Acts Chapter 29 Star Chart: The validity of the "Lost Chapter of Acts 29" is proven by the fact that the same star chart used for chapters 21-28 fits perfectly well here also. Paul visited Spain and Britain in 60 AD.
Clockwise from when "certain of the (Gemini) Druids came unto (Argo) Paul privately, and showed by their rites and ceremonies they were descended from the Jews which escaped from bondage in the land of Egypt, and the apostle believed these things, and he gave them the (red radius) kiss of peace" (29:13) till "Paul (Centaur) abode in his lodgings three months, confirming in the faith and (red radius) preaching (Argo mast & Crux) Christ continually" (29:14) is 90° days.
Clockwise from when (Orion) Paul prophesied on (Milky Way) Mount Lud in 60 AD till "the seventh numbering of the people, (when) their (lunar) eyes shall be opened, and the (solar) glory of their inheritance (lunar) shine forth before them" (29:10) is exactly five laps (360° x 5 = 1800). The 7th Census of the United Kingdom was in 1861 and the decade that followed witnessed a great expansion of the knowledge of British-Israelism. Notice "The (cap) stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes" (Matt. 21:42). "And nations shall come up to worship on the Mount that testifieth of the patience and long suffering of a servant of the Lord" (St. Paul's Cathedral) (29:10).
According to Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (AD 313-338), “some of the Apostles passed over to the British Isles.” This is most probable inasmuch as Paul was desirous to preach the Gospel to those to whom the name of Christ was not known, lest, as he says, “I should build upon another man’s foundation.” And having journeyed so near to Britain as Spain and Gaul, it is highly reasonable to suppose he would wish to cross over to these Islands, particularly if he had heard that there were men of his own nation settled there. There can be no question that Paul had heard of the “Tin Islands,” as the Romans had already conquered the greater part of Britain, and the Apostle would meet with many at Rome and elsewhere who had been there, either as traders or with the Roman army.
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyzicus, in Syria, supposes that after Paul had spent two years in Rome, he visited the islands of the sea, and he actually numbers some of the inhabitants of Gaul and Britain among the countrymen of the tentmaker.
Raphinus is the Roman name for Sandwich, in Kent. In the time of the Saxon Heptarchy there was still standing in Sandwich an old house called “The House of the Apostles.” This is regarded as strong evidence that some of the Apostles visited Sandwich.
The Apostle went and stood on Mount Lud, or Ludgate Hill, at that time, no doubt, more worthy of being called a mount than now. It has evidently been levelled for building the Cathedral and its predecessors, and the low-lying ground around levelled up.
In the remarkable prediction of verse 10 he declares that “nations shall come up to worship on the mount that testifieth of the patience and long-suffering of a servant of the Lord.” No one can fail to see that this prediction has had a striking fulfilment; the magnificent edifice -- St. Paul's Cathedral -- which stands on the site of Mount Lud bears the Apostle’s name, and has been the meeting place for men of other nations who have come to worship before the Lord.
Paul preached in Britain. The commission Christ gave the original Apostles was: "ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH." (Acts 1:8) and "part" is in the singular – not parts. Does the "uttermost part of the earth" refer to the British Isles?
One clue is given us by Agricola, the Roman governor of Britain (A.D. 37-93). He declared that he sailed up the east side of Britain and discovered "Ultima Thule," an expression well known in the Roman world, and applied to the remotest parts of the north and west of Europe. Galgacus, one of the chieftains of Caledonia, or Scotland, renowned for his valour in resisting the Romans, in rallying his people said: "THE EXTREMITY OF THE EARTH IS OURS." Evidence that "the uttermost part of the earth" is intended to refer to Britain is found in the Scottish Declaration of Independence, which was drawn up in 1320 in protest against the attempt by Edward I to conquer Scotland with the help of the Pope. The document is deposited in the National Registry at Edinburgh, and states: "The nation of the Scots... passing from the greater Scythis through the Mediterranean Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and sojourning in Spain among the most savage tribes through a long course of time, could nowhere be subjugated by any people, however barbarous; and coming thence one-thousand-two-hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel...acquired for themselves the possessions of the West. In this kingdom, one hundred and thirteen kings or their own royal stock, no strangers intervening, have reigned, whose nobility and merits... shine out plainly enough from this, that the King of kings, even our Lord Jesus Christ, after His passion and resurrection, called them, though situated at THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH, almost the first, to His most holy faith."
1. St. Clement of Rome (A.D. 30-100) wrote: "Saint Paul, also having seven times worn chains, and been hunted and stoned, received the prize of such endurance. For he was the herald of the Gospel to the West, as well as in the East, and enjoyed the illustrious reputation of the faith in teaching the whole world to be righteous. And after he had been to the extremity of the West, he suffered martyrdom before the sovereigns of mankind; and thus delivered from this world, he went to his holy place, the most brilliant example of steadfastness that we possess." (Epistle to the Corinthians, C.5)
St. Clement belonged to the first century, knew St. Paul personally, and was the third Bishop of Rome. St. Paul speaks of him in his Epistle to the Phillippians, 4:3 "With Clement also and other of my fellow labourers whose names are in the book of life". Irenaeus (born about A.D. 130) himself the pupil of Polycarp (the friend of St. John) thus speaks of him: "Clement, who had seen the blessed Apostles and conversed with them; who had the preaching of the Apostles still sounding in his ears, and their traditions before his eyes."
2. Theodore the Blessed, Bishop of Cyrus near Antioch in Syria (born about A.D. 390), noted as an accomplished man of letters and learned Church historian, writing about A.D. 435 said of St. Paul (the leather worker):
"Our fishermen and tax gatherers and the leather worker have brought to all men the laws of the Gospel, and they persuaded not only Romans and their tributaries, but also the Scythians and Sauromatian nations (or Cimrians), and Germans, to accept the laws of the Crucified" (Graed. aff. cur. Sermo. IX).
"St. Paul reached Spain and brought salvation to the Islands of the Sea."(Bishop Edwards of St. Asaph's "Landmarks in the History of the Welsh Church," p. 4) This fits in with St. Jerone's statement that, besides visiting Spain, St. Paul went "from ocean to ocean", and St. Chrysostum's writings that Paul went "from Illyricum to the very ends of the Earth."
3. Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (A.D. 633-637) wrote: "...the unwearied champion of the orthodox faith against the monotheistic heresy, not unworthy to be ranked with Athanasius and Cyril among the defenders of the truth against successive depravations." (Smith and Wace, Dictionary of Christian Biology, Volume IV, page 719). Robert Parsons in his "Three Conversions of England (p. 22) cites Sophronius as saying, in his sermon on "The Nativity of the Apostles", that St. Paul came to Britain.
4. Venantius Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers (born about A.D. 530), well-known Christian hymn-writer, author of "Vexilla Regis" (The Royal Banners forward go), speaks of St. Paul, "crossing the ocean" and visiting "Britain and the extreme West". Although a Frenchman, this cultivated literary man must have met many of the refugee Britons who had fled to France before the Saxon invader and would have learned many traditions from them.
5. A very ancient tradition assigns the foundation of Bangor Abbey (in Britain) to St. Paul. Its rule was known as the "Rule of Paul." The Abbots claimed to be his successors. Over every gate of the Abbey was Paul's command, "If any will not work, neither shall he eat." (A paraphrase from II Thess. 3:10).
6. The correspondence of Paul and Seneca (mentioned by Jerome in the fourth century A.D.). This ancient manuscript in Merton College, Oxford, which purports to contain a series of letters between St. Paul and Seneca, makes more than one allusion to St. Paul's residence in Siluria, Britain.
Paul's Journey to Spain & Britain (Acts 29)
Verse 1. And Paul, full of the blessings of Christ, and abounding in the spirit, departed out of Rome, determining to go into Spain, for he had a long time purposed to journey thitherward, and was minded also to go from thence into Britain.
Verse 2. For he had (lunar ear) heard in Phoenicia that certain of the (Gemini) children of Israel, about the time of the Assyrian captivity (721 B.C.), had escaped by sea to “the isles afar off,” as spoken by the prophet, and called by the Romans, Britain.
Verse 3. And the Lord commanded the gospel to be preached far hence to the Gentiles, and to the lost (Aries) sheep of the House of Israel.1
Verse 4. And no man hindered Paul; for he (red radius) testified boldly of Jesus before the (Auriga, Perseus) tribunes and among the (Gemini) people; and he took with him certain of the (Centaur, Ophiuchus, Hercules, Bootes, Sagittarius, Aquarius) brethren which abode with him at Rome, and they took (Argo) shipping at Ostium, and having the (Milky Way) winds fair were brought safely into an haven of Spain.
Verse 5. And much (constellation) people were gathered together from the (lunar) towns and villages and the hill country; for they had (lunar ears) heard of the conversion of the (Orion) apostle, and the many miracles which he had wrought.
Verse 6. And Paul (red radius) preached mightily in Spain, and great (zodiac) multitudes believed and were converted, for they perceived he was an apostle sent from (Shekinah Glory) God.
Verse 7. And they departed out of Spain, and Paul and his company finding a (Argo) ship in Armorica sailing unto Britain, they went therein, and passing along the South coast they reached a port called Raphinus.
Verse 8. Now when it was (red radius) noised abroad that the apostle had (Argo) landed on their coast, great multitudes of the inhabitants met him, and they treated Paul courteously, and he entered in at the east (solar) gate of their city, and lodged in the house of an Hebrew and one of his own nation.2
Verse 9. And on the morrow he came and stood upon (Milky Way) Mount Lud;3 and the (Gemini) people thronged at the (solar) gate, and assembled in the (Milky Way) Broadway, and he (red radius) preached (Argo mast) Christ unto them, and many believed the word and the testimony of Jesus.
Verse 10. And at even the Holy Ghost (Spirit) fell upon (Sagittarius) Paul, and he (red radius) prophesied, saying, Behold in the last days the God of Peace shall dwell in the cities, and the inhabitants thereof shall be numbered; and in the seventh numbering of the people,4 their (lunar) eyes shall be opened, and the (solar) glory of their inheritance shine forth before them. And nations shall come up to worship on the Mount that testifieth of the patience and long suffering of a servant of the Lord.
Verse 11. And in the latter days new tidings of the Gospel shall (red radius) issue forth out of Jerusalem, and the hearts of the people shall rejoice, and behold, fountains shall be opened, and there shall be no more plague.
Verse 12. In those days there shall be wars and rumours of wars; and a (Orion) king shall rise up, and his (solar golden) sword shall be for the healing of the nations, and his peacemaking shall abide, and the glory of his (red radius pyramid) kingdom a wonder among (lunar open-mouthed) princes.
Verse 13. And it came to pass that certain of the (Gemini) Druids came unto Paul privately, and showed by their rites and ceremonies they were descended from the Jews which escaped from bondage in the land of Egypt, and the apostle believed these things, and he (Argo) gave them the kiss of peace.
Verse 14. And (Argo) Paul abode in his lodgings three months (90°), confirming in the faith and (red radius) preaching (Argo mast & Crux) Christ continually.
Verse 15. And after these things (Orion) Paul and his (Gemini) brethren departed from Raphinus, and (red radius) sailed unto Atium in Gaul.
Verse 16. And Paul preached in the Roman garrisons and among the (constellation) people, exhorting all (constellation) men to repent and (red radius) confess their sins.
Verse 17. And there came to him certain of the Belgae to enquire of him of the new doctrine, and of the man Jesus; and Paul opened his heart unto them, and told them all things that had befallen him, how be it that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; and they departed, pondering among themselves upon the things which they had (lunar ears) heard.
Verse 18. And after much preaching and toil (Orion) Paul and his fellow (Gemini) labourers passed into Helvetia, and came unto (Milky Way) Mount Pontius Pilate, where he (Perseus) who (red radius) condemned the Lord Jesus dashed himself down headlong, and so miserably perished.
Verse 19. And immediately a (Milky Way) torrent gushed out of the (Milky Way) mountain and washed his (Perseus) body (red radius) broken to pieces into a lake.
Verse 20. And Paul stretched forth his hands upon the water and prayed unto the Lord, saying, O Lord God, give a sign unto all nations that here Pontius Pilate, which condemned thine only-begotten Son, plunged down headlong into the pit.
Verse 21. And while (Orion) Paul was yet speaking, behold there came a great earthquake, and the face of the waters was changed, and the form of the lake like unto the Son of Man hanging in an agony upon the (Argo mast or Crux) cross.
Verse 22. And a voice came out of heaven saying, Even (Perseus) Pilate hath escaped the wrath to come,5 for he (lunar basin) washed his hands before the multitude at the blood-shedding of the Lord Jesus.6
Verse 23. When, therefore, Paul and those that were with him (lunar eyeballs) saw the earthquake, and heard the (red radius) voice of the angel, they glorified God, and were mightily strengthened in the spirit.
Verse 24. And they journeyed and came to (Milky Way) Mount Julius, where stood two (red radius) pillars, one on
the right hand and one on the left hand, erected by Caesar Augustus.
Verse 25. And (Orion) Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit) , stood up between the two (red radius) (lunar) pillars, saying,
Men and brethren, these stones which ye (lunar eyeballs) see this day shall testify of my journey hence; and verily I say, they shall remain until the outpouring of the spirit upon all nations, neither shall the way be hindered throughout all generations.
Verse 26. And they went forth and came unto Illyricum,7 intending to go by Macedonia into Asia, and grace was found in all the churches; and they prospered and had peace. Amen.
1 Acts 22:21; 9:15. 2 Acts 28:7. 3 Ludgate Hill and Broadway, where St. Paul’s Cathedral is built in London. 4 The 7th Census of the United Kingdom was in 1861 and the decade that followed witnessed a great expansion of the knowledge that Israel was in the British Isles. The 21st (3x7) Census took place in 2011.5 Second Death—Revelation 21:8. 6 Matthew 27:24. 7 Romans 15:19.
