again, with healing in his beams" (Mal. 4:2). He will cause the dead saints to RISE from the ground. They are the "RISINGS of the Sun." "Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven" (Ps. 85:11). Dead saints are resurrected and "made ... unto God KINGS and priests" (Rev. 5:9,16). So the saints with Christ (anti-type of Cyrus -- Isa. 45) are the KINGS from the RISINGS of the SUN who enter "Babylon the Great" and overthrow it.
Astronomically, the kings east of the Eridanus (Euphrates) are Cepheus and Bootes.
Ancient Babylon fell when the Medo-Persian "kings of the east," Cyrus and Darius, diverted the Euphrates River from its course "by a canal into the basin ... a marsh" (Her. 1:191). As Jeremiah 50:38 says, "They must be dried up." Then Cyrus entered underneath Babylon's walls along its dried-up river-bed and conquered the city. Our Lord comes like Cyrus "as a thief" through former Ottoman territory into Babylon from the east. A Christian watchman who prepares will receive IMMORTAL garments (Rev. 19:8). Those not watching will remain NAKED as human beings to their shame. "NAKEDNESS" is SIN (Gen. 3:7; Ex. 28:42; Job 29:14; Ps. 32:1).
Historically, the Sixth Trumpet or Second Woe (Rev. 9:13-21) was the rise and growth of the Turkish empire beginning in 1062 A.D. when the Turks crossed the Euphrates symbolized by conquering horsemen from the Euphrates Valley, as if the river itself had overflowed its banks and flooded Asia Minor and S.E. Europe. This sixth vial (cup) now reverses that process by the destruction or "drying up" of the Turkish Empire and Islam. In 1683 the Turkish army was defeated at the unsuccessful siege of Vienna and the final end of Turkish aggression westward was marked by the Treaty of Passarowitz in 1718 which removed Turks from Hungary. Then in 1826 the Sultan (Cetus) massacred the flower of his army -- the Janizaries -- because of their complaining, dictatorial attitude. The Janissaries were the children of slaughtered Christian parents, brought up to renounce their faith and to work for the advance of Islam. Bureaucrats replaced them leading to internal decay. (From sun in Gemini in 1918 A.D. - 92 degree-years = 1826 when Cetus was skewered) In 1829 Greece obtained independence from Turkish rule with help from both Britain and Russia. In 1844 Great Britain compelled Turkey to grant religious rights to minorities (Christians, etc.). The Crimean War (1853-1856) resulted in Moldavia and Wallachia becoming independent. The Turkish Empire was now known as the "sick man of Europe." In the Russo-Turkish War of 1878, England took Cyprus, Russia claimed parts of Asia, Greece took Thessaly, France grasped Algiers and Tunis, and Austria annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia, Montenegro, Romania and part of Bulgaria were made independent. In 1882, Egypt became a British Protectorate and in 1896 the followers of the Islamic prophet, Turkish Sudan's Mahdi, were defeated by Kitchener and the Sudan came under British control. Both had been Turkish provinces. In 1911 Italy declared war on the Turks and by the peace treaty of Oct. 1912 modern Libya and some Aegean Islands passed into Italian control. Then the Balkan War of 1912-1913 resulted in an independent Albania and caused Turkey to recede almost out of Europe with the spoils divided by Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. In 1914-1918, British Imperial troops completed the drying-up process by driving the Turks out of Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia which included the actual valley of the Euphrates itself. On December 11th, 1917 Jerusalem was liberated by British General Allenby. "The mighty men of Edom shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs" (Jer. 49:22). "I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Israel" (Ez. 25:14). These Turkish losses were formalized at the Treaty of Sevres (Aug. 10, 1920). In November 1922 the Sultan of Turkey abdicated and fled his empire. In October 1923, Mustapha Kemal became president of the Turkish Republic. On March 6, 1924, the expulsion of the whole House of Ottoman occurred and the Turkish Caliphate was abolished. By constitutional amendment in 1928, Turkey ceased to have a state religion. Modern Turkey, a small republic in Asia Minor, possesses only the source of the Euphrates.
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame" (16:13-16).
The Priest that walked round the Jerusalem Temple guards by night, had torches borne before him; and if he found anyone asleep while on duty, he burnt his clothes with the torches. This is the allusion.
