A Do-It-Yourself LAW Course For A Pro Se To Regain Your Common Law Rights
When you get a birth certificate or Social Security Number or sign a BUSINESS LICENSE, building permit, DRIVER'S LICENSE (a contract to obey civil statute laws which is not required in Crandall v. Nevada and Delaware v. Prouse), and/or MARRIAGE LICENSE (making children wards of state and divorce governed by state statute all based on Wickert v. Filburn), you voluntarily enter into contractual relationship with the State and come under regulated enterprise -- Admiralty Maritime Equity law (Art. 3 Section 2 of Constitution). You have NO RIGHTS in equity courts. You are guilty till proven innocent. Once LICENSED, they don't have to prove your intent to commit a crime, just your act. "An intent need not be proven" (Ferris Products Co. v. Gulf States Trading Co.). But you signed under duress, coercion and unknowingly. Furthermore, many Americans prefer to be ENFRANCHISED slaves rather than to be free. You must decide. Regain your power of attorney. Pro Se litigants win 86% of the time.
Webster's definition of LICENTIOUS is "lacking legal or moral restraints". This word comes from the root LICENSE. Bouvier's Law Dictionary defines a LICENSE as "permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal, unlawful, a tort or a trespass" (Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1914; 1872). For instance, when you get a Real Estate LICENSE, you have been given "permission" to sell land contrary to Lev. 25:23. When you get a Medical Doctor's LICENSE, you have been given "permission" to cut, burn and poison contrary to Ex. 15:26. We are not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor. 6:14) -- the State. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20:3; 1 Sam. 8:8) -- the State. You cannot serve two masters (Matt. 6:24, Luke 16:13) -- the State and God. "Make no treaty (contract) with them ... for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you." (Deut. 7:2-4) "Come out of her, my people" (Rev. 18:4). You worship the one you obey. Our ancestors said "we will do" (Ex. 24:7). God also made this agreement with the heirs and assigns -- those "not here with us this day" (Deut. 29:15). It inures to all the heirs and assigns forever. That is us today, who have not obeyed. There has been a breach of contract. The penal clause to this contract is found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.
According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, you have the right to CONTRACT. When you do, they take your freedom away from you under the COMMERCE Clause. According to Dred Scott v. Sanford 9 Howe 393, (1857), "the State citizen is immune to any and all governmental attacks and procedure -- absent CONTRACT." According to Hale v. Henkel, "If you act in a corporate capacity you will be treated like a corporation" (201 US 43 p. 75). All of the laws that come out of your Congress and Legislature are COMMERCIAL laws that deal with Article 1, Section 8 -- the COMMERCE CLAUSE. Legislatures enact laws that benefit this or that company or industry and it has to do with trade, COMMERCE, business and industry, affecting some public interest. Campaign contributions (bribes) assure passage of the bill. Lobbyists also give gifts but "thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous" (Ex. 23:8). All COMMERCIAL laws are done by CONTRACT. You have CONTRACTED your RIGHTS away. All the rights, privileges and immunities you had in 1787 are available to you today. But every time you sign your name, you lose some of those rights. By getting you to sign a DRIVER'S LICENSE, they get you to Constitutionally waive your Bill of Rights and bring you voluntarily under the regulatory system. Every year you pay your income tax by CONTRACT. We have volunteered into equity jurisdiction through the use of CONTRACTS. The State simply LICENSES everybody, inducing them to accept a PRIVILEGE in place of a RIGHT. That's what a LICENSE is. It promises you benefits. But your taxes increase. These Adhesion CONTRACTS are not between equals. One party is usually TOTALLY UNFAMILIAR with the TERMS of the CONTRACT -- not fully informed. The other has had time and expert advice to write the terms and conditions. FINE PRINT and CONVOLTED CLAUSES are often employed. "Fraud vitiates everything" (US v. Throckmorton 98 US 61 - Supreme Court 1878). There isn't anything the government can't do HALF AS WELL for TWICE AS MUCH MONEY. "But the natural individual, functioning as a matter of right, sees no benefit from the State and therefore is not subject to the penalty for not specifically performing" (Hale v. Henkel 201 US 43 pp.74-75). "In order for a quasi-contract to attach, a benefit must be conferred on the defendant by the plaintiff (If you don't take the benefit, you don't have a contract). Now the defendant must have displayed an appreciation of that benefit and accept and retain that benefit so that it is inequitable for him to retain the benefit without payment for the value of the benefit. Its called the doctrine of unjust enrichment." (Moore v. Wayne County 50 NW 2nd 881). Police ask, "Do you recognize my authority?" Say "No". Police ask, "Do you understand?" Say "No", because Admiralty Law is law of consent. Do you stand under them? Do you give them consent? Do you recognize their authority? Americans don't realize they are "wretched, and miserable, and poor (no Allodial title, MCO or silver or gold), and blind (to their corporate slave status), and naked" (Rev. 3:17)
Driver's License
When you buy an automobile from the dealership, pay him in gold and tell him you want the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin. This is superior title. In such cases you won't get a lesser Certificate of Title because that is unnecessary. Willie Brown outlawed this practice in California, but it is perfectly legal in other states. The State claims ownership of your car by virtue of that MCO which is why your tags say "for official use only." Its like a car's Birth Certificate. That way the State can regulate, fine for their own personal gain, and take their (your) car whenever they want. The State issues you a Certificate of Title, not superior title (MCO). There can be multiple owners of the same piece of property. Buyer has an equitable interest in the automobile and State has an equitable interest in automobile too with the MCO. Your Certificate of Title and Bill of Sale are not enough to prove ownership. George Gordon took this to the State Supreme Court of Idaho and found out the hard way. Very few people own their own vehicle in the United States today. Just as you're prohibited from owning people in the US because of the 13th Amendment, so also you're prohibited from owning your own vehicle (unless you obtained an MCO). There was a time in America when you could own slaves and a time when you could own your own automobile. But not anymore, unless you have the MCO. An automobile is "unusual and extraordinary use that can be regulated and controlled" by police powers. The right to travel is a property right but most people don't have a right to their automobile. Today only the State owns people and (most) automobiles. The same is true for houses and land. Superior title is held by the State. You only have equitable interest. But Robert Fox bought a new car in Mississippi using silver coin and walked out of the showroom with the MCO. Then when he got back to Arlington Texas, a policeman noticed he had no license plates and stopped him. Since he had no Driver's License, insurance, or registration either, his car was seized, he was arrested and thrown in jail. But the State didn't prosecute Robert Fox for any of these "offenses." After several days in jail, they prosecuted him, but for an unrelated "offense." That MCO did something. It showed that Robert Fox had a property right in the automobile -- not just an invisible equity interest. The State didn't own his automobile. He won his case.
When you obtain a Driver's License, you agree to obey all the laws of the State from which that license issues. The RIGHT to TRAVEL has been converted to a PRIVILEGE to DRIVE. The illegal activity for which you have been given a license is trespassing on other people's property. But the Amish people don't have any DRIVER'S LICENSES. Over 2000 laws are in the traffic code. For instance, the DRIVER must force any passenger to buckle up or the DRIVER gets the ticket. Taxes take the form of penalties and fines which protect the claims window of the insurance industry. The courts and insurance companies need traffic laws. Courts need them to expedite cases and litigation; and insurance companies need them to increase profits and decrease claims. It's a symbiotic relationship. When a policeman asks, "Do you know why I stopped you today?" don't make admissions and confessions. Say, "No. Have I broken any laws? I am travelling." The officer will say, "You were ____, Can I see your driver's license, and proof of insurance?" Remind the officer, "I am not driving as defined under statutory law. I'm travelling in my pleasure vehicle under case law, not in a commercial motor vehicle for pay. I do not wish to contract with you as you are a revenue agent. I reserve all my rights UCC 1-308." He will ask again, "Can I see your Driver's License?" Ask the officer, "Am I being detained?" He might say yes or no. Just get it on the record. If you do not wish to get in too deep, agree to show the officer your license but explain to him that you explicitly reserve your rights under UCC 1-308 and are not contracting with him, but you are operating under duress." You can sign the ticket with words like "Without Prejudice", "Sui Juris", and "Under Duress and Coercion." In the court say, "The right to travel is secured by the Constitution and cannot be turned into a privilege."
"All the evidence that's ever going to be used against you is going to be furnished by you" -- Maxim of Law. "You can and you must keep your mouth shut for protection under the Fifth Amendment" (Belknapp v. US). "The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant nor to the person who is ignorant of his rights. Not the one who is indifferent thereto because it is a fighting clause and its benefits can be retained only by sustained combat and it cannot be claimed by an attorney or solicitor for you. It is valid only when insisted upon by you the belligerent claimant in person" (US v. Johnson). TRAVELING 75mph in a 55-zone is NOT a 'crime'. (However, we don't recommend doing this). No one has been injured under the common law, thus no crime was committed. CRIMINAL Law includes rape, robbery and murder. But a traffic ticket is a breach of contract. Sign your DRIVER license 'WITHOUT PREJUDICE' and 'UCC 1-207 1-308' (Uniform Commercial Code). Or better yet, don't renew your DRIVER'S LICENSE and also RESCIND the one you do have. License must be returned to the county of origin. Both operations together must be done. I wish to TRAVEL as a Constitutional RIGHT to TRAVEL. I'm not in a state-regulated commercial enterprise. I'm not a party to this 'voluntary' contract. My signature was made against my will and "UNDER DURESS." "Licenses and permits are the exact opposite to ownership of private property." -George Gordon.
You have a basic and fundamental RIGHT TO TRAVEL from God in the Bible. But you need a LICENSE if you're DRIVING "for hire to make a profit" such as a taxi, bus or a truck that moves freight. The word "DRIVER" is specific to commerce. Furthermore, a car is "a consumer good" (UCC, 1992). But as soon as you put INSURANCE on it, it becomes a "VEHICLE" that is business property. Just as Life Insurance places the body into Admiralty jurisdiction, and Home Insurance places the house into Admiralty, so also a car is considered a consumer good till you get Auto Insurance. Then the State owns it and can impound it and tow it. You do have a RIGHT to TRAVEL by automobile. But you don't have a right to DRIVE by automobile because the automobile is OWNED BY THE STATE. Nobody owns their own "VEHICLE". They're DRIVING the State's cars (Hale v. Henkel). The State has a right to regulate its own "VEHICLES". But if you own your own automobile, you have a piece of PROPERTY. Judges differentiate between PROPERTY (right) and PRIVILEGE (no right). Property has never been assessed or taxed in the United States (Diefendorf v. Gallet). Your "VEHICLE" currently belongs to the State. The Prima Facie evidence that you don't own it is the REGISTRATION that you pay every year on that automobile. REGISTRATION says it is registered with the State. CERTIFICATE of TITLE is evidence of Title -- not actual title. Notice the watermark says "VOID". It is not actual title. The State has Superior Title (Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin). Highway Patrol can have your VEHICLE towed away. The two flags (LICENSE PLATES), one at each end, are proof the State owns it. You have only an equitable interest in the State's property. The purpose for having DRIVER'S LICENSES is to ENFRANCHISE all the people into a little group that can be regulated under the police powers, separate from their Constitutional RIGHTS. Don't renew your DRIVER'S LICENSE. Throw the LICENSE PLATES away. Rescind the Registration. The State will contend that there has been a breach of contract. The first "breach" is that you now have no Driver's LICENSE. There will also be a property dispute. The State will claim you're driving THEIR VEHICLE on THEIR ROAD without THEIR PERMISSION. You will contend that you are TRAVELING IN YOUR AUTOMOBILE on YOUR ROAD because that is a public right-of-way and you OWN THAT CAR. We used to have a RIGHT to TRAVEL under article 42 of Magna Carta. You can't tax it (Crandall v. Nevada). "The RIGHT of a free man to TRAVEL upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by horse-drawn carriage or wagon or AUTOMOBILE, is not a mere privilege which a city may permit or prohibit at will, but a common RIGHT which he has under his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It includes the right in so doing to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day and under the existing modes of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon for the usual and ordinary purposes of life and business" (W.L Thompson, Appt. v. D.C. Smith 154 S.E. 579 [1930]). So in 1930 they still recognized your automobile as a property right, equal to a horse and buggy. But not today. But it was then according to the Supreme Court of Virginia. What happened? In 1933 Roosevelt's HJR 192 suspended gold and we couldn't own a car. Under police powers, they now regulate and control these cars. But in 1986 the Tax Reform Act (Title 31 Section 5102-5112 gave us our gold and silver coin back. But Americans have forgotten how to use hard money in the intervening years 1933-1986. Businessmen look at you with a blank stare when you offer to pay in gold coin. It's the way Anglo-Saxons have always paid their debt at law. It's the way we establish our property rights.They will cite McKenzie 1914 and define "usual and ordinary conveyance of the day" as a horse and buggy. They will insist that a VEHICLE requires a LICENSE. If you need to travel across state lines, that is okay as long as youre not engaged in interstate commerce. You can wait for the DRIVER'S LICENSE to expire and then not renew it. Then you're no longer under the Traffic Code. Or turn it back in by affidavit and stop DRIVING as a matter of PRIVILEGE and start TRAVELLING as a free man as a matter of RIGHT. Also rescind your Driver's License. When you buy automobile insurance, your vehicle becomes a non-consumer good. Don't even own a vehicle of your own. Use someone else's vehicle who pays the insurance and has the registration in his name. The reason for this is because most policemen are unaware of the laws. They will stop you and arrest you and impound the car with no license plates. You will be litigating one case after another in court, even though you'll win each case. You see, the State has a vested interest in the Driver's License and Registration. It's worth billions of dollars in business nationwide each year. They don't want you to have private ownership of property. Why not go to traffic court and make a jurisdictional challenge and instead of pleading "Not Guilty" (you'll lose 94% of time if you plead into this fiction of law), Demur to the charge (wrong court since no contract) or plead "Motion to Amend" the complaint (from Admiralty to Common Law) or "Non assumpsit by way of confession and avoidance" (I don't have a Driver's License and you don't have jurisdiction). Motion up a Subpoena Dueces Tekum to compel the prosecution to bring in the enlistment contract. Or say, "I haven't committed any crime and I'm not going to plead to this. I am standing mute. If the government wants to spend two thousand dollars convicting me, then so be it." Ron gibson went to the to the Secretary of State, Corporations Division website to where the corporate names are registered. He scrolled down to the "G"s He printed it out. There was no Ron gibson corporation. To be a corporation you must be registered with the Corporations Division. He didn't exist in the record. Therefore, "You violated my rights by color of law by giving me a ticket for not having a Driver's License. You were claiming I was a corporation and I just proved I wasn't." "I will sue under Constructive Trust fraud." "Case dismissed." A driver's LICENSE is an adhesion contract. "Learn not the way of the heathen" (Jer. 10:2) "What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." (Deut. 12:32) "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you." (Deut. 4:2)

Proof of Insurance
The traffic court's sole function and purpose is to protect the profitability of the insurance industry. It isn't there for any other purpose. Now you've got no driver's license. You don't owe any money on your truck, so you're not affecting any corporate entity in any way. Don't insure your truck, because if you insure your truck, then the insurance company is the master and they're responsible for your actions. You've got to be responsible for your own actions. When you're out on the road in an insured automobile, in an insured truck, who's responsible when you have an accident? The insurance company is responsible. Individual responsibility is lost. Well if the insurance company is responsible, isn't the insurance company going to make rules and regulations for you to follow? It makes sense to me. It makes sense to government. It makes sense to everybody. Because, you see, when you're insured, you're not responsible for your actions, the insurance company is. An insurance policy is an adhesion contract which is imposed upon many customers. It becomes "a ONE-SIDED privilege ... Freedom of contract enables enterprisers to legislate ... in a substantially AUTHORITARIAN manner without using the appearance of authoritarian forms. Standard contracts in particular could thus become effective instruments in the hands of powerful industrial and commercial overlords enabling them to impose a NEW FEUDAL ORDER of their own making upon a vast host of VASSALS" (Kessler, Contracts of Adhesion, 43 Columbia Law Review, p.640, 1943 Emphasis added). Insurance is limited liability and the contract is written for their benefit, whereas the Bible teaches strict liability or individual responsibility (Ex. 21:28-36). Limited liability removes a person from responsibility for his own actions. The driver of the vehicle (captain of the ship) is responsible for any passenger not wearing a seat belt. The "ULTIMATE" insurance policy delivers to every policy-holder 100% total protection from every hazard imaginable. It is called the "PADDED-CELL" policy. Total security but no rights or freedoms inside a JAIL CELL with a locked door. Totally ENFRANCHISED. Don't be an UNDERWRITER or SURETY for others (Prov. 6:1-5; 11:15; 17:18; 22:26). "He who puts up security and GUARANTEES a debt for an outsider will surely suffer [for his foolishness], But he who hates (declines) being a GUARANTOR is secure [from its penalties]." (Pr. 11:15; AMP) Insurance is about gambling and wagering. It's a bet. They determine the odds of your house burning down when it is within four blocks of a fire station. They look at how many other houses have burned down in the area over time. Then they offer 100% coverage on your $100,000 dollar home for $500 premium per year. They're betting 20 to one odds that your house doesn't burn down. Its a ponsi tontine wagering scheme. If the insurance company believes you're not going to have an accident, why should you believe it? The Insurance Company is a master at figuring out the odds. Statistically, here in the US, every driver is expected to have one accident every 32 years which will cost $1835 dollars to repair. But you pay a premium of $800 every year which totals about 25,600 in 32 years. Your net profit for insuring yourself is $23,765. Therefore, insurance companies are a scam. Is there even one person who has collected more in benefits than he has paid out in premiums? Even a scratch in someone else's vehicle is "cause" for them to receive a brand new auto part at somebody else's expense. People are greedy and take advantage of situations which raises insurance rates. Defeat the "four-eyed monster" (inflation, insurance, interest and income tax) by insuring yourself. When you buy a mobile home in a trailer park, the trailer park requires you to have home insurance just to rent the space or plot. This is also a scam.
In 1848, "Under Common Law, shipowners were LIABLE for the acts of their shipmasters" (NJ Steam Navigation Co. v. Merchant's Bank, 6 Howard 3:42). In 1889, the Supreme Court ruled as follows, "But it is enough to say that the rule of LIMITED RESPONSIBILITY is our Maritime rule. It is the rule by which through the act of Congress (Limited Liability Act of 1851) we have announced that we propose to administer justice in Maritime cases. The rule of LIMITED LIABILITY prescribed by the Act of 1851 is nothing more than the old Maritime rule administered in courts of Admiralty in all countries except England from time immemorial and if this were not so the subject matter wouldn't be one that belongs to the Department of Maritime Law." (Butler v. Boston & Savannah Steamship Co., 46 USC 181)
Mandatory health insurance is LIMITED liability. Why should a healthy Christian who follows God's laws of avoiding pigs, clams, crab, shrimp and fat, blood, sugar and white flour, and who takes vitamins and minerals, be required to pay $10,000 a year in LIMITED liability (group responsibility) health insurance coverage like all the other citizens who smoke (lung cancer), get drunk (cirrhosis of liver), fornicate (venereal disease), eat hamburgers and hot dogs (heart attack)? The Bible teaches STRICT liability or INDIVIDUAL responsibility (Ex. 21:28-36) but also group responsibility if the group is Bible-believers (Acts 2:44,45; 4:32). "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal. 6:2). Also "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished." (Pr. 22:3; 27:12). So it is possible to have a private alternative to insurance by having 25 fellow Christians post a BOND (or to have a Property Bond, Insurance Bond or Personal Recognizance Bond) with the Secretary of State (or Dept. of Revenue) to practice a form of Less-Strict Liability that includes all of these Scriptures.
If you exercise INDIVIDUAL responsibility in your business by putting salt on your sidewalk to melt the ice and filling in any holes so people won't trip and break a leg, why should you be required to pay the same premium as other businesses that don't bother? We have a contract with God (Lev. 26:9). If we obey Him, He will give us "rain", "increase" and "fruit". We will be "full" and "dwell safely", "have peace" and not be "afraid." We will be "fruitful and multiply" and God will dwell among us (Lev. 26:1-13). That sounds like a promise of protection. INSURANCE is the REASON for our LOSS of FREEDOM. When an insurer (insurance company) seeks to limit his liability, the insurer takes preventive measures by either raising the rates or telling the client to get rid of the potential hazards. Hence loss of your freedom, rights, privileges and immunities.
"Although COMMERCE includes traffic in its narrower sense, for more than a century it has been judicially recognized that in a broad sense it embraces every phase of COMMERCIAL and business activity and intercourse" (Jordan Vikate v. Mikay Tashiro 278 US 123, 1815). "Policies of INSURANCE are within, though not exclusively within, the Admiralty-Maritime jurisdiction of the United States" -- Judge Storey. Where you have INSURANCE, you do not have common law. They are mutually exclusive. "Anytime INSURANCE is involved, you're in Admiralty" (DeLovio v. Boyt, 1815). According to the US Supreme Court, "No COMMERCIAL enterprise of any kind which conducts its activities across state lines has been held to be wholly beyond the regulatory power of Congress (under the Commerce Clause). We cannot make an exception of the business of INSURANCE" (US v. SE Underwriters Assoc.). Also according to the US Supreme Court, "The court takes judicial notice that INSURANCE is now interstate COMMERCE under the COMMERCE CLAUSE of the Federal Constitution and that in accordance with the Supreme Court decision in the case of US v. SE Underwriters." "Admiralty can be extended to lakes ... on LAND when the COMMERCE is between different states and may embrace the VEHICLES and the PERSONS engaged in carrying it on ... and to deny to the parties TRIAL by JURY." (Propeller Genessee Chief et all v. Fitzhall et al, 12 Howe 443, 1851).

Credit Cards, FRNs and Banking
On June 5, 1933, HJR 192 was passed by Congress which abolished all private property. This is the FIRST PLANK of the Communist Manifesto. Nobody could PAY their debts from that day forward -- only transfer or DISCHARGE their debt. You can't have rights or liberty without property. You can't own anything. Instead of Article 1 Section 10, we now follow the Uniform Commercial Code based on Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution -- the Achilles' heel Commerce Clause. Article 1, Section 10 of our Constitution states that only GOLD and SILVER coins PAY debt. But Art.1, Sec.10 doesn't prohibit "tender in transfer of debt" which is "unjust weights and balances." So in 1933 Roosevelt took GOLD away and in 1964 Johnson took SILVER coin out and these men introduced the first, second and fifth planks of the Communist Manifesto and gave us Federal Reserve Notes in place of GOLD-backed treasury bills and CLAD COINAGE in place of SILVER coin. Today there is nothing for Article 1, Section 10 to operate upon just as there is nothing for Common Law to operate upon. In these same 70 years, America has gone from being the world's #1 creditor nation to being the world's #1 debtor nation. From 1787 to 1933 the US operated with hard money and had more military and industrial strength than Britain or any other nation in the world. The US was number one in all 15 leading economic indicators even as late as 1950. Now the US is not number one in any of the 15 leading economic indicators. Hard money is what did it. They took our GOLD and SILVER away to destroy our right to own property; and to force us into COMMERCE so you could not do business in private capacity. We are not to participate in Canaanite trafficking. Buy with gold and silver. Barter. Don't use FRNs. Once they got you involved in COMMERCE, they could regulate and control you. Everyone became a MERCHANT. So they came and told the plumber he needs a plumber LICENSE and the barber he needs a barber LICENSE and the doctor that he needs a doctor's LICENSE. The Federal Reserve owns all your possessions since your debts are DISCHARGED in FRNs rather than PAID in GOLD or SILVER. These FRNs don't belong to you. (see "Bills & Notes" in Bouvier's Law Dictionary). They belong to the criminal Federal Reserve which deals in usury and unjust weights. They are contracts not PAYMENT. Look at the words on any dollar bill. Debt is now called money. The Federal Reserve calls it monetized debt or fiat currency over which the only jurisdiction is Admiralty or Maritime.
Cash business is the best business. Credit business is bad business. FIAT CURRENCY is subject to 8% inflation per year. This is a HIDDEN TAX. If you open a bank account, the laws of COMMERCE are in force and you are subject to the COMMERCE CLAUSE. Banks practice fractional reserve lending. Banking violates two scriptures. Deuteronomy 25:13-16 ("diverse weights and measures") and Leviticus 19:35-36 ("just weights, just balances"). "Federal Reserve Notes are valueless" (IRS Code section 1.1001-1 (4657) C.C.H.). USURY is also condemned in the Bible (Ex. 22:25-27; Ez. 18:8) and may be violated by banking. They write CREDIT CARD contracts in fine print so you won't know how egregious they are. Buy a 10x loup magnifier and read them. You forfeit the Seventh Amendment and agree to binding arbitration. Jesus cast out the MONEYCHANGERS from the Temple (Matt. 21:12; John 2:15). We should deal in hard currency. By doing so, we defeat the "four-eyed monster" (inflation, interest, insurance and income tax). FIAT CURRENCY is "divers weights and measures." Commercial paper may be USURY or "divers weights and measures" (mortgages, deeds of trust, credit cards, stocks, bonds, interest) (Any profit you might have gained from STOCKS will probably be lost to Capital Gains tax or inflation anyway). These are all THEFT instruments that violate the Law of God. Bankruptcy is a counterfeit of the Year of Release. For instance, Credit Cards legalize usury and have hidden fees and are "high maintenance" since must be paid off each month or they "bite." Why play with snakes? The borrower is servant to lender (Pr. 22:7). Average US household owes $16000 in credit card debt in 2016. Credit Card interest rates can be raised at the bank's discretion unilaterally. For instance, from 19.5% to 29.99% if you're 60 days late on monthly payments. Or for other reasons having nothing to do with you. When you sign the back of a check, and endorse it, you become a "Maritime Underwriter." You are saying, in effect, "If there is anything wrong with this check, I will make the whole thing good." If the check bounces, the bank goes to your account to collect the money. You can prevent this by writing "Cashed At Law Without Recourse" over your signature. (If this check bounces, don't count on me. I'm not going to guarntee this company's credit.). Otherwise the guarantor of last resort is the employee. A bank won't take a restricted endorsement. Debt is an ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver.
A father tells his son to run an errand to the grocery store and pick up a loaf of bread and some milk. The father is short on money so hands his son a piece of paper with the items needed being listed and asking the grocer to put them on his account adding this latest IOU which will be paid later and then signs the note. The son enters the grocery store and hands the signed note to the grocer and is given the items and returns home with them. This story illustrates that there is a clear distinction between a debt that is discharged (continues to exist) and a debt that has been paid (extinguished). A discharge transfers the debt to the next person. The person who accepts the discharge (grocer) agrees that there is a disability that he accepts as a condition of the discharge. The disability that he accepts is the loss of his property right (milk and bread) in both the money and the product or service. He accepts this disability voluntarily in exchange for the profit he makes on the transaction. (Stanec v. White 172 Minnesota 390). This is what a Federal Reserve Note is. Notice that the son (John Q. Public) doesn't own anything.
The "black market" or "underground economy" is the opposite end of the spectrum and is describing the Biblical barter system of gold and silver and private property. Only 5% of the people own 100% of the gold and silver in the United States. This PROPERTY is immune from taxation. In order to challenge court jurisdiction successfully, a man should try to avoid the COMMERCE CLAUSE in every area of his life. Even a small bank account for the purpose of conveniently paying bills, or buying online, even if he limits himself to a DEBIT CARD, rather than credit cards, and doesn't participate in USURY, MAY be enough to invalidate a COMMON LAW jurisdiction claim and ENFRANCHISE you. Pay utilities with a Postal Money Order to Power and Water Company. Use a broker or friend to interface with the banking world. Gold clause contracts were illegal from June, 1933 till October, 1977 when they were repealed (see Diefendorf v. Gallet; also see Norwest Bank Fort Collins N.A. v. American Life & Casualty Insurance Co. (1995). Using gold protects from inflation. Congress has ruled that there is "no difference between paper and gold" (Title 12:5103 & 5112). Is a $50 gold coin the same as a $50 bill? There is a 7:1 difference in purchasing power between commercial paper and gold or silver. There is also a 7:1 difference in taxes due in gold versus commercial paper in the real market place. Therefore earn more property and less income by dealing in gold. You can live well by staying under the minimum filing requirement of $7,200. There is no tax when you lose money in a transaction. No penalty for being a bad business man. Charge customers gold or silver dollars and purchasing power will be far greater than actual dollar amount. Our Founding Fathers knew gold and silver coin are absolutely necessary in order for us to establish our property rights. By the same token, our Congress and politicians knew they had to take our gold and silver coins away in order to subjugate a free people and take away the people's right to property. We must regain our property rights.
Business License
A PRIVATE business isn't open to the PUBLIC. It is by INVITATION ONLY. By "pre-arrangement." The PUBLIC doesn't just come there unannounced. You have to contact the owner to be INVITED. You have to contact the owner for pricing. The owner doesn't quote prices on radio or internet. The owner DOESN'T INVITE EVERYBODY. (He can discriminate.) That's why its PRIVATE and why the government doesn't control it. PRIVATE business doesn't have to be licensed, bonded or insured. It deals with gold and silver coin. It doesn't do business in checks or credit cards or bank account and so is not under the COMMERCE Clause. A bank account is PUBLIC. It is open to everybody. There's nothing PRIVATE about a bank account. That is why there is identity theft. The Fourth Amendment protects your person, houses, papers and effects. It is the right to PRIVACY. If you need a LICENSE to do your business, then your business is a criminal activity, because a LICENSE is "permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal, unlawful, a tort or a trespass" (Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1914; 1872). You can trade labor for gold. That is a property for property transaction and you won't get in trouble with the IRS. You can buy or sell a house for gold. If a small PRIVATE business does not apply for a BUSINESS LICENSE and if it doesn't deal in commercial paper, and if goods and services are paid for in gold or silver rather than cheque or FRN, and if it doesn't receive any government benefits and deals with customers through PRIVATE contract, and doesn't participate in commerce, then it won't have the regulations and controls that ordinary businesses have that do in fact deal in trade, commerce, business and industry. Under our Constitution, everybody is free until he impairs his liberty in some degree by creating a LICENSE, a benefit, a permit -- till he ENFRANCHISES. A business without a BUSINESS LICENSE can't have the benefits that come from this LICENSING program. But "Its hardly lack of due process for government to regulate that which it subsidizes" (Wickert v. Filburn 317 US 111). Under Wickert v. Filburn, if a business were to get a LICENSE, it would be regulated and controlled by the state. The advantage of being paid in numismatic gold and silver coins (aka "legal tender") is that you don't have to pay Social Security tax or Income Tax. The face value of each gold coin is $20 dollars or $50 dollars so they are under the IRS $7200 minimum for taxing tables but the purchasing power is $100,000 a year due to the inflation since their time of minting. (See Corpus Juris Secundum 31:5112 A, E, G, & H.) Working for wages (1-2-3-4-5 ...) is the antithesis of working in business (1-2-4-8-16 ...). Incentive and production go together. A good product sells itself. Make that product small and valuable so its easy to store and ship. Sell by contract with people for gold or silver (Title 31 Section 5112). Ask the customer what's wrong with the product? How would you improve it? Find a need and fill it. Guerilla capitalists work in their own garage without Unemployment Insurance. They aren't licensed, bonded and insured. They don't have a business license. They have no taxes. Don't ever buy anything new -- especially a car. You make your profit when you buy the thing; you get your profit when you sell the thing. Inventory is enemy of profit. Visit auctions; want ads.
For instance, a Fire Marshall comes by and says you have to have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in your place of business. The Fire Marshall is operating under the COMMERCE CLAUSE at Article 1, Section 8. Private residences don't have to have them since a man's home is his castle. Your home isn't engaged in COMMERCE (or at least the presumption is that it isn't). In a city there are sometimes office buildings that are commercial but have not been zoned out of residential. You can have a second home in the city that is located conveniently near grocery stores and motels. Tell the Fire Marshall he is standing in your living room. Tell him to knock first before entering. He may insist it is a Commercial building and tell you that you could rent a house for $400/month and this space is $1200/month. Tell him you like the convenient location and you're not very smart financially. Ask him to leave your private residence.
People ask, "What is it about your PRIVACY that you're so paranoid about? If I told you what it was about my PRIVACY that I'm paranoid about, it wouldn't be PRIVATE anymore. The reason I don't want to tell you about what it is that I don't want to tell you is because if I told you, it wouldn't be PRIVATE. Normal people can't understand that because normal people don't have any PRIVACY. They ask, "What do you have to hide?" as though only criminals want PRIVACY. What we want is our 4th Amendment which protects a man in his person, houses, papers and effects -- PRIVACY. Police want people to speak since 25% of everything that comes out of your mouth is false. In order to convict you, they must get you to speak and destroy your credibility. The 5th Amendment protects you against testifying against yourself. Police are always on a fishing expedition. Our Lord, even though innocent, remained SILENT when brought to court. (See Brown v. Texas 443 US 47; also Lawson v. Colander; Hybel v. Nevada & Terry v. Ohio). Even free speech implies the right to remain SILENT. You can talk to a telegraph, telephone or tell-a-woman. Even reporters have not right to PRIVACY if they are from a commercial enterprise like ABC, NBC or CBS.
Bob Jones University is a PUBLIC institution taking FEDERAL money and it is a CORPORATION. They come under Hale v. Hinkel and Wickert v. Filburn. Bob Jones had a policy against interracial dating. A student sued them. The case went to the Supreme Court. BJU paid 235,000 dollars to argue this case -- and lost. Why? Because they were not a PRIVATE business. If you act in a CORPORATE capacity, you lose all your rights (Hale v. Henkel). You have a right to do business. You just don't have a right to do business on Main Street with Federal Reserve Notes with a sign on your door that says we take Mastercard. You have the right to contract with others (Art. 1 Sec. 2, US Constitution). Government can't impair that right. But the minute you put up a sign on the street, the government can regulate you under the Commerce Clause. The Bible prohibits us from participating under the Commerce Clause since Commerce is where people buy, sell and trade using Commercial paper. They don't use just weights and balances. A corporation is an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility. Corporation is from the word "corpse," which means a dead body. A corporation has no soul, and those without a soul are dead. A private business can't advertise on TV, radio, billboards, yellow pages or newspapers. But it can advertise with business cards, telephone, and flyers under windshield wipers.
The Moonies have a right to PRIVATE business selling their books, but not to PRIVATE business on someone else's ground (at airports or fairs). They can rent a booth like everyone else.

Building Permit & Property Taxes & Allodial Title Land Patent
Owning land in FEE SIMPLE, ALLODIAL TITLE came from Moses. It was protected by "Thou shalt not steal." The American Revolution broke the hold of English FEUDALISM over Colonial rule and instantly converted all land titles to ALLODIUMS in 1787. This is why the Founding Fathers declared that they had made every man a KING on his own land. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania said, "I see no way of solving this question except by determining whether our Pennsylvania titles are ALLODIAL or FEUDAL" (Wallace V. Harmstad, 1863). Only TWO TYPES. After the Civil War, the 14th Amendment was ratified (Citizenship) which took us back to FEUDALISM. It is a crime for anyone, including government, to unlawfully TAKE PROPERTY (Ex. 22:5-13). The earth and all its contents belong to God (Ex. 9:29; 19:5; Lev. 25:23; Deut. 10:14; Neh. 9:6; Ps. 24:1; 50:10-12; 89:11; Isa. 42:5; 44:24; Acts 17:24-25; 1 Cor. 10:26)."The land is MINE, saith the Lord, ye are strangers and sojourners with Me" (Lev. 25:23). The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Slavery is part and parcel with PROPERTY RIGHTS. In 1876 we abolished polygamy. Polygamy is part and parcel with PROPERTY RIGHTS. Both polygamy and slavery came from God. We didn't want any part of that. Instead we've adopted the TEN PLANKS of the Communist Manifesto. The FIRST PLANK abolishes all right to property and land. In America today, its only FEUDAL. We threw our ALLODIAL land away like the prodigal son and adopted the first plank of the Communist Manifesto. FEUDAL land is owned by the king (State). He collects a fee from his tenants, and requires all his tenants to specifically perform. This was done under the guise of FREE ROADS, CURBS, SEWERS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, SHERRIFF, AMBULANCE, 911 and FREE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Over the decades and centuries, people pledged their lands as collateral for all these benefits. That's why you pay property tax on your land. It's FEUDAL land. If you got a mortgage on your land, you're a TENANT SHARE-CROPPER. There are no ALLODIAL TITLES left in America. It used to be that a man owned his house, and he owned the land. The land was held in FEE SIMPLE. He didn't have to pay tax on it. He owned it in FEE SIMPLE or ALLODIAL ABSOLUTE TITLE. Today, people live in equitable interest. They don't own their homes, they own an equitable interest in them. They call themselves home owners, but that's a misnomer. We rent our land from the government. We rent our homes from the government. If we don't pay that rent every year, the government will evict us from their property. They "eat up my people as they eat bread" (Ps. 53:4). By Quit Claim Deed you can sell your equitable interest in your land. You are not selling the dirt and rocks. You're selling the right to use the dirt and rocks. The consumer never gets the "superior title." The government retains title to all property its corporations mine, refine, manufacture and "sell" to consumers, we have no substantive inalienable rights and we are living in government-owned homes, driving government-owned cars, and wearing government-owned clothes as far as they and their courts are concerned. One's life, liberty and person are meaningless without rights in property (Lynch v. HFC, 4505 388, 552 (1975)). Everything from a mined, harvested or otherwise recovered raw material is now accomplished by a corporation in which government conducts all business. All such property in the beginning is thus the state's, and all which is the state's through corporate law is the United States' (cf. Hale v. Henkel). The US bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon (not the Indians) for 15 million by way of Quit Claim. Use, occupation and possession is the highest title to land by Quit Claim Deed. Property Tax receipts are the best evidence. A Warranty Deed, on the other hand, violates Lev. 25:23 and is an oxymoron. All I can transfer is my right, title and interest -- not the rock, mineral and dirt.
In Leviticus 25:23 we read, "The land shall NOT BE SOLD forever, for the land is MINE." We have real estate brokers who are LICENSED by the State to buy and sell land. A LICENSE is "permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal, unlawful, a tort or a trespass" (Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1914; 1872). Selling land is illegal (Lev. 25:23-28), unless inside a city (Lev. 25:29-30). We have our government out here licensing free and natural persons as well as corporate persons. You don't have to be, but nearly everybody has volunteered. Building a house without your government's permission will result in no official address and no mail delivery, but also no extra taxes. Taxes will stay at vacant lot rates. The trick is to not use FRNs. Only gold. Holding something free and clear and absolute ALLODIAL FREE-HOLD FEE SIMPLE. How many people do you know like that? When I was a kid, there were a lot of them. But there's not very many of those any more. The government cannot compel you into a contract against your will and over your objection, pursuant to Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution. How can the government come in and tell you that you've got to get a permit, and that you've got to build your house in a certain way by a certain method? That it's going to be inspected, and you're going to be regulated, and that if you don't do that you are a criminal and they're going to put you in jail? A fellow went to jail for five days for building his own house without a building permit. But William Pitt summarized private property under common law this way. He said, "The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail. Its roof may shake. The wind may blow through it, storms may enter, the rain may enter, but all his forces dare not cross the threshhold of this ruined tenement." The purpose of a JUBILEE (Lev. 25:8-9) is to keep real estate ALLODIAL. But AMERICA is GREEDY and wants to turn us all into FEUDAL SERFS paying endless PROPERTY TAXES. America doesn't celebrate the JUBILEE.
The reason for having an Allodial Title Land Patent is to protect from foreclosure and taking your property away from you. If you leave it in real estate they will take it away. Furthermore, the Divorce Court has no jurisdiction over Land Patents. She doesn't get half. Also, Probate Courts have no jurisdiction over Land Patents. The Land Patent goes to the heirs. The State can't milk your estate. Probate Courts typically rob estates. Patent Land is not subject to taxes. It is protected by the Constitution of the US. You're presumed to be a Corporation till you counter it. "The right of the individuals are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state or federal; or even the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man by endowment of their Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people's rights are not derived from the government, but the government's authority comes from the people" (City of Dallas v. Mitchell). "We the People ..." was added by Delaware to the Constitiution. A Sovereign God created man in his image. We are children of the King. Princes. God gave man dominion over the earth. We were created as sovereigns. Isaiah 60:21 mentions that the "righteous ... shall inherit the land forever". (No building permits; no corporate taxes; no mortgage foreclosures; beholden to nobody) But Federal judges have said many times, "If you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights." Up until about 1944, when you bought a piece of land, a Letter Patent (Land Patent) was issued by US government held in trust for you. You got the entire abstract history of title . But the attorneys, banks and title company got together and changed things. They took the titles from buyers and re-issued a Warranty Deed which gives you no ownership in that land. It's called "color of title" (phony). It's just equity interest. The State took these Land Patents and put them in archive files and changed the jurisdiction to Administrative which means Corporate. It was no longer a Common Law jurisdiction. In Administrative Jurisdiction, we are servants and the government is king. In Common Law Jurisdiction, We are Sovereigns and government is servant. Congress unlawfully incorporated the US and made Washington DC a Federal district by the Act of 1871. From then on they changed the names: Instead of United States District Court, it became the District Court of the United States. The Constitution For the United States of America became the Constitution of the United States of America. Congress and the President can circumvent the second Constitution. Today you have a rogue government. In Washington DC, in the State capitols, in your County government, in your city government, there is not one official occupying that seat that is a true government employee, whether elected or hired. The city is incorporated. The County is incorporated.
The State is incorporated. The Federal government is incorporated. The Oath of Office to the Constitution is violated continually by public officials
Since you cannot have jurisdiction over that which you do not create, these corporations created a new you, and they did it in CAPITAL LETTERS. Look at your Driver's License, Social Security Card, Bank checks and IRS correspondence. All of these will have your name in ALL CAPITALS. That means they consider you to be their slave and subject. You agree by your silence (tacit agreement). The Land Patent is the first step in restoring your freedom. Unless you own property, you are property. You can be bitter or better. You can be a victim or victorious. Every situation is a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Freedom is not free. Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution is the Supremacy Clause. All land in the United States has come by treaty. Treaty Law is supreme. All other laws of State notwithstanding. Congress can't annul treaties. Judges are bound to obey Treaty Law. Foreclosure and mortgages are therefore unconstitutional against Land Patents since your Land Patent stands forever -- "to heirs and assigns forever." All Land Patents say that. It is Treaty Law. The reason the US was such a powerhouse for so many years was private land ownership. But God has been pushed out of our government, our schools and our churches.
An attorney tried to defend her client who had a mortgage. But she was trying to make a Constitutional argument in an Administrative Court. They're not allowed. The Patent comes with authority and jurisdiction forever and its authority comes from Treaty Law. That Treaty Law doesn't come from Administrative Jurisdiction. The "forever" clause was never removed. When she tried to defend her client who had a mortgage in a Constitutional Court she was successful. The Land Disposal portion of the Constitution is found in Article 4 Section 3 Clause 2. A mortgage foreclosure company can't take your land if you default while possessing a Land Patent. A mortgage is not a title. It violates the intent of Congress and violates the Supremacy Clause and the "forever" clause" and is "unjust enrichment". Mortgages are enforceable against Warranty Deeds but not against Land Patents. "Real Estate" is an Administrative term. A Warranty Deed is under Administrative Law; a Land Patent is under Common Law and is Constitutionally protected. Once you have it, after 61 days in a government building in your County on the public bulletin board, where anyone can make a claim against your patent, courts must then protect that Land Patent. In Fletcher v. Peck it creates an "immediate and perpetual estoppal".
Both Federal and State Constitutions guarantee that our government shall be "Republican in form". Where is it? We don't have a Constitutional Republic today. We're operating in a Democracy. Land Patents to be brought forward must be accepted and in a Republic jurisdiction. We have mob rule. Two people can outvote one so you lose all your personal rights. It's like two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Every Democracy in history has gone down in flames. You can govern yourself better than I can govern you. Our country is so unique because it is a Republic. Every war that has ever been fought has been fought with less than 2 1/2 % of the nation's population.
When states west of the Mississippi became part of the US, they gave their land to the US in trust (except Texas) for Congress to redistribute and disperse, not for Federal possession. It was called the Enabling Act. Patent Land belongs to the individual, not the federal government. FLPMA takes public land and makes it BLM land or Forest Service land or EPA land -- makes it Federal land. Only military bases or shipping docks can be Federal land. The Federal government violated the contract between states and Federal government. Wilderness areas and national monument areas, etc. are unlawful. HR 365 -- National Mining Law -- 1866, grants to you and me all minerals in the US that have not already been claimed. Once granted, that land is divested from US authority and control. Once land is disposed, as in Fletcher v. Peck, that land is divested from US authority and control, other than administrative for the mineral claimants that come on that land. "Public Domain" (not appropriated for any use) is not the same as "Public lands." The Forest Service and the BLM cannot close roads built prior to 1976 (RS 24,77). You and I have right to access our land. "Eminent Domain" is constitutional but must compensate the landowner. But government got greedy and used their agencies (BLM, EPA, etc.) to steal (Bundy Ranch).
A miner found an abandoned mineral claim. He cleaned it up. He took five 3/4 ton pick-up loads of trash, metal, iron
to the dump. He cleaned the cabin and painted it. BLM came and arrested him for theft of Federal property. They filed five criminal charges against him. He got a public defender. Four BLM witnesses testified that it was BLM land. They were asked, "Do you have the title with you?" ""No" came the reply. "Is it at your office?" "No" was reply again. Then the Defendant was asked if he had title. He pulled it out of his pocket, and said, "I did it in accordance with law and sent it to BLM and they stamped it and gave me an ORC number." "How do you know its your title?" "Law of Possession (Title 30 section 53)." He was pronounced "Not guilty on all counts."
California passed an ordinance where residential and business are zoned separately. But the owner of a warehouse decided to live in his own warehouse anyway. Why rent an apartment for $1000/month only to commute back and forth to work? After about six months, there was a complaint that he was living in his place of business -- in his warehouse (with kitchen and bathroom facilities). A policeman came by to investigate. The policeman pointed out that the owner's car was parked there all night. "Is there some law against me working here all night?" The policeman then asked where he lived. "What is your address?" The owner gave the address of his warehouse but added, "I didn't say I live here. I just said I get my mail here. Is it a crime to get your mail at your place of employment?" He didn't make any admissions or confessions. "All of the evidence that is ever going to be used against you is going to be furnished by you." Further, he suggested, "File your complaint and let's litigate. I want to face my accuser. Who is my accuser?" The policeman had paid him four visits ("police state"). As a lawyer, the owner knew the definition of a domicile is "where you INTEND to live the rest of your life." Bouvier's Law Dictionary defines "domicile" as an "animus memendi." He never paid any penalty. He never moved out of the warehouse. You see, if the owner doesn't INTEND to move his residence into that warehouse, he is not a resident of the warehouse even though he lives in it. He never established residence there. He never violated the ordinance. His residence was never in the warehouse because he never INTENDED to make the warehouse his residence. That's the definition of a residence. It's your INTENTION to live there, not the fact of living there.
The Steps to Get A Land Patent: 1.) Get a certified copy out of County Recorder's Office of your Warranty Deed. It has land description, your name, date you purchased it, and meets and bounds. 2.) Get a complete certified copy of your whole chain of title out of County Records with stamp on it and certified. Locate your meets and bounds (township, range, section and where in that section). If not there, go to County Surveyor's Office and have him help you get it. A Certificate of Survey has this. Phone your state BLM office (archive records division) and request three certified copies of original land patent that affects your land. Ask them to "Please make the patent number as clear as possible, as well as the signatures and dates" since they are sometimes blurred out. The patent number, signatures and dates are essential. 3.) Once you receive three copies of your certified land patent, go to the County Recorder's Office and research the chain of title. You must be a named owner. or pay a title company to do it. Get it certified on the same day before taking possession. 4.) Make three separate copies plus original. 5.) Publicly post a copy of "A Certificate of Acceptance of the Declaration of Land Patent" for 60 complete days (the day it is first posted is only a partial day) in the county Court House, Post Office, Library, Fire Station or in the local newspaper. Don't post the original. Check on it once a week in case someone takes it down. If it has been taken down, put up another copy. That's why you have extra copies. In bottom left hand corner put a 3x5 card that says, "This document is to be posted for a minimum of 61 days" Put the starting date and ending date and "Thank You" and initial it. The reason you make a summary of your chain of title is because you don't want 50 pounds of paper hanging on two pins. It should be about 8 pages long. Take a witness or two when you post the document and take a picture and have your witnesses sign affidavits of fact who are with you. A witness can be a family member. 6.) Keep original at home to take to County Recorder after 61 days. Put "True Copy" at top and initial it. Signatures are in blue ink. Photocopy is all black usually. You should get the recorded and returned original back plus a certified copy back. So you walk away with two documents. If County Recorder refuses to record it, they have violated Federal Law. County Recorder is not allowed to interpret the law. They are responsible to record any land conveyance document. Therefore, bring witnesses and videotape it and lay it on the counter and back away from it. It is recorded when you lay it on counter. A public servant is not a tyrant. Take witnesses and have therm sign an affidavit. of fact [time, place, date, what happened and where] a.) Recording fulfills the land patent requirement. b.) Allows others to inspect and know the current situation. They are public records. c.) Otherwise it is still in the seller's name. You authenticate a transaction by recordation. You also authenticate standing. Federal Statute Title 18 USC Section 20-71 "It is a requirement to record" and "It is a Federal offense not to record" (Michael vs. Morton Rudder). 7.) Put a sign up on your property that says, "This Property is Protected by a Valid Land Patent"
You must be very careful not to subject yourself into administrative jurisdiction. Because if you do, it invalidates this document. Never REGISTER your land. REGISTERING your land conveys it to the county. You've given it away if you REGISTER it. Only record it. Furthermore, do not use a ZIP CODE. When you do, you are acknowledging that you are in a Federal District and surrendering to it. Your ZIP CODE acknowledges you are under Federal jurisdiction. Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS for your name. Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS for United States. Do not use CAPITAL LETTERS for the republic state of Montana (or any other state in which you may reside). You are a common law sovereign, not a corporate slave. You are not part of a corporate state. You are not part of a corporate Federal government. When you capitalize AMERICA, put underneath it "non-domestic"
to clarify. Do not have your document NOTARIZED, because NOTARIZED documents came in after the issuance of the land patent under common law. Use three witnesses instead. We used to use only two witnesses but courts consider two witnesses about equal to the testimony of a NOTARY. I've read several court cases that say three witnesses supercedes the testimony of a NOTARY. A NOTARY is a state agernt and they have no authority or jurisdiction on your land. Don't throw any government correspondence away. Answer all government correspondence and ask "What is your AUTHORITY to send me this document?" If they demand you get a permit for whatever, ask "By what AUTHORITY do you infringe on my private property?" When they send you irrelevant information that has no bearing, tell them so. "Please send proper AUTHORITY and JURISDICTION." When they insist you don't have a permit, tell them "You're in violation of federal law title 18:241-242." and "Deprivation of right under color of law." They're claiming JURISDICTION over something they have no JURISDICTION over. They're committing fraud by misrepresenting the quantity and value of my client's personal property (a pile of rock). "I may file criminal charges against you myself." "I'm a private Attorney General." Constructive Trust fraud. Every elected official is a Constructive Trust agent. When they violate their Constitutional oath to uphold the Constitution it is fraud. But you acknowledge by virtue of your ZIP CODE and DRIVER'S LICENSE and SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, BANKING and VOTER REGISTRATION you are a slave to the Federal Corporation. Go to or write to the DMV and ask for a lawful alternative if you're just going to be travelling in your own personal person. Demand notice from the Social Security Administration. Don't use the Social Security Number and don't take a Social Security check. Put your declaration of sovereignty in the public record and they will respect it under the Foreign Sovereignty Immunity Act of 1976. Proper jurisdiction must be brought forward. "The law says I'm not allowed to have a SSN unless I'm a Federal agent on Federal business for the benefit of government (Code of Federal Regulations). I annul it for Constructive Fraud." Do it certified mail return receipt requested when you rescind your SSN and Birth Certificate, etc. "By what lawful authority do you obligate me to to get a Social Security Number? Put the burden on them. Spin it around 180 degrees. Before you can comply with them. They demand something from you, you demand something from them. "I can't comply with your demand till you comply with mine." But getting benefits from a corporation while claiming sovereignty is contradictory. If you go to court, the judge will notice this and put you in jail with your straw man. You can have a Land Patent and yet still be required to pay taxes if you have a Driver's License, SSN, Voter Registration, banking and zip code since you take the benefits and thereby acknowledge that you are a corporate slave while refusing to pay consideration. This is why many Sovereigns end up in jail.
If you want to sell the land patent, the person buying it has to have all the cash because the bank won't finance or loan them money for a land patent. You can convert it back but you lose all the benefit then. Why won't a bank give a loan? The bank can't put a lien on it. They can't foreclose. They can put a lien on the person's signature. You can't have both a land patent and a warranty deed. Technically and lawfully you can't sell a Land Patent. You can sell the building on it. The land you grant but the building costs the money. Build an outhouse on it and sell the outhouse for $500,000.00 dollars. A mortgage is nothing but a lien and is separate from a land patent. They do not interfere with eachother. Even if already in place, a mortgage can't tie up a Land Patent. Different jurisdictions. Mortgage is not tied to the land. We have challenged bank mortgage foreclosure for 7 years now and in every case we have proven that the bank mortgage company never loaned you a dime. They lent you their credit. It's unlawful. I've got case law galore. Your land purchase comes from the power of your signature. When you were born, within 7 days of your birth, they issue a birth certificate. The original one that is issued is a Certificate of Live Birth. There has been fraud committed upon your mother and father. And against you if you have children. That original birth certificate with your parent's signature on it is then sent to the International Monetary Fund and they hold that. That birth certificate has a number. Today that number is your Social Security Number, but it wasn't always that way. The IMF holds that and they monetize it. When you go through a real estate agent and sign your name on a document, they send it to the IMF. The IMF forwards the money out of your account that was established by virtue of your birth certificate. In other words, they've already got paid for your property. I've proven this in court. We perform a Securitization Audit. It follows your signature from the very document you signed, who it went to, what they did with it: IMF > underwriter > Dunn & Bradstreet > Wallstreet > Put on market. It's all fraud. All the time you're getting a payment. they never loaned you money. They loaned you credit. That Live Birth document is usually found at Health and Human Services and also found in Office of Vital Statistics. they won't give you the original.
Next time a cop arrests you for vagrancy, say, "This vagrancy statute was struck down as unconstitutional in 1964. If you arrest and jail me, it is false arrest and false imprisonment. There may be monetary consequences. Would you like to talk to your legal department first?" The fact that people comply with unconstitutional law doesn't make that law Constitutional. They didn't object timely. Or perhaps they pled "guilty" to vagrancy or to not riding in the back of the bus (128 years this law existed), etcetera. Fill out every line of the form they give you It is necessary and imperative that you give a power company your name and address, but for Social Security number put "4th Amendment objection." You have to be damaged in order to have an action. You don't have any standing in court if you walk in asking for an advisory opinion -- "Is this law legal or not?" Ashwander v. Tennessee Valley Authority explains seven rules you have to follow to get docketed in appeals court so case can be heard: Among them are: 1. The Set-up (Sting). See if the bus driver will violate the rights of Rosa Parks. 2. Document the violation of rights by using witnesses, testimony and evidence. Names, dates, times, places, facts, witnesses and evidence to present. 3. Show that the company has an unconstitutional policy either on its face or as it affects a suspect classification of persons. We need to take that into trial. Then we need to move it from trial court to Appellate Court to State Supreme Court and then to US Supreme Court if needed.
Gun License and Permit
Christ gave us a command in Luke 22:36: "he that hath no SWORD, let him sell his garment, and BUY ONE." Homemade guns from scratch don't enter into Commerce and so are not illegal. Also black powder guns are not regulated. Policemen make a living off of crime. They need business to justify their job. This is the law enforcement growth industry. Jailers and sherriffs, judges and lawyers have a vested interest in perpetuating crime. They have a quota of four tickets per day or need to fill all jail cells, in order to justify their job, etc. They require gun permits and licenses, which increase crime, rather than making guns easily available to reduce crime. Put a pistol in the purse of every woman in America and you will eliminate the rape problem. Also the armed robbery problem. But rape and armed robbery go up every year -- allowing the law enforcement industry to grow. A three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals from San Francisco overturned a man's conviction for possessing five machine guns on the grounds that it was unconstitutional since "the Congressional ban does not apply to HOME-MADE machine guns and their parts because they were never in the STREAM of COMMERCE". You have a right to PROPERTY. Commerce is the opposite of property. Government wants you to engage in COMMERCE so they can regulate and tax you. If you're dealing in PROPERTY they can't touch you.
Patriarchal Marriage Agreement
On the day ___ of the month of ___, in the year ___, the man ___, son of ___, agrees to purchase the woman ___, daughter of ___, from her father ___, for the price of ___. The groom signifies his purchase using the symbol of engagement -- a diamond ring, and then marriage -- a gold ring (Rev. 21:11).
As part of this purchase, both bride and groom agree to the following requirements:
1.) We affirm that we are both virgins with no venereal disease. We have confirmed this with blood tests showing negative results.
2.) We affirm that we are both of the same or compatible racial ancestry and have examined eachother's hereditary lineages to confirm this (Deut. 7:3-4; 22:10).
3.) We affirm that we both believe, and try to obey, the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We confirm this by seeing the Sabbath-keeping and kosher diet of eachother, etcetera (Amos 3:3; 2 Cor. 6:15).
4.) The man's duty is to pay the woman's father at least 50 ounces of silver (Deut. 22:29) or at most seven years' wages (Gen. 29:18) as "bride price" to compensate the father for loss of his daughter. She is then "bought with a price" (1 Cor. 6:20) and becomes his "treasured possession" (Ex. 19:5). His duty toward the woman is to provide for her food, clothing and shelter (Ex. 21:10-11; 1 Tim. 5:8) to the same degree that he provides for himself. He is legally vested with full possession and control of all community property in the cohabitation agreement (Num. 30:13). She owns her dowry and property except that property created by this union. If he dies, all that he owns becomes her property since she no longer has a provider to provide for herself and her children. He must obey her in sexual matters at night because the sun (man) rules the day and the moon (woman) rules the night (Gen. 1:16; 37:9-10). The woman does "desire to control" (New Living Translation) her husband (Genesis 3:16). The word translated "control" here, or "desire" 8669 in other versions, is in Gen 4:7 where sin as a beast crouches at the door desiring to have Cain. The inference there is one of control & mastery.
5.) The woman's duty toward the man is to respect and obey him daily to the same extent he obeys the Bible (Gen. 3:16; Titus 2:5; Eph. 5:22-33; Col. 3:18-19; 1 Pet. 3:1-6; 1 Tim. 2:12). She should "guide the household" (1 Tim 5:14) and be a "homemaker" (Titus 2:5; Prov. 31). When in public, she should wear a shawl over her head and act modestly (1 Cor 11:6; 14:35). One of her duties is to give birth to his children (Gen. 1:28) and to homeschool them using a Bible-based curriculum approved by their father. Such children must obey their mother and father, and if disobedient, be spanked. "Wilt thou go with this man?" (Gen. 24:58).
6.) Each partner in this agreement shall have his/her own bed, bathroom, kitchen, car, phone and bank account (or equivalent). This avoids squabbles. "Holy" means "separate" in the Bible and separation is essential to living together (Pr. 25:17 & "Familiarity breeds contempt"). A detailed list of each person's possessions is attached. In addition, every 30 days she separates for a minimum of 5 "bleeding" days and then two more days in which she takes a bath (mikveh) prior to touching him or his possessions (Lev. 15:19-28; 18:19; Ez. 18:6).
7.) This agreement is binding unless violated through fraud, adultery, desertion or apostasy. Should he find some uncleanness in her, he may give her a bill of divorcement (Deut. 24:1-4) in which case she retains her dowry and property except that property created by this union.
The ceremony should include the following elements of a wedding: The man pays the woman's father at least 50 ounces of silver (Deut. 22:29) as "bride price" to compensate the father for loss of his daughter. She is then "bought with a price" (1 Cor. 6:20). He pours a cup of wine for the woman as a proposal. If she accepts this agreement, both she and the man drink a toast (Matt. 20:22). Both man and woman sign this agreement and he gives her a diamond ring. The "bride" must wear a shawl over her head from this point onward indicating her status. She waits for the man to return during the betrothal period and makes "herself ready" (Rev. 19:7) while he "prepares a place" (John 14:2-3). Then a messenger announces his return by blowing a shofar and shouting, "Behold the bridegroom cometh" (Jer. 7:34; Matt. 25:6). The man takes her and her friends to his father's house and both wear crowns as the "marriage supper" (Rev. 19:9) is celebrated. Everyone present says, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" (Matt. 23:37). He comes to the canopy first and waits for her (Deut. 33:2). He puts a gold ring on her finger and then says the words, "Now if you obey me ... and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession" (Ex. 19:5). She says "I will" (Ex. 19:7-8). Avoid oaths. The same agreement is read aloud by the woman's father and signed by the man and the woman again as well as two witnesses, one chosen by her and one by him. Then they enter the "bridal chamber," filled with a seven-day supply of food and water, and "the door" is "shut" (Matt. 25:10). The "friend of the bridegroom who standeth (at the door) and heareth him (say he consummated sex) rejoiceth" (John 3:29) and takes the blood-stained linen of this "wedding night" and gives it to the "bride's parents" as proof of her virginity (Deut. 22:13-21). Then the guests start to celebrate. This honeymoon lasts seven days (Gen. 29:27; Judges 14:12) and then they come out (Joel 2:16).
father of bride __________________ date __________
man __________________________ date __________
woman _______________________ date ___________
witness _______________________ date __________
witness _______________________ date __________ (Deut. 19:15)
Marriage License
Marriage is ordained by God and not to be regulated by government (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:18,21-24; Matt. 19:4-6; Mark 10:6-9). In 1900, only 8 per 100,000 got a divorce, because a MARRIAGE LICENSE was uncommon. The MARRIAGE LICENSE didn't become standard practice in all the states until after 1900. Today, about 2/3 of all marriages in the US will end in divorce because a MARRIAGE LICENSE is very common. "A MARRIAGE LICENSE is a privilege from the State (to do what would otherwise be illegal) and every child born to a family with a State MARRIAGE LICENSE is a WARD of the State." -- Senator Pfeiffer. "Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties -- the husband, the wife and the state" (Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146). "The state has a wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things affecting the child's welfare ... In fact, the entire familial relationship involves the State" (Prince, 321 U.S. at 167, 64 S. Ct. at 442, 88 L.Ed. 645). "The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62) due to the MARRIAGE LICENSE. This is the basis of the criminal racket we call the dreaded "Child Protective Services" (CPS) which claims its "legal" authority to kidnap your children from the Federal Health and Human Services" