Chapter 17 -- The "Holy Roman Empire" and Ottoman Empire Defeated
The time frame is now the Seventh Vial since that is when "Babylon comes to remembrance before God, to receive the cup of the fierceness of his wrath" (Rev. 16:19). Therefore, the 17th chapter may be that "remembrance" elaborating on Revelation 16:19.
"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication" (17:1-2).
Now comes the judgment of the great harlot (Virgo) that sitteth upon many WATERS" or "PEOPLES ... and NATIONS" (Rev. 17:15; Isa. 48:1). (The Mediterranean Sea formed John's horizon ; in addition,"Hydra" actually means "water" and is a wavey line of stars)(17:1): With whom the kings of the earth (Cepheus and Coma) have committed fornication (a woman sitting on a snake illustrates the sex act; the snake is a penis; governments making concordats with Vatican), and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (causing them to "err in vision" and "stumble in judgment" -- Isa. 28:7. They all walk dizzily in circles exhibiting strange behavior and wearing the black robes of monks at night) (17:2). "Remove thy way far from her (the prostitute), and come not nigh the door of her house (cathedral): Lest thou give thine honor unto others, and thy years unto the cruel (Spanish inquisition; penance); Lest (Latin-speaking) strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a (Latin-speaking) stranger" (Pr. 5:8-10).
Who is the "great WHORE"? Astronomically, Virgo who sits upon the seven-headed Hydra. God's TRUE CHURCH is like a PURE WOMAN: "I have likened the daughter of Zion ("my people" -- Isa. 51:16) to a comely and delicate WOMAN" (Jer. 6:2; cp. Isa. 62:5; Rev. 19:7-8; Eph. 5:23; 2 Cor. 11:2). Therefore, when John "saw" a "GREAT WHORE," we know she is a FALSE CHURCH. Idolatrous Israel was called a "WHORE" (Isa. 1:21; Ez. 16:28-33; Jer. 3:3; 13:27). Spiritual "HARLOTRY" is idolatry which is the worship of demons (1 Cor. 8:1-5; 10:20-21; 1 Tim. 4:1; Ps. 96:5). Even the name VATICAN means "place of Divinations" (Ancient Monuments of Rome, p.75). The Roman Catholic Church is a drunk, domineering woman. She has many images and idols. In 1564 Pius IV, in the 8th Article of his New Creed, stated, "I most firmly assert that the images of Christ, or the Mother of God, ever Virgin, and also of other saints, may be had and retained: and that due honour and veneration are to be given to them." But far from taking the place of Christ in worship, Mary herself said, "Whatsoever he (Jesus) says unto you, do it" (John 2:5). The second commandment is omitted from Roman Catechisms. But God says, "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image (which would include possessing)... thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them (which would include honoring and respecting), nor serve them" (Ex. 20:4-6). To even set up a cross as a religious sign is to "serve" it. But men become addicted to power and a paycheck and will preach whatever is required to get it -- even idolatry. John identified this woman as a HARLOT because she was dressed like a temple prostitute --with a special religious uniform that only temple prostitutes wore. Speaking plainly, she was dressed like a NUN. "Witchcraft" adds up to 666 if A=6, B=12, C=18, etcetera.

What are the "many WATERS"? Jer. 51:13 says, "O thou (Babylon) that dwellest upon many WATERS, abundant in treasures, thine end is come." "The WATERS ... are PEOPLES... and NATIONS" (Rev. 17:15). Recall that the EUPHRATES (Tiber, Hudson) ran through BABYLON (Rome, New York) and sometimes overflowed its banks becoming a SWAMP. Rome (Babylon, New York) boasts of being "CATHOLIC" or "Worldwide" just as the true church is a "nation and company of nations" of one stock with Gentiles grafted in. A medal of Pope Leo XII, issued in a Jubilee Year, 1825, shows a woman sitting on a GLOBE, her right arm extended holding a cup of the Mass, by which Transubstantiation is taught, which fatally intoxicates adherents. Around the figure is the legend: Sedet super Universum -- "She sits over the whole EARTH." This image bears a striking resemblance to the Statue of Liberty. Both wear a long flowing robe, have seven horns coming from their heads and hold a golden "cup."The inhabitants of the earth are made drunk with false doctrine they sip out of red "straws" from her wine cup. Cepheus is fornicating with two Catholic nations at once (Coma & Virgo) (17:2).
"So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns" (17:3).
So he carried me ... into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit (Virgo upright at sunrise) upon a scarlet coloured beast (Hydra with red radius line stripes; "though your sins be as scarlet" -- Isa. 1:18), full of names of blasphemy (Leo's mane Al Giebha means "the Exaltation" and in Hydra's head Minchar al Sugia -- Piercing of the deceiver; Al Zimach means "the Branch" -- Zech. 3:8; Zavijaveh means "Gloriously Beautiful" -- Isa. 4:2; Al Mureddin means "Who Shall Come Down" -- Ps. 72:8; Subilah means "Who Carries" -- Isa. 46:4), having seven heads (undulating Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury) and ten horns (Cancer) (17:3). Astronomically, Virgo sits on Hydra with a half-moon in her hand. The seven planets and stars are the "precious stones and pearls." But where is this "WILDERNESS"? Historically, the "wilderness" is the desolate Campagna of Rome. This wilderness condition was brought about by barbarian raids upon Imperial Rome in the fifth and sixth centuries when they spoiled, desolated and burned Rome and the regions surrounding it. "About the close of the sixth century ... the Campagna of Rome was speedily reduced to the state of a dreary wilderness, in which the land is barren, the waters impure, and the air infectious ... In a season of excessive rains, the Tiber swelled above its banks, and rushed into the valleys of the Seven Hills. A pestilential disease arose from the stagnation of the deluge" (Gibbon ch. 45). When Papal Rome supplanted Imperial Rome, the Campagna of Rome continued in this condition all through the 1,260 year period of her temporal supremacy. In times of flooding, such as Gibbon described above, and which still occurred in the twentieth century, Rome viewed from a distance would literally appear as if sitting upon many waters. A SWAMP.

What are the "names of BLASPHEMY"? The "names of blasphemy" are "Holy Reverend Father," "Vicar of Christ," and "Infallible," when referring to the Pope since "Holy and reverend is His (God's) name" (Ps. 111:9) and "Call no man your Father" (Matt. 23:9). "Mother of God," "Mary the Co-Mediatrix" and "Assumption of Mary" are blasphemous when referring to Mary (This is why Jesus called her "woman," never "mother"); also "Eternal" and "Kingdom of God" when referring to the "Holy Roman Empire." "The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day" (Isa. 2:17). When the Pope is crowned in St. Peter's, a triple crown, called a tiara, is placed on his head with the words, "Receive this tiara, adorned with three crowns, and know thyself to be the father of princes and of kings, and the ruler of the world." The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli were in dangerous proximity to Rome, so the Papacy "plucked up (these) three ... by the roots" (Dan. 7:8, 24). Some writers believe this is the original meaning of the triple crown. When the Papacy got its temporal power at the expense of these three neighboring states, the triple crown became the permanent memorial of this event. The Messiah will have "many crowns" upon his head. Pope Gregory VIII declared, "We desire to show to the world that we can give or take away at our will, kingdoms, duchies, earldoms, in a word the possessions of all men we can bind or loose." Boniface VIII said, "The Pope alone is called Most Holy, Divine Monarch, Supreme Emperor, the King of Kings."
Who is the "SCARLET-colored BEAST"? This dragon is the Roman Empire (Rev. 12:3-4). "Though your sins be as SCARLET" (Isa. 1:18) shows that the "Holy Roman Empire" is very sinful. Its IRON teeth and BRONZE nails (Dan.7:19) indicate that it occupies Roman and Greek territory -- the two legs (Rome and Constantinople) of Nebuchadnezzar's statue. But all ten toes are in the western half because they are IRON or CLAY, -- not BRASS. The "SEVEN HEADS" are "seven mountains" and seven forms of government. There are seven kings (or "dynasties" -- Dan. 7:17): five are fallen (below the horizon in John's day), and one is (Emperors (27 B.C.-284 A.D.), and the other is not yet come (Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.); and when he cometh, he must continue a short space (barely 30 years -- short compared to the eighth head [Papacy], which continued 1260 years). The seven forms of government enumerated by Livy, Pliny and Tacitus were: 1. Kings (c.750-510 B.C.) 2. Consuls (510-498 B.C.) 3. Dictators (498-451 B.C.) 4. Decimvirs (451-443 B.C.) 5. Military Tribunes (443-27 B.C.) 6. Military Emperors (Imperial Caesars) (27 B.C.-284 A.D.) and 7. Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.), different from the preceding military Emperors because these last were absolute monarchs. This was the form "wounded to death" (Rev. 13:3) at the downfall of Pagan Rome (Edict of Toleration of Licinius). Christian Emperors beginning with Constantine, are not mentioned. Their seat was not at Rome, but at Constantinople for the Eastern Empire, and at Ravenna for the Western. It is not until the bishops and popes of Rome that a "head" again sits in Rome. The Papacy is the "eighth" head (17:10-11).
In John's day five systems had passed away -- were "fallen." Emperors (27 B.C.-284 A.D.) were ruling in John's day -- "one is." The form that had "not yet come" -- Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.) -- must continue a "short space" of barely thirty years, which truly was short compared to the eighth head -- the Papacy -- which was to continue 1260 years. "King" means "dynasty" since the four beasts are called four kings (Dan. 7:17) and Nebuchadnezzar and four successors reigned during the 70 years (Jer. 25:11). The Greek word "hora" translated "mountain" (Rev. 17:9) can also mean "continent" of which there are seven, rather than "seven mountains."
The "TEN HORNS" of Daniel 7:7 may have been Ostrogoths (Hungary & Yugoslavia), Visigoths (Spain), Vandals (N. Africa), Sueves (Portugal), Franks (France), Burgundians (Switzerland & South Gaul), Heruli (Italy), Huns (Alemani), Lombards (Austria & Czechoslovakia) and Anglo-Saxons (England). These were the ten kingdoms that the Roman Empire split into after 476 A.D. Three separate authors all testify that these were the ten Gothic kingdoms -- Gibbon, Procopius and Machiavelli (Hist. Floe.i). The Roman Catholic Church controls and directs the ten-nation Roman Empire -- she rides it.
Anciently, the ten-nation Hittite Confederacy (Gen.15:19-21), composed mainly of Canaanites or Phoenicians (Fenec), a name which adds up to 666 in Greek (F=6, e=5, n=50, e=5, c=600), opposed Israel and was a type of Roman Catholic Europe. Just as three horns were "plucked up" from one, so we read about the "seven" nations of Canaan later composing the other (Josh.24:11; Acts 13:19). In fact, Jezebel, a type of the Papacy, was a "Phoenician woman" or foinikea which in Greek adds up to 666. f=500, o=70, i=10, n=50, i=10, k=20, e=5, a=1. Moses and Elijah opposed the ten nations of Canaan. Wycliffe and Luther (and many others) opposed the ten nations of Catholic Europe. Later and more strongly, William of Orange and Henry VIII opposed the ten nations of Catholic Europe. Two more witnesses will oppose ten future kings.
The "SEVEN HEADS" and "TEN HORNS" of Revelation 17:3,7 are as follows: Beginning with Justinian, the Eastern Empire supported the Papacy from 536 to 754 AD; and during that period its emperors persecuted those who refused to submit to the decrees and dogmas of the Pope. Second, Charlemagne, king of France, supported the Papacy from 800 to 1012 AD, when Pope Benedict VIII, having been driven from his position by one Gregory, sought the protection of Henry II, King of Germany, and found in him another friend and supporter of the Papacy. Pope Benedict VIII crowned Henry II, king of Germany, Emperor of the Romans, on 14th Feb. 1014 AD, that German king having pledged himself to be the protector and defender of the Church and to obey the Pope. After about 250 years, Germany ceased to support the Papacy and the third head fell. Pope Clement IV established the fourth head, the Neapolitan Dynasty in 1265 AD and crowned Charles of Anjou as King of Naples. It continued till 1544 AD, when Spain became the fifth supporter of the Papacy. This continued for 150 years and included the Spanish Inquisition. Then in 1694, the Pope made an agreement whereby Austrian rulers were crowned by the Pope and in exchange supported and submitted to the Pope. This arrangement continued over a hundred years. Jesuit persecution was abolished by Austria in 1773 AD however. In 1804 Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France, in the presence of Pope Pius VII, since Napoleon had agreed to support the Pope and to give him temporal power. But this seventh head only endured a "short space" (17:10) of ten years (1804-1814). The eighth head was again the Emperor of Austria who agreed to support Pope Pius VII and was one "of the seven" (17:11). This continued till 1870, when Austria became disgusted with "papal infallibility" and renounced the Pope's jurisdiction. Then the Papacy was made "desolate and naked" when Italian troops entered Rome 20th Sep 1870 to make it independent of Papal rule. Victor Emanuel was now head of Rome. Religious liberty and toleration were established. But John beheld the beast as it existed under the sixth head -- Austria, five having fallen. He saw "ten horns" which "are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet", so they must have existed within the Austrian Empire. Austria had control of Italy; and Italy was divided into ten Italian States. Sardinia, Lombardy, Parma, Modena, Tuscany, San Moreno, States of the Church, Lucca, Naples including Sicily, and Monaco. They all "have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast." (Austria). The Austrian head was therefore "the beast that was (1694-1804), and is not (Napoleon: 1804-1814), and yet is" (1815-1870) (Rev. 17:8).
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication" (17:4):
"Dressed in purple and scarlet colour (at sunrise), and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (multi-colored stars sparkling), having a golden cup in her hand (73-degree crescent moon reflecting the sun's light; notice that the cup is tilted down in ch. 17 and tilted up in 18) full of abominations (blood and round wafer host burnt black) and filthiness of her fornication." Just as Belshazzar praised and drank toasts to the false idol gods using God's holy golden Temple cup (Dan. 5:1-4; Jer. 50:28 and 51:7), so the Roman Catholic Church participates in Transubstantiation, honoring pagan idols and customs with Biblical names attached to them. (17:4)
"Purple" is worn by Roman Bishops. "Scarlet" is worn by Roman Cardinals. Now compare ancient Babylon's rulers who were "clothed with scarlet" (Dan. 5:16) and Chaldeans portrayed "in bright red" (Ez. 23:14). Scarlet, pearls, gold and precious stones are mentioned three times (17:4; 18:4,16) in chapters 17 and 18 and are the precise adornments of the Papal robes, the altars, the vessels, the images and the furnishings of the Church of Rome. They are the pomp of Papal Rome. The Church of Rome decks her bishops and cardinals and principal images with gold and jewels. The Bambino or image of the infant Christ in Rome, for example, is loaded with jewels. The regular priests are black-robed Baal worshippers because Zephaniah 1:4 mentions "Chemarim" from the Hebrew root "kamar" (Strong's #3648) meaning "to be black" because they wore black robes. They wear "vestments" (2 Kings 10:22). The cross combined with the oval (or yoni) forms the Crux Ansata or Ankh -- an old Egyptian symbol indicating the conjunction of the two sexes. Worn as part of the Papal religious dress, it is called the priest's PALLIUM or SURPLICE. The prelate's head is passed through the yoni. Today's Roman priests more often wear the ancient sistrum of Isis or the yoni of Hindus (no cross). It is symbolic of the celestial virgin. When donned by a Christian priest, he resembles pagan male worshippers, who wore a female dress when they performed sacred rites before the altar or shrine of the goddess. This is PHALLIC and YONIC worship. A man shall not "put on a woman's garment." This is an "abomination" (Deut. 22:5). Contrast all this with the plain "white robes" of the saints who are "clothed with humility."
What is the "GOLDEN CUP"? Astronomically the half moon is the cup. Historically, "BABYLON hath been a GOLDEN CUP in the Lord's hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad" (Jer. 51:7). The ancient queen Semiramis, who ruled over the city of Babylon, as well as the later nation of Babylon, poured out "wine" of false BABYLONIAN DOCTRINES (Jer. 51:7; Isa. 47:12-15) through the medium of a "GOLDEN CUP" -- one of God's holy vessels stolen from His Temple -- through which she toasted her gods (Dan. 5:1-4; Jer. 50:28; 51:7) and made the nations "drunken" (Jer. 51:7). The CUP of Semiramis was huge and weighed 1200 pounds (Pliny Nat. Hist. 33:15). In the Roman Catholic anti-type, the Bible and its ordinances are used as the medium to convey spiritual harlotry to the world. An idolatrous church deceptively pretends to worship God. "Abominations" refer to "idolatry" (2 Ki. 23:13; Isa. 44:19; Ez. 16:36) and other doctrines that came from Babylon such as weeping, bleeding, nodding, and winking images, indulgences (not rated according to the seriousness of the crime pardoned, but according to the income of the criminal), the confessional, extreme unction, incense, holy water, candles, host, monstrance, mass, flowers, bones, relics, enforced celibacy, infallibility, the rosary, penance, the tonsure, halo, purgatory, the cross, Christmas (Tammuz' birthday), Easter (Lady Day, March 25), Lent (Tammuz' death), Assumption (Isis' resurrection into heaven, Sept. 8), fan of Buddha, processions, steeples, the miter (from "Mithra"), crosier, nunneries, and monasteries, etcetera. All of these practices were borrowed from the religion of heathen Rome which came from Babylon. God said, "Ye shall break down their altars ... thou shalt not bring an abomination into thine house" (Deut. 7:5,26). We need only contrast the intellectual, moral, social and political conditions of Portugal, Spain, Italy and France with those of Great Britain to see the effects of drinking this intoxicating wine.
The chalice is the most important of the sacred vessels ... (It) may be of gold or of silver" (Catholic Encyclopedia pp.103-104). But this cup is "full of ABOMINATIONS and filthiness of her FORNICATION" (Rev. 17:4). Why? Because she demands her priests to be CELIBATE. This leads to fornication and homosexuality which are abominations, or to priests molesting choir boys. Paul wrote that a bishop should be "the husband of one wife" (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:5-6). The Bible defines itself in Leviticus 20:13 which says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an ABOMINATION."
"And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration (astonishment)" (17:5-6).

"And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY ("of iniquity" -- 2 Th. 2:7-9), BABYLON THE GREAT (Babylonian Mysteries disguised as the Roman Catholic Church), THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS (Isis dressed like a temple prostitute or nun, has daughters known as Protestant Churches) AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" ("Abominations" refer to "idolatry" -- 2 Ki. 23:13; Isa. 44:19; Ez. 16:36) (17:5). Seneca said, "Thy name hath hung upon thy forehead: thou hast received the reward of thy dishonor" (referring to a harlot).
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints (Jews; red radius lines and Virgo at sunrise or sunset), and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus" (Christians; red radius lines and red sunset and red sunrise) (17:6).

Papal Rome's "forehead" is her history of beliefs and doctines. "Babylon" refers to the continuity of Papal Rome with the Babylon of Daniel and Isaiah 14 and 47. In fact, Isaiah 47 uses identical language with these two chapters of Revelation. "Pontifex Maximus" was the title of the High Priest of ancient Babylon. A custom common in St. John's day in Rome was for prostitutes to carry their name written on a label on their foreheads, where everyone but themselves could see and read it. "Babylon is another name for Rome" (Sibylline Oracles 5:159f; the Apocalypse of Baruch ii,1 and 4 Esdras 3:1). Tertullian wrote, "Babylon ... is a figure of the city of ROME" (Against the Jews). Augustine wrote that "ROME was founded as the second Babylon and as the daughter of the former Babylon" (City of God 5:439). In the same book Augustine again said, "Babylonia as the first ROME ... ROME itself is like a second Babylon" (ibid. p.371). Why is she called "MYSTERY" ("of iniquity" -- 2 Th. 2:7-9) and why was John astonished? Because she is not what she seems. She is wearing a disguise. Claiming to be "Christian," but really Satanic. The Pope's tiara had a gold plate engraved with the title "MYSTERY" in Latin until 1553-1555 A.D., when Pope Julius III removed it because the Reformers identified it with Revelation 17:5. (source: Scaliger, on the authority of an informant of the Duke of Montmorency whilst at Rome. And so again Francis Le Moyne and Brocardus, an ocular evidence, they assure us: saying that Julius III removed it. See Daubuz, Vitringa, and Bishop Newton, ad loc.) The Chaldean MYSTERIES were maintained by an oath of secrecy because IDOLATRY was forbidden by law (p.5, Hislop's Two Babylons). The Chaldean Mystery Cult baptized converts and traced a cross on their foreheads using saliva and salt. They worshipped a mother goddess (Semiramis) with a child (Tammuz) in her arms. They made round wafers or sun images to honor this "Queen of Heaven" (Jer.44:17-19; Jer. 7:18) with a cross on each standing for "Tammuz." Why "the MOTHER of Harlots"? Anciently because Babylon had a bad reputation for sacred PROSTITUTION (Herodotus' History 1:199; Quintus Curtis v.1). Semiramis the Queen of Babylon also committed harlotry with all the kings of the earth. More recently, because nuns and priests must be CELIBATE leading them to immorality. Figuratively, the Lutherans, Anglicans, Baptists and Methodists all came from the Roman Catholic Mother and so they are DAUGHTER harlots to the extent they conform to Rome's rituals and doctrines. She has always called herself the "Mother" church. Convents have their "Mother Superior."

What "Abominations"? Anciently Freemasonry was founded on the mysteries of Isis and Osiris in the pantheon of Egypt which came directly from Babylon. Nimrod may have been a mason (Gen. 11:3-9). "Freemason" in Hebrew adds up to 666. (wrmson) w=6, r=200, m=40, s=300, o=70, n=50. The name "Osiris" (lit. "Seed man") adds up to 666 in Hebrew also. (sarwu) s=300, a=70, r=200,w=6, u=90. Another Egyptian god called "Amoun-Re" (Ham the Sun-god, son of Noah) also adds up to 666. (amoun-re) a=1, m=40, o=70, u=400, n=50, r=100, e=5. The Hindu pantheon came directly from Babylon. The god Vishnu adds up to 666 also in Greek. (Fisnu) F=6, i=10 s=200, n=50, u=400. The Greek pantheon came from Babylon. The god Dianus adds up to 666 in Greek. (Dianaus) D=4, i=10, a=1, n=50, a=1, u=400, s=200. Also known as Janus (Yenes) which adds up to 666. (uhnhs) u=400, h=8,n=50, h=8, s=200. Furthermore, one of Buddha's names was Jaines from where we got Janus or Yenes (p.337, Computation of 666). The religious philosophy of China known as Tao or Zadkiel Tao Sze (Zadkiel was the Chaldean name for Jupiter) also adds up to 666 in Greek. (Zadkiel Tao Szh) Z=7, a=1, d=4, k=20, i=10, e=8, l=30, T=300, a=1, o=70, S=200, z=7, h=8. In a more modern sense, Catholic dealings with the Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Sinn Fein, Mafia, and laundering drug money are fully documented in books, newspapers, police and court records.
From about the 6th century the Popes began to seek the aid of secular powers to suppress heresy. But in 1179 the Third Lateran Council declared open war on heretics. The Papacy persecuted Albigenses and Huguenots of France, Waldenses of Italy and Covenanters of Scotland. An estimated 50 million were slain and more tortured by the Pulley, Chafing Dish, Rack, Pendulum and Stake. This verse gives us the time of the vision. "Drunken" is past tense and retrospect whereas Revelation 13:7 gives a foreview of the future. This implies the time after the Reformation. Rome boasts she is "semper eadem" or "always the same." When a Roman priest is made Bishop, he takes an oath: "to persecute all heretics to the utmost of his power." The word "admiration" should be translated "astonishment." If the woman was heathen Rome, it would have caused him no surprise that she persecuted the saints. He himself was exiled to Patmos because of such persecution. What astonished him was that the woman was a "Christian church" -- Papal Rome.
"And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is" (17:7-8).
"The beast (Roman Empire) that thou sawest was (before it rotated below the horizon), and is not (when below the horizon); and shall ascend (when it rotates above the horizon) out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition." This is the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Pagan Rome existed until 476 A.D. -- it "was." Then it was wounded to death by barbarians -- "is not." Then Papal Rome took the place of Pagan Rome in 538, 554 and 606-610 A.D. -- "yet is." The Caesar was resurrected in the Pope. (17:8) The beast came out of a "bottomless pit" (17:8). In the same way, the "man of sin" was to arise by means of "the working of Satan" (2 Th. 2:3,9). Satan gives the beast his "power, and his throne, and great authority" (Rev. 13:2). Therefore the "bottomless pit" must be where Satan works.
"And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth" (17:9).
The seven heads are the seven planets which are represented by seven concentric hills called a Ziggurat in Babylon or by seven panoramic hills of Rome or seven humps of Hydra's body (17:9).
According to Herodotus 1:180-181, "Babylon being divided in the middle by the River Euphrates ... had on each side of the river an extraordinary structure. On one side of the river stood the royal palace ... on the other the temple of Jupiter Belus, existing yet in my time, and measuring in every direction 2 stadia (or 1250 feet) ... In the middle of this temple stood a massive tower 625 feet square at the base, and upon this another and another to the number of 8, and upon the last tower stood a great nave. And in the nave a great couch and a golden table; but no statue therein; and no man sleeps therein, say the Chaldean priests. Only some woman sleeps there whom the god may chance to like, for the god was said to come there in person." (cp. Dio. Sic. 2:7-8 & Plato's Republic) In other words, a harlot sat on a ziggurat of seven concentric man-made hills representing the seven planets -- counterfeits of the "seven stars" (Rev.1). Borsippa's Temple of the Seven Lights (Planets) dedicated to Nebo confirms this view. So do the seven pagodas stacked one on top of the other at Mahabalipur (lit. "Great Sun City"). The Eternal referred to Babylon's ziggurat as a "destroying mountain" (Jer. 51:25). The woman was Semiramis. The city of Rome is also situated on seven hills. Pliny mentions "the SEVEN HILLS" of Rome (Natural History 3:66). The Roman poets Virgil (Georg. 2:535) and Horace (Aen. 6:784; Carmen Saec.7) both call Rome the "SEVEN-HILLED" city. Martial calls them "SEVEN dominating MOUNTAINS" (Lib.4, Ep. 64, p.254). Propertius, the Latin poet, describes Rome as "The city high on SEVEN HILLS, That rules the boundless earth" (Lib.iii. Eleg. 9, p.721). They are called Palatinus, Quirinalis, Aventinus, Caelius, Viminalis, Esquilinus and Capitoline (or Janiculan). The old Roman imperial coins in John's day represented Rome as a woman seated on seven hills.
"And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition" (17:10-11).
Once again, there are seven kings (or "dynasties" -- Dan. 7:17): five are fallen (below the horizon in John's day), and one is (Emperors (27 B.C.-284 A.D.), and the other is not yet come (Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.); and when he cometh, he must continue a short space (barely 30 years -- short compared to the eighth head [Papacy], which continued 1260 years). The seven forms of government enumerated by Livy, Pliny and Tacitus were: 1. Kings (c.750-510 B.C.) 2. Consuls (510-498 B.C.) 3. Dictators (498-451 B.C.) 4. Decimvirs (451-443 B.C.) 5. Military Tribunes (443-27 B.C.) 6. Military Emperors (Imperial Caesars) (27 B.C.-284 A.D.) and 7. Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.), different from the preceding military Emperors because these last were absolute monarchs. This was the form "wounded to death" (Rev. 13:3) at the downfall of Pagan Rome (Edict of Toleration of Licinius). Christian Emperors beginning with Constantine, are not mentioned. Their seat was not at Rome, but at Constantinople for the Eastern Empire, and at Ravenna for the Western. It is not until the bishops and popes of Rome that a "head" again sits in Rome.
The Papacy is the "eighth" head (17:10-11). In John's day five systems had passed away -- were "fallen." Emperors (27 B.C.-284 A.D.) were ruling in John's day -- "one is." The form that had "not yet come" -- Despotic Emperors (284-313 A.D.) -- must continue a "short space" of barely thirty years, which truly was short compared to the eighth head -- the Papacy -- which was to continue 1260 years. "King" means "dynasty" since the four beasts are called four kings (Dan. 7:17) and Nebuchadnezzar and four successors reigned during the 70 years (Jer. 25:11). The Greek word "hora" translated "mountain" (Rev. 17:9) can also mean "continent" of which there are seven, rather than "seven mountains."
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast" (17:12).
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings (Cancer), which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour (historically ten European states under the Pope for 1260 years) with the beast (17:12). The western Roman Empire fragmented into ten countries whose kings were crowned by the Pope. They received authority from him and could not exercise it without him, thus acknowledging his overlordship. These are the "ten toes" of the statue of Daniel 2:42. Sir Isaac Newton said, "Seeing the body of the third beast is confined to the nations on this side of the Euphrates, and the body of the fourth beast is confined to the nations on this side of Greece, we are to look for all the four heads of the third beast among the nations on this side of the Euphrates, and for all the eleven horns of the fourth beast among the nations on this side of Greece. Therefore we do not reckon the Greek empire seated at Constantinople among the horns of the fourth beast, because it belongs to the body of the third."
"They "receive power ... one hour" (Rev. 17:12). The literal Greek is "mia hora" or "at one and the same time." These nations are all found in western Europe. Historically the ten horns were the Ostrogoths (Hungary & Yugoslavia), Visigoths (Spain), Vandals (N. Africa), Sueves (Portugal), Franks (France), Burgundians (Switzerland & S. Gaul), Heruli (Italy), Huns (Alemani), Lombards (Austria & Czechoslovakia) and Anglo-Saxons (England). All ten horns must be west or north of Greece so that they are not considered part of the third or Greek (Byzantine) beast. Sometimes they have sunk to eight or nine, or have risen to eleven or twelve, but have averaged ten. They are Satan's counterfeit of the lost ten tribes of Israel, who were nine when Benjamin was lent to Judah and are thirteen if we separately count Manasseh or include Judah. The E.E.C. or "Common Market" was created January 1st, 1958. The original six were Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Britain joined in January 1st of 1973, followed by Denmark, then Eire. Greece joined in 1981, followed by Spain and Portugal in 1986. When the Maastricht Treaty was signed in 1992, there were 25 members, but only ten permanent members. (Older German maps spell "Maastricht" as "Mastricht" which adds up to 666 when A=6, B=12, C=18 ...). The E.C. anthem is "Ode to Joy" with lyrics by Friedrich von Schiller set to music by Beethoven in his 9th Symphony, composed in honour of the Goddess of Liberty (Isis). Just as Britain historically dropped out of the ten-nation "Holy Roman Empire" in the fifteenth century, so she has "Come out" (Rev. 18:4) of this "Common Market" again in the modern "Brexit" movement. "And your covenant (treaty) with death shall be annulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand" (Isa. 28:18). When the Russian bear destroys this "Babylon" (Roman Catholic W. Europe & Moslem E. Europe) by marching through the dried up riverbed of the Euphrates (Turkish Empire) just as the Medo-Persian bear marched anciently under Babylon's city wall through the riverbed.
Who were the TEN HORNS of Rev. 17? Prior to the Napoleonic invasion into northern Italy in 1796, the Italian Peninsula itself was divided into TEN STATES: Then again at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Italy was re-organized into TEN DIVISIONS, known as the TEN ITALIAN STATES, and all were placed under the power of Austria. The names of these TEN ITALIAN STATES are as follows: Sardinia, Lombardy, Parma, Modena, Tuscany, San Morino, states of the Church, Lucca, Naples including Sicily, and Monaco (See Butt's History of Italy, p.473). Then later, Pope Pius IX was declared infallible by Ecumenical Council's majority vote of 451 in favor on 16th July 1870. A gloomy lightning storm accompanied the celebration in St. Peter's Cathedral, the very day the Franco-Prussian war began, leaving the Pope without French support. "His kingdom was full of darkness" (Rev. 16:10). All French soldiers were needed against Prussia. Austria, long the dungeon of Europe, always the guardian of the Pope, when no one else could be found to support him, shocked at the Pope's assumption of an attribute of Deity, tore the concordat into shreds and cast it to the winds, and renounced the Pope's jurisdiction in Austria, root and branch. Then Austria passed a law granting liberty of the press, liberty of conscience and freedom of education, throughout the length and breadth of the land. Then 2nd October 1870, the Italians voted overwhelmingly to renounce the temporal power of the Pope.
In the meantime the Italian States tried to free themselves from Austria's yoke and regain liberty. Victor Emanuel, King of Sardinia, succeeded in liberating Sardinia from Austrian rule; and it became an independent government in 1853. Eight other Italian States followed and were liberated from Austrian rule, and united under Victor Emanuel in the Kingdom of Italy, leaving that division known as the States of the Church under the Pope allied to Austria till 1870. Then the Papacy was made "desolate and naked" when Italian troops entered Rome 20th Sep 1870 making it independent of Papal rule. Victor Emanuel was now head of Rome. Religious liberty and toleration were established. "The Lamb shall overcome them" (Rev. 17:14).
John beheld the beast as it existed under the sixth head -- Austria, five having fallen. He saw "ten horns" which "are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet", so they must have existed within the Austrian Empire (the beast). Austria had control of Italy; and Italy was divided into ten Italian States: Sardinia, Lombardy, Parma, Modena, Tuscany, San Moreno, States of the Church, Lucca, Naples including Sicily, and Monaco. They all "have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast" (Austria). The Austrian head was therefore "the beast that was (1694-1804), and is not (Napoleon:1804-1814), and yet is" (1815-1870) (Rev. 17:8). Multiple 1260-year periods exist within this period: Belisarius invaded Italy to make it Papal in 536 till 1796 when Napoleon invaded Italy to get rid of the Pope's temporal power. From Justinian's Imperial Restoration in 554 till 1814 when Napoleon was defeated; then 610-1870 is from Boniface III head of all churches till Austria renounced Papal Infallibility (Rev. 13:5).
"These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful" (17:13-14).
These have one mind -- that of the crab: Roman Catholic (17:13). They make war with the Lamb (Aries; Biblical Christianity), and the Lamb (using Victor Emanuel as an instrument) overcomes them. Those with him (eight other Italian States) are called, chosen, and faithful (17:14). The ten civil powers were compelled to carry out the edicts of the Papacy against heretics.
"And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire" (17:15-16).
The SUN on back of ten-limbed Cancer attacks the harlot and BURNS her black. She was first made naked and desolate by the alienation of the Abbey lands in Protestant countries, and by the withdrawing of whole nations from her communion. Her very flesh was next eaten by the sale of the Church lands in revolutionary France, by the secularization of the German ecclesiastical electorates and monastic principalities, and by the temporary erection of an atheistic republic in her capital. Alison says the French ambassador writing from Rome to Bonaparte in 1797, remarked that "the payment of thirty millions stipulated by the Treaty of Tolentino has totally exhausted this old carcass" (Roman State). "We are making it consume by a slow FIRE." Ranke says that the losses of the Roman State were estimated altogether at 220 millions of livres. French occupation and oppression in Rome reduced its population from 180,000 to 90,000 and converted many villages into deserts. Contemporaneously starting in 1808 most western European monarchies were satellites of Napoleon and in 1809 he issued the Decrees of Shoenbrunn and Vienna against the Papacy. As Daniel says, "I beheld, even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame" (Dan. 7:11). Also "They shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end" (Dan. 7:26)
Successively starting with Germany and Hungary who rebelled against her from 1517 onward; Switzerland from 1523; Britain from1536; Austria from 1547; Netherlands from 1572; France from 1789; Italy from 1866-1870 (606-610 + 1260 years = 1866-1870); Portugal from 1910 and Spain from 1931 (17:16). Jesus also described these "waters" as "Sea and waves roaring" (Luke 21:25) as if "drunken" and at war.
STRIPPING NAKED and turning OUT-OF-DOORS was a common punishment for a woman convicted of adultery (See Tacitus Germ. 130; Ez. 16:39; 23:29). GERMANY began the Reformation in 1517 and was first to "burn her." BRITAIN was next in 1536 when thousands of monasteries and convents were destroyed. The NETHERLANDS and SWITZERLAND also threw off the Pope's supremacy in the sixteenth century. The Church possessed nearly a third of the lands of Europe before the French Revolution. Then the French Revolution took those lands. FRANCE slew 2,000,000 people within five years. 24,000 priests were murdered and 40,000 churches turned into stables. The Catholic religion was abolished in France. The Pope was forced to attend Napoleon's coronation in 1804 where Napoleon crowned himself, thereby putting the "beast" (or secular power) above the "woman" (Papacy) who was no longer carried by it (Rev. 17:7). The impact of the French Revolution spread to other Catholic countries by means of the printing press and revolutionary agents. February 11th, 1798, Napoleon's general Berthier took Rome and established the Roman Republic February 15th 1798. Pope Pius VI was taken prisoner and he died in EXILE. The Vatican was plundered and STRIPPED NAKED to its bare walls. The Catholic Church was disestablished in France by law December 1905, thereby dissolving the alliance formed by Napoleon in 1801. A year later this law was made even stricter, with disastrous results for Rome. In 1907 France separated the Catholic Church from the state, appropriated her estates, and EXPELLED thousands of priests, monks and nuns from the country. ITALY next when Garibaldi overthrew the Papal States of Italy in stages: in October 1866 Venetia fell and in October 1870 Tuscany fell. In 1870 Italy dethroned the Pope and put an end to his temporal power. On 18th, February 1984, the Vatican was compelled to sign a new Concordat with the socialist Premiere of Italy. Almost all that had been granted by Mussolini in the Lateran Treaty of 1929 has been lost. Roman Catholicism ceased to be the state religion of Italy. Tax exempt status of the clergy is STRIPPED AWAY and power over the education system is broken. In 1910, PORTUGAL confiscated the estates of the church and drove the priests, monks and nuns from the country. Catholic schools were closed. The Church of Rome was disestablished. Since World War One, Mexico and South America also disestablished the Catholic Church. SPAIN restricted its activities on proclamation of a Republic in April, 1931. The revolution in Spain, 1936-1938, came next. Communists carried out the identical atrocities on Catholics which the Church of Rome had perpetrated on Protestants in those very same cities during the Spanish Inquisition. The wealth of the church was confiscated. Her buildings were burned. Thousands of her clergy were killed. Communism on the fringe of Europe has already put to death or enslaved tens of thousands of priests and nuns, destroyed thousands of churches and religious buildings, and confiscated vast amounts of "religious" property. Rome was the only ecclesiastical city on seven hills reigning over kings in John's day.

"For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth" (17:17-18).
From chapter 17 till chapter 18 the sun moves 130 degrees, so from 1870 when Rome fell politically and religiously, till 2001 when New York fell economically from world dominance, is 130 years. These two chapters go together just as Rome and New York are both aspects of Babylon.
Perhaps a new papal power will rise up. Ten states within the United States may become Aztlan -- a Mexican "Reconquista" and a new "Holy Roman Empire." Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California are the historical seven taken from Mexico. But Oregon, Washington and Idaho may constitute the other three since they typify Belgium, France and Netherlands in the European parallel. "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done" (Eccl. 1:9). God says, "I change not" (Mal. 3:6). He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8).

A parallel fulfillment of chapter 17 is the House of Saud which is fabulously wealthy due to her "wine" of PETROLEUM fornication (17:2). This "great whore" (17:1) has prostituted herself to "kings of the earth" -- especially the west and the west is "drunk" or "addicted" (17:2). Our leaders support RADICAL ISLAM in exchange for OIL. Muslims from all languages, and nations (one quarter of world's population) make a pilgrimage to Meccah and constitute the "many waters" (17:1,15). "Names of blasphemy" would include the Caliph being called the Representative of God on Earth and the Kaabah stone taking away your sins by touching it. Jesus is our chief cornerstone (Eph. 2:20) who takes away our sins (1 John 2:2). The Kaabah was originally a Hindu Shiva Temple. The black rock was a Shiva Lingua and Hindu rituals are still followed when making the Hajj. For instance, pilgrims shave their heads, wear two seamless white sheets, and circle the Kaabah seven times chanting the 99 names of Allah. The crescent symbol is always seen on Shiva's head and Muslims acknowledge their worship of Shiva with the same lunar crescent over their mosques and on their flags.
John was taken to the "DESERT" (17:3; cp. Mt. 24:26) where Meccah is. There are 666 nautical miles from the Dome of the Rock to Meccah's Kabaah. The name "Meccah" means "MOTHER" (17:5) of all settlements. Arab men and women used to walk around the Kaaba totally NAKED (Quran 7:31) and then KISSED this vagina rock that fell from heaven to suck their sins (SPERM) away. The pointed oval was a worldwide symbol of the great "MOTHER Goddess" because it represented the external genitalia of the female -- her VULVA. The rock was supposedly originally white (Lucifer was originally righteous) but turned black by taking people's sins. In plain language, it was a sacred house of PROSTITUTION. Meccah sits next to the biggest shipping lane in the world -- the Red Sea -- where ship captains will see her BURNING (18:16-19; Isa. 34:9). "Khalif" (like Vicar) means "Substitute" for God on earth and "Substitute" for Mohammed and all the prophets including Jesus. The oil money is used to fund militant Islamic terrorist organizations (Hezbollah & Hamas -- "harlots and abominations of the earth" -- 17:5) which then "behead" (20:4) and kill Jews and Christians ("saints") (17:6). Many Arab neighbors "hate" (17:16) the House of Saud because she has partnered with the "Great Satan" (U.S.) -- oil for protection. Soon they will "burn her with fire" (17:16). Many Riyadh skyscrapers remind us of ancient Babylon's tower making the name "Mystery Babylon the Great" (17:5) very appropriate. Most of Saudi oil (90%) comes from SEVEN massive oil well fields or "SEVEN mountains" (Rev. 17:9) (Ghawar, Safaniya, Abqaiq, Berri, Zuluf, Marjan and Abu Sa’fah). Furthermore, Mecca is situated on SEVEN literal MOUNTAINS: Jabal Thugbah, Jabal Ishfa, Jabal Laban, Jabal Khashrab, Jabal Thawr, Jabal Arafat, and Jabal Ismar. (Istanbul, Turkey's capital, also is built on seven hills.)
The seven heads or kings are the seven Caliphates of history [Rashidun (632-661); Umayyad (661-750); Abbasid (750-1258); Fatimid (909-1171); Ayyubid (1171-1260); Mamluk (1250-1517) and Ottoman (1517-1923)]. The last Caliphate led by al-Mahdi (for seven years) has not yet come. Three parallel caliphates during the same period bring the count to ten horns total [Cordoban (756-912-1031); Idrisid (788-974) and Almohad (1145-1269)]. The ten contemporaneous horns may be the ten nations drawn up following the defeat ("deadly wound") of the Ottoman Empire by the British after World War One in 1920-22. They were Basrah, Baghdad, Mosul, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Persia (Iran) and Egypt. Under British mandate Basrah, Baghdad and Mosul were later consolidated ("three horns uprooted") into provinces of Iraq. This agrees with Daniel in that one "little horn" (British) subdues three. The Ottoman Empire was the "little horn" that grew out of one of the four horns of Alexander's Greek Empire, specifically Seleucus's "King of the North" (Dan. 8:9; 11:1-45). The Ottoman Empire "flooded" out of the Babylonian (lion), Medo-Persian (bear) and Greek (leopard) Euphrates territory and "receded" in the 1870s. Revolts by Serbia, Montenegro, Romania and Bulgaria, supported by Russia, led to Ottoman loss of vast territory in the Treaty of Berlin, 1878. Finally it received a "deadly wound" (13:3) in 1923 but will again "live". The Seal of the Ottoman Caliphs is called the "Tugra" (one example above) and contains the number 666 in Greek, Hebrew and/or numerically. Istanbul's harbor is called the "Golden Horn."
Muslim companies won't do business with non-Muslims (can't buy or sell without mark). BEHEADING is the method of execution used by Islam (Rev. 20:4; Sura 8:12 says, "Strike off their heads.") The ten kings may also be the Islamic nations mentioned in Psalm 83. Daniel 2:43 uses the word "arab" #6151 or "mixed" to describe the ten toes.

If not for America's oil money, most Gulf states would not have had the wealth that allowed them to invest so much in arms procurement and SPONSOR TERRORIST organizations. The inhabitants of the earth are drunk on oil they sip in red "straws" from the cup of Moslem nations to the point of financing Moslem terrorists who kill Jews and Christians. Cepheus is fornicating with two Moslem nations at once (Coma & Virgo) (17:2). What Arab, Islamic, "DESERT" (17:3) nation today both ideologically and financially supports the export of RADICAL ISLAM to the world? What Arab nation is the most likely to use an OIL BOYCOTT to affect the policies of foreign nations? What Arab nation’s OIL net exports and production are more than three times higher than any other Arab member of OPEC? What Islamic desert nation is governed by a Royal Monarchy that is known throughout the earth as being fabulously WEALTHY and utterly CORRUPT? SAUDI ARABIA.
Mecca and Medina are decked with much gold, gems and pearls. Arabia is also famous for its gold markets or souqs. The Mall of Arabia is the home of the Gold Souq, with has over 450 jewelry & gold shops in one location. Saudi Arabia imports men, women, and children, no doubt to maintain and bolster her excessively LUXURIOUS and SINFUL lifestyle. Saudi Arabia has been repeatedly condemned by numerous human-rights watch groups for its horrific treatment of its vast foreign labor-force. They have been repeatedly reported to have a serious problem with importing young women and children as SEX SLAVES. This is typical of the Saudi Monarchy that is known for its HYPOCRITICAL outward life of public PIOUSNESS and secret DEBAUCHERY. In fact, all Saudi goods are important via the Red Sea, and the lists of IMPORTS MATCH Saudi imports perfectly – gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, vessels of ivory, fine wood and copper ware, iron, marble, spices, perfumes, liquor, sheep, horses, slaves, and the souls of men. Arabia has a tremendous foreign work force that should "FLEE BABYLON."
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia persecutes the saints. Arabia promotes beheading: “and I saw the souls of the martyrs who were beheaded.” Mecca exerts more false religious propaganda on more people than any other city on earth. Today major universities such as Harvard, Cambridge, Georgetown and many others have been bought by the Saudis to create Islamist friendly indoctrination programs. Saudi Arabia exports radical Islam to every nation in the world. Why are we having so much trouble today with the radical Islam? It’s because Saudi Arabia has exported Wahabbism throughout the world. Today, we have over a billion people who bow down daily towards an image in Arabia. Arabia is on a desert. Arabia has oil. Arabia imports slaves, and Arabia imports all of specific merchandise in Revelation 18.
Mecca is the spiritual home of all Muslims. The kingdom of Saudi Arabia which controls Mecca is corrupting nations with its oil wealth. As the spiritual home of Islam, Mecca rules (influences) over 1.5 billion people on this planet, in every country. The Royal House of Saud controls Mecca, the spiritual home of Islam. Mecca causes people to fly planes into buildings, to blow up infrastructure, to strap bombs on themselves to blow up the Kuffar, and to behead infidels shouting "Allahu Akbar". Islamic nations hate Saudi Arabia because they believe it has corrupted Islam and in Islamic eschatology, both Mecca and Medina will be destroyed, probably by a Turkey, Syria, Iran axis.

British Defeated the Ottoman Empire
"Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of that that followeth" (2 Esdras 6:7-10). Ezekiel 25:14 says, "I will lay my vengeance upon EDOM (TURKEY) by the hand of my people Israel." "And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of ESAU for stubble" (Obad. 18). "The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions" (Obadiah 17). "Saviors shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the mount of ESAU ; and the kingdom shall be the Eternal's" (Obad. 21). Yes "the elder (ESAU) shall serve the younger (Israel)." (Gen. 25:23) because " Israel (Jacob) is ... my firstborn (not Esau)" (Ex.4:22). In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins (Jerusalem rebuilt); and I will build it as in the days of old: That they may possess the remnant of EDOM, and of all the heathen, which are called by My name (Palestine's mixed population is called Israel), saith the Lord that doeth this" (Amos 9:12). From these verses we can easily identify EDOM with TURKEY-- the people who guarded the site of the tabernacle before Britain took over in 1917. TURKEY was defeated in 1917 by Britain's General Edmund Allenby and Colonel T.E. Lawrence. The surrender happened on 25th Kislev, the anniversary commemorating the recapture of the Temple from the Selucidae by Judas Maccabeus in 165 B.C. It is called the Feast of Dedication (John 10:22). The OTTOMAN EMPIRE had ruled over Egypt, Sudan, Arabia, Palestine, Iraq and Mesopotamia. But Britain took these possessions from her and ruled over most of them. August 10, 1920 the Treaty of Sevres was signed and the TURKISH EMPIRE was broken in pieces. March 5 & 6, 1924, the Caliph was expelled from TURKEY and the OTTOMAN EMPIRE ended. It had begun in 597 B.C. when Jerusalem was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and ESAU (TURKEY) took spoil (Ez. 35; Obad. 13) till 1924 when Britain (Israel) took it back 597 B.C. + 2520 = 1924 A.D. (Add one year since no year "0") Also, if we call Islam the "abomination of desolation" (Dan.12:11) which arose in 622 A.D., and add 1335 lunar years (Dan.12:12) of 354 days each according to the Islamic chronology (which equal 1295 solar years) , we come to 1917 A.D. when Jerusalem was delivered. 622 A.D. +1295 = 1917 A.D. Or from Omar, the first Caliph in 634 A.D. to 1924 A.D. when the Caliphate ended is 1290 years. For over 12 centuries ESAU, in the guise of Saracen and Turk, was in possession of the Holy Land as TURKEY made Palestine "desolate" (Ez.36:3) with "thorns and briars" (Isa. 32:13). Ezekiel 36:5,22,24 says, "Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all EDOM, who have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds.... Therefore, say unto the House of Israel, Thus saith the Lord God, I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake.... For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land." "As birds flying, so will the Eternal of hosts defend (protect) Jerusalem; defending (protecting) also he will deliver it, and passing over hewill preserve it" (Isa. 31:5). The secret to Allenby's success was domination of the air with British planes that were used for bombing, reconnaissance, and machine-gunning. He gave strict orders that no fighting was to take place in Jerusalem. Instead he attacked the enemy's supply line forcing their retreat. Then when the TURKS tried to level the city with their big guns, the British planes attacked those guns to protect Jerusalem. Not a shot was fired inside the city. When General Allenby advanced over Mount Gerizim (the Mount of Blessing), the TURKS were fleeing over Mount Ebal (the Mount of Cursing). In their conceit, the TURKS had boasted, "When the waters of the Nile flow into Palestine, then will a prophet of the Lord come and drive the TURKS out of this land." But this impossibility did happen when British engineers laid a pipeline across the desert to supply the British army at the rate of many thousands of gallons a day from the Nile. Not only that, but the leader of the army was named Allah-en-Nebi (God's prophet) in Arabic or Allenby in English.
Deuteronomy 11:24 says, "Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and LEBANON, from the river, the river EUPHRATES, even unto the uttermost SEA shall your coast be." After the First World War, Britain held the mandate stretching across the Fertile Crescent through what was then known as Palestine, Trans-Jordan and Iraq. From 1919 and through the 1920s this prophecy received fulfillment. God promised Abraham "all the land of Canaan" (Gen.17:8) and it was promised "for an everlasting possession.""Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates" (Gen. 15:18). Therefore, the Palestinians, who are being given control over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in Israel today, do not belong there. Isaac prophesied about ESAU, "Behold, thy dwelling shall be ("far from" -- Bas) the fatness of the earth, and ("far from" -- Bas) ... the dew of heaven above; And by thy SWORD shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother" (Gen.27:37-40). Haman and Herod were both EDOMITES (see Josephus). ESAU lives in TURKEY and TURKESTAN. These areas lack most of the important industrial natural resources. ESAU became EDOM (Gen. 25:30) or IDUMEA. One son called "AMALEK" gave his name to the capital of Jagatai in central Asia called ALMALIK (Acad. Am. En. 2:255). The Tarim River in TURKESTAN used to be called YUMALAK-Darya (29:872). The Egyptians called the Amalekites "AMU." In TURKESTAN is the AMU River (called Oxus by Greeks). We also see the SYR River in TURKESTAN named after Mount SEIR. ESAU'S son KORAH named the KARA-Kum desert, KARA-Kul Lake, KARA-Tau Mts., KIRGHIZ and KHORASAN in TURKESTAN. It's called TURKESTAN because it is "inhabited by TURKISH races" (27:419b). TEMAN gave his name to the OTTOMAN Empire (cp. Gen.36:11 & Obadiah 9) which stands "in the crossway" (Obad.14) -- the Bosporus and Dardanelles area that the British, Australians and New Zealanders fought so hard for in World War One. Strabo mentions the ODOMANTES tribe in N. GREECE and the ODOMANTIS country in TURKEY (3:359 & 5:325). They practiced circumcision (Aristophanes Acharn. 157). Herodotus calls these same peoples the SIRO-Painones (5:15) which may refer to SEIR of Pannonia. Plutarch called the Strymon River, on which the ODOMANTI lived, the PALESTINE River (DeFluv. 11). Ptolemy 3:12 mentions the town of IDOMENE and the province of ODOMANTICA both in Macedonia and IDYMUS in Lydia (TURKEY) (5:2).