Counting clockwise from the French Revolution's seventh vial on 1st Nov. 1911 which was the first use of the plane in war (the Italian-Turkish War) represented by Mercury as the neck collar hole in the guillotine (16:17), and then adding three degrees ("three frogs"), we arrive at the beginning of World War One -- the solar explosion touching the Cancer-Frog constellation with its German Kaiser ("dragon"), Austro-Hungary's Emperor ("beast"), and the Moslem Turkish Sultan ("false prophet") ("three frogs" simultaneously). But three vomited frogs may also indicate three World Wars (16:13-16) that occur consecutively from 1914 till 1945 till 1975 (three laps around the Zodiac). From the first frog till the second frog is 360° months or 30 years which brings us from the Kaiser's beginning in 1914 till Hitler's end in 1945 (16:13). Then finally the Viet Nam War which ended in 1975. It should have been called World War Three. The soldiers in these wars wore camoflage that made them look like frogs.
The "whole world" implies World War. Rev.16:14 is the first mention of "whole world" (entire globe) rather than just the Roman earth. The European wars have now become "WORLD" wars. Why THREE FROGS? Because the FRENCH Revolution (plague of FROGS -- Ex. 8:3) was against the Sultan, Emperor and Pope (Pharaoh). "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" are the FROGS' names and they give power to the people and lead to independence from these despots ("Let my people go"). The Napoleonic Code of Laws and its basic "Rights of Man" replaced the Justinian Code of Laws which didn't recognize such rights. That is why the Sultan, Emperor and Pope VOMIT the THREE FROGS out of their mouths (16:13). "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" have no place in Tyrants' stomachs -- who get sick at the very thought of a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Both World War One and Two were Papal attempts to reverse (REGURGITATE) the FRENCH Revolution and conquer FRANCE. The Viet Nam War was a Papal attempt to conquer FRENCH Indo-China (mostly Buddhist) and make it Catholic. The "great HAIL out of heaven" (16:21) is shells, bombs and missiles.
In World War One, the Moslem Turkish Sultan ("false prophet"), German Kaiser ("dragon") and Austro-Hungary's Emperor ("beast") allied against the FRENCH, British and US. In World War Two, the Papacy ("false prophet"), Germany ("dragon") and Italy ("beast") allied against the FRENCH, British and US. But in the Viet Nam War, China (the "dragon"), the Soviet Union (beast) and North Vietnam (false prophet) fought against FRENCH Indochina in the southern half defended by the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. It should have been called World War Three.
"THREE FROGS" are not only simultaneous powers in each world war, but three consecutive sets of powers in three world wars. Also, it is remarkable that in 1796, France had THREE ARMIES to attack Austria and THREE FLEETS (Spanish, French and Dutch) to attack the British -- THREE FROGS. Eventually there were THREE FRENCH REVOLUTIONS (1789, 1830 & 1848) and THREE NAPOLEONS.
When the French frogs invaded the Papal States and established the Roman Republic March 7, 1798, they must have annoyed the pope. When a French detachment penetrated the papal palace in Rome and disarmed the Swiss Guards in 1808, they must have irritated the pope even more. When pope Pius VII was taken as prisoner to Fontainebleau in 1812, or when the French, instead of Austria, again occupied Rome from 1849-1870 and emptied the prisons of 3000 victims of Papal tyranny in 1867, did the Pope (Pharaoh) say, "Take away the FROGS (French) from me, and from my people (Italians & Catholics); and I will let the people go" (Ex. 8:8)? We can only wonder.

The power behind all European wars has been the POPE. For instance the War of 1870 was a failed Jesuit attempt to overthrow Lutheran Prussia. The Boer War of 1901 was caused by agitation of two Irish Fenians sent by Jesuits to create discontent in Transvaal. Gladstone's surrender at Majuba Hill was a Jesuit betrayal. The French Revolution undermined CATHOLIC power by advocating "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity." Therefore, the Pope turned to GERMANY. Before the First World War, the POPE told the Kaiser that "GERMANY must become the sword of the Catholic Church" to restore the Holy Roman Empire. The paganism of GERMANY is evident in the Kaiser (the self-styled "Attila") calling his subjects "Huns" -- the pagan hordes who overran part of Europe in 453 A.D. Also the pagan philosophy of Nietzsche required hardness. Inflicting suffering, and witnessing suffering without sympathy, were considered essential for the evolution of Nietzsche's "Superman." The "Rape of Belgium" was the fruit of that philosophy. Pope Pius X issued a "Concordat" against Serbia, namely a document stating that Serbia, a Greek Orthodox country, was henceforth politically and religiously under authority of Papal Rome. AUSTRIAN Archduke Ferdinand went to Rome and offered to use AUSTRIA to enforce this "Concordat" by war if necessary. That is why he was murdered in 1914. This murder was then used as a pretext to declare war on Serbia. During the war, the Vatican remained silent in not condemning proven GERMAN atrocities but blessed the Irish Easter uprising in Dublin, 1916. Furthermore, Vatican pacifist propaganda was responsible for the disastrous retreat of the Italian army at Caporetto in 1917. Thus the POPE was barred by Treaty of London from attending the Peace Conference in 1919 because of his conspiracy with defeated GERMANY and AUSTRIA. The ethnic cleansing of the OTTOMAN Empire's Armenian population, including mass deportations and executions, during the final years of the OTTOMAN Empire is considered genocide. The OTTOMANS saw the entire Armenian population as an enemy that had chosen to side with Russia in 1915. The OTTOMAN government used this as a pretext to deport them from eastern provinces of the Empire to Syria between 1915 and 1917. The exact number of deaths is probably over 1 million. Other ethnic groups were similarly attacked by the OTTOMAN Empire during this period, including Assyrians and Greeks, and some scholars consider those events to be part of the same policy of extermination. Jesuits for many centuries battled Judaism, Freemasonry and Protestantism because these are the three chief advocates of tolerance for other religions (than Catholicism) and they teach that other men have rights (not just Catholics). The ideas of the rights of man, of freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of press are heresies to Catholics. They think Papal Rome exclusively has all truth and all rights. But "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (2 Cor. 3:17). Catholicism is not the true religion. Protestants and Jews believe that in an atmosphere of the free exchange of contradictory ideas, where there is no coercion or intimidation, the truth will prevail against lies (pp.3-11, Behind the Dictators by Lehmann). The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion published in 1903 originated in France and date from the Dreyfus affair, instigated by Jesuits to overthrow the "Judaic-Masonic" French Republic and thus nullify the French Revolution of 1789. The Protocols were forgeries by Jesuits intended to instill hatred of Jews and Freemasons and discredit Protestant democracies. Once again the Jesuits followed their slogan: "Be suave (diplomatic) in manner, aggressive in act." They contributed greatly to Nazi-Fascist victories (pp. 12-19, 45 of ibid.).
In the Second World War, the POPE wasn't neutral. POPE Pius XI congratulated Mussolini and distributed sacred amulets to ITALIAN troops going to Ethiopia in 1935. He sent Francisco Franco his blessing in the Spanish Civil War against democracy and liberty (falsely called Communism) and presented Franco's soldiers with victory medals in 1936. Why? Because the Spanish Republic, after discovering dead baby bodies buried under convents, had dared abolish CATHOLIC tax exemption for the vast domains of the POPE and had taken schools out of the hands of the CATHOLIC Church and told Jesuits to leave. GERMAN and ITALIAN bombers retaliated against the Spanish Republic thereby supporting Franco. In 1942 the POPE welcomed the Japanese ambassador to the Vatican. In 1943 POPE Pius XII's New Year's message was anti-Communist, thus supporting ITALY and GERMANY against the Soviet Union (p.50, 96-97 of ibid.) Hitler's GERMANY and Mussolini's ITALY adopted Nazi-Fascism to destroy the enemies of Pope Pius XI's ROMAN CATHOLICISM. Cardinal Stepinac declared, "Adolf Hitler is the envoy of God." As soon as Mussolini came to power, he purged ITALY of Communists. The Lateran Treaty of 1929 revealed his hidden sponsor. This treaty gave the CATHOLIC Church 750 million Lire in cash, one billion Lire in government stock, Vatican City, and the exclusive right to teach ITALIANS. Pope Pius XI made a concordat with Hitler's GERMANY in 1933. Franz von Papen, a Papal Knight and Hitler's most successful henchman, declared in Der Volkischer Beobachter of January 14th 1934: "The Third Reich is the first world power which not only recognizes, but which puts into practice the high principles of the PAPACY." Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Doenitz, von Pappen and most of the highest officials in the Third Reich were CATHOLICS by birth and education. The GERMAN Secret Service, or Gestapo, had been constituted by Heinrich Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuit Order (Psychopathic God Adolf Hitler by Waite, p.32). Hitler told his friends, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." Many ROMAN CATHOLIC priests wore the black Gestapo uniform and proceeded to persecute Jews and Protestants. Nazi attacks against CATHOLICS were purges against liberal elements within the Church. Nothing more.
Hitler's Mein Kampf was written by Jesuit Father Staempfle. In it Hitler says he imbibed his hatred of Jews and Masonry from the CATHOLICS (p.70). An ethnic Jew cannot even be admitted to the Jesuit Order. The CATHOLIC crusades of the Middle Ages began with persecution of Jews. By accusing the Jews of inventing Communism, Hitler generated hatred for Jews while also fighting Communism -- both enemies of the PAPACY. Actually Marx and Engels, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1800s, were coached and directed by Jesuit priests who invented Communism to destroy Russia's royal family who protected the Orthodox Church -- another enemy of the POPE. The POPE payed for this revolution in gold which passed through GERMANY into Russia in 1917 with Lenin. It was estimated to be worth 666 million dollars (Leon Trotsky by Carmichael, p.171; The Sealed Train by Pearson, p.290). Hitler approved of the indisputability of CATHOLIC dogmas (p.293), of intolerant CATHOLIC education (p.385), of the necessity of blind CATHOLIC faith (p.417), of the infallibility of the POPE (p.507) and of required celibacy of the CATHOLIC clergy (p.513). Hitler disapproved of Protestants protecting Jews (p.123) (Behind the Dictators by Lehmann, pp. 33-34). "Adolf Hitler, son of the CATHOLIC Church, died while defending Christianity (Roman Catholicism) ... with the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the Laurels of Victory" -- General Franco, 3rd May, 1945. Adolf Hitler said, "as a CATHOLIC I never feel comfortable in the evangelical (Protestant) church or its structures ... as for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the CATHOLIC Church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos, etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for church and state, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service" (The Nazi Persecution of the Churches by Conway, pp. 25-26, 162).
"And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial (cup) into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake (French Revolution), such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts (Catholic, Protestant and Atheist), and the cities of the nations fell (Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, Rome, Paris, Brussels, Berlin): and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away, and the mountains (nations) were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven (allied & axis bombing of Europe), every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great" (16:16-21).
"Armageddon" means "Mountain of men cut to pieces" in Hebrew. In World Wars One and Two, "Armageddon" was primarily NW FRANCE where Israelites won against evil forces. But in Viet Nam the location was SE Asia (16:16). Who are the three "FROGS"? Astronomically, Khan Cer (Arabic "Place of Holding") was interpreted as a "Crab" because "Cancer" is Latin for Crab. Alternate ancient choices have been a Cattlefold (Denderah, Egypt) or FROG (Tibetan). Biologically FROGS have very big mouths (freedom of speech & press) and inhabit stagnant pools. Therefore the "drying up" of the Euphrates is appropriate imagery for FROGS to start appearing. In fact, nations asserting their INDEPENDENCE from the Turkish SULTAN was the result of the FRENCH Revolution just as much as nations asserting INDEPENDENCE from the POPE. These nations DIGESTED the FROGS. They understood and followed the principles of "Liberty, Equality & Fraternity" and the Rights of Man. Historically, the second plague against Egypt was FROGS (Ex. 8:3) so Pharaoh, the god-king, would "Let my people go." In the same way, the SECOND World War against NAZI-FASCISM devastated all Europe, particularly the ROMAN CATHOLIC nations of Poland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, France and Italy, whose cities were bombed and their lands turned into battlegrounds. The slaughter of millions of both civilians and soldiers, the millions of homeless and refugees, was so the Pope, the god-king, would "Let my people go" across the Red Sea (English Channel) to obey God. Freedom-loving soldiers came "Into thine house ... upon thy bed ... into thine ovens" (Ex. 8:3) until the war was won. This FROG constellation is VOMITED out of Hydra's mouth (dragon), Leo's mouth (beast) and Capricorn's mouth (false prophet) indicating ANTI-liberty, ANTI-equality, ANTI-fraternity rhetoric coming from three TYRANTS. EVIL PROPAGANDA from TYRANTS is the PERSISTENT, NOISY croakings of VOMITED FROGS who make ARROGANT CLAIMS as they SWELL their CHESTS all night long. It is what comes "out of the mouth." "FALSE teachers ... speak great SWELLING words of vanity ... they promise ... liberty" but they themselves "are the servants of CORRUPTION" (2 Pet. 2:1-19). Three demon-inspired ideologies in three world wars. Their propaganda went forth by radio, printing press, mass meetings and parades. In 1 Kings 22:20-38 a "lying spirit" was sent by God to convince King Ahab to go to war and meet his doom also.
For instance, in W.W.2, the first REGURGITATED FROG came from the "beast" of Satanic PAGANISM -- German NAZISM -- which began in 1923 represented by the swastika. In Egypt, Tibet, China, India and Japan the OCCULT swastika was used as a MAGIC charm to protect from harm. Hitler's NAZISM advocated restoring the worship of ancient gods, anti-Semitism and the destruction of Christianity. After Chamberlain appeased Hitler's desire for Czech territory, Hitler said, "Ich bin von himmel gefallen" meaning "I have fallen from heaven." Christ said, "I beheld SATAN as lightning FALL from HEAVEN" (Luke 10:18; Isa. 14:12-15). This indicates Hitler may have been demon-possessed. Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels and others were attached to black magic and the occult. Several authors testify that Hitler was a "medium" and "possessed" (Ascent to Greatness by McNair, p.351; Hitler and the New Age by Rosio, p.66). Hitler probably borrowed from the German philosopher Nietzsche (born 1844), who, after writing several books, became mad. He called Christianity "the one great curse," taught that "might is right" and declared himself "God." He claimed "Odin is greater than Jehovah." German "Higher Criticism" of the Bible also PAGANIZED Germany. In fact DEUTSCHLAND adds up to 666 if A=6, B=12, C=18, etcetera. The aim of Hitler and the Nazis was to restore the Holy Roman Empire. Franz von Papen, co-signer with Pope Pius XII of the Vatican's Concordat with Hitler's Reich said, "The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, but puts into practice, the high principles of the Papacy" (Jan.14, 1934). Hitler's name "Schicklegruber" adds up to 667 as follows: S=100, C=3, H=8, I=9, C=3, K=20, L=30, G=7, R=90, U=300, B=2, E=5, R=90.
The second PUKED FROG came from the false prophet or Papacy which sponsored Italian FASCISM -- which began in 1922. Mussolini's Italian FASCES symbol was identical with the Imperial Roman Fasces (sticks bound around an axe), the symbol of power in the ancient Roman Empire that Mussolini was trying to restore. A common poster in Italy in World War Two was "VV IL DVCE" (or "Viva Il Duce") which adds up to 666 in Latin (5 + 5 + 1 + 50 + 500 + 5 + 100 = 666). The "false prophet" of Roman CATHOLICISM -- the Pope -- whose temporal power was partially restored by the Lateran Treaty or Concordat of February 1929 with Mussolini through the creation of Vatican City within Rome. The Pope gave his blessing to Fascism whose aim was the revival of the Papal Roman Empire. The Pope's official title is "Vicarius Filii Dei" meaning "Vicar of the Son of God." This title adds up to 666. V=5, i=1, c=100, a=0, r=0, i=1, v=5, s=0, F=0, i=1, l=50, i=1, i=1, D=500, e=0, i=1. These THREE PUKED FROGS gathered the armies of the world to "Armageddon" where they met their doom. In World War Two, FRANCE was the location of "Armageddon." In southwestern FRANCE we find the province of "Armagnac" -- a similar sounding name.
An alternate third PUKED FROG came from the dragon of Japan. During World War II, the government forced every subject to practice State SHINTO and admit that the Emperor was DIVINE. "He that exalteth his gate seeketh destruction" (Pr. 17:19). The title of the Japanese emperor is "Mikado" meaning "Exalted Gate."
In M. Court de Gebelin's work, styled "The Primitive World compared with the Modern World," (1781) he says,, p. 195: "Marcomir, king of the French, having penetrated from Westphalia into Tongres, saw in a dream a figure with three heads, the one of a lion, the other of an eagle, and the third of a FROG. He consulted thereon, it is added, a celebrated druid of the country, named Al Runus; who assured him that this figure represented the three powers which had reigned successively over the Gauls; the Celts whose symbol was the lion; the Romans designated by the eagle, and the Francs by the FROG because of their marshes." In Pynson's edition of Fabyan's Chronicle, at the beginning of the account of Pharamond (the first king of the Franks who reigned at Treves about A. D. 420) there is a shield of arms bearing THREE FROGS, (p. 37, Ellis' edit.) with the words underneath, "This is the Old Arms of France". The banner underneath, having upon it the THREE FROGS, is from the ancient tapestry in the cathedral of Rheims, representing battle scenes of Clovis, who is said to have been baptized there upon his conversion to Romanism. In A.D. 496, Clovis, King of the Franks, was styled by the Pope, "the eldest son of the Church." The next engraving is from the Franciscan church at Innspruck; where is a row of tall bronze figures, twenty-three in number; representing principally the most distinguished personages of the House of Austria; the armour and costumes being those chiefly of the 16th century, and the workmanship excellent. Among them is Clovis, king of France, and on his shield three fleur de lis and THREE FROGS, with the words underneath, "Clovis, first christian king of France". FRANKS came from PHRYGIANS or FRAGGOI, hence the nickname "FROGS." FROGS and lillies are both indigenous to wet, marshy lands, and therefore fit emblems of the French, who came originally from the marshes of Westfalia. The Fleur de Lis is a later symbol of the ruling Bourbon dynasty. Incidentally, the name "Charles DeGaulle" adds up to 666 in Hebrew. Ch (s) 300 + a (a) 1 + r (r) 200 + le (l)30 + s (o) 60 + D (d) 4 + e (a) 1 + G (g) 3 + a (a) 1 + u (w) 6 + l (l) 30 + le (l) 30 = 666.
Where was "ARMAGEDDON"? World War Two was not fought in Megiddo, but in western Europe. That is the prophetic location of "Armageddon" just as the prophetic location of "Babylon" is Europe -- not a city in the Middleast. Not ancient literal Babylon, but "The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor; it is time to thresh her" (Jer. 51:33). Two of Israel's greatest victories were at Megiddo: Barak defeated the Canaanites there and Gideon defeated the Midianites there, so "Megiddo" is any "theater of battle" where Israel defeats her enemies. These verses also refer to Temple watchmen not knowing at what hour their overseer would come. If he found any watchman sleeping at his post, the penalty was that the offender should be stripped of his garments and turned out, to his shame. "And if he come in the second watch (midnight: 9-12 p.m.), or come in the third watch (cock-crow:12-3 a.m.), and find them so (watching), blessed are those servants" (Luke 12:37-38). Jews were stripped at"Auschwitz" which adds up to 666 if A=6, B=12, C=18, etcetera.
The "voices, thunders and great earthquake" are a repetition of Rev. 11:19. The 1st and 2nd World Wars began the 7th vial (cup) of wrath. This is the first time God's wrath falls on the "AIR" because ZEPPELINS, AIRPLANES, and MISSILES (Hitler's V-2 rockets) have now been invented. In 1917, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey and Czarist Russia suffered devastation and revolutions proving that the 2520-year "time of the gentiles" had ended. World War 2 has indeed proven to be the greatest "earthquake" the civilized world has ever experienced. August 23, 1939 a Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact was signed. Then in June 22, 1941 "Operation Barbarossa" began exactly 666 days later. (See Their Days Are Numbered by Nicklin for many more Divine timetables in recent history.) But just as ancient Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia symbolized by a "BEAR," so also Nazi Europe (Papal Babylon) was conquered by Russia (the Medes -- Ukraine; the Persians -- E & W Prussia) whose national emblem is a BEAR. Stalin ordered Russian troops to invade territory of the former "Euphrates" power called Turkey in order to defeat the Nazi-Fascist "Babylon." Then Moslem Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Hungary were made atheistic and Communist, preparatory to the final onslaught on western Europe when "Babylon comes to remembrance before God." The "cities" of the "nations" fell both literally by being bombed, and, in the Baltic States, the Balkan States and Eastern Europe, by forsaking Roman Catholic or Moslem civilization and accepting atheistic Soviet Communism.
The fall of China with its 450,000,000 to Communism and the millions who have followed suit in south-east Asia since 1945, all helped to make "a great and mighty earthquake, such as never was." The "hail" of Rev. 16:21 or "great hail" of Rev. 11:19, may be bombs and missiles. Each "stone" or missile weighs about a "talent." That is 158 pounds 10 ounces Troy Weight or 130 pounds Avoirdupois Weight. But the Latin-German nations and Viet Nam didn't repent of their idolatries by recognizing God's punishment. Instead they blaspheme. The walls of Jericho-Egypt-Babylon will "fall" flat and the "city" will be burnt with fire.
The part played by the British Empire and the United States in defeating FASCISM and NAZISM (PAPAL "Babylon"), identifies these nations as ISRAEL just as the ancient defeat of Babylon involved the active participation of the "MEDES" who were partly composed of the lost ten tribes of ISRAEL who had been taken captive to "the cities of the MEDES" (2 Ki. 17:6). Thus Churchill and Roosevelt and others were used by God to fulfill prophecy. In World War Two both the British (at Singapore) and the Americans (at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines) suffered serious losses and defeats at the hands of the "kings of the east" or rising sun. Also in Viet Nam.
The seventh angel (Mercury) poured out his cup into the air (above the ecliptic) (Howitzer cannonshells, bi-planes, Zepplins, spitfires, hurricanes, Flying Fortresses, Stukas, B-17s, V-1 and V-2 rockets, etc.) The first use of the plane in war was the Italian-Turkish War in 1911. (1918 - 7 degree-years = 1911 putting Mercury outside of Gemini); and ... a great voice said, It is done (16:17). And the "great earthquake" (16:18) was political upheaval: "the removing of those things that are shaken ... that those things which cannot be shaken may remain... a kingdom which cannot be moved" (Heb. 12:27-28). In 1917, Russia became Bolshevik. In 1918, Austro-Hungary was divided into 7 pieces. In 1918, Germany lost its colonial possessions and was reduced in size to a Weimar Republic. In 1918, the Ottoman Empire was defeated and subsequently fragmented into 40 pieces. Another "earthquake" occurred after World War Two. "And the great city was divided into three parts" (by the Milky Way and horizon). If the U.S. is the "great city", then eastern half will become Moslem, southwest will become Roman Catholic and northwest will be Bible followers. "And the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of his wrath (16:19). And every island (small nation) fled away, and the mountains (large nations) were not found (16:20). And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven (In W.W. 1 primarily cannon shells; in W.W. 2 primarily planes dropping bombs; in Viet Nam bombs & missiles.), every stone about the weight of a talent (159 pounds Troy weight) (16:21). Stars rotating down to the horizon look like missiles hitting earth, but around the Little Flock (Ursa Minor; Arctic) they just circle harmlessly.
If chapter 15 and 16 go together, then from the sun in Aquarius (making a full cup, ch. 15:7) till the sun moves to Gemini (and "scorch[es] men with fire," ch. 16:8) are 129 degrees or years from the French Revolution (1789) (Reuben's tribal emblem was a man, Aquarius, and that is here tied to France.) till the end of World War One (1918). Or from the birth of Louis XVI (1754) till the Triple Alliance was signed (1883). Although World War One didn't start till 1914, political movements that led to the war started in May 1883 when Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy signed the Triple Alliance. In October 1883, Rumania and Austria-Hungary signed a secret alliance to which Germany adhered. The Reinsurance Treaty which previously had been signed by Russia and Germany lapsed in October 1883 and Germany refused to resign it. The Milky Way may represent Mustard gas as well as the artillery smoke trail of the sun cannonshell. Incidentally, Karl Benz built his first automobile in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz was granted a patent for his automobile on 29 January 1886, and began the first production of automobiles in 1888. This coincides with 1888 for Auriga with the sun providing the chariot wheel and a horseless carriage. The frog symbolism may even be related to the invention of the automobile since these vehicles had raised headlights and wide front bumpers and looked like large frogs when painted with military camoflage in World War One and Two (Both the German Schwimmwagen and the Land-Wasser-Schlepper were amphibious; the German Kubelwagen also looked like a frog). This era is also dominated by Taurus and Aries just as the British Empire and United States dominated the 1800s as Christian nations.
Napoleon paralleled the work of Christ in defeating the Pope, Emperor and Sultan with his "French Revolution." Parallels between America and France do exist (Normandy Park; Statue of Liberty; red, white & blue flag; a republic stressing the rights of man; etc.). The Bible may be outlawed for 3 1/2 years (e.g. 1789-1793). The Roman Catholic "Reconquista" of Aztlan and the persecution of Protestants and Jews in America are real possibilities. RFID chip implants could cause tumors (16:2), etcetera. "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done" (Eccl. 1:9). God says, "I change not" (Mal. 3:6). He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8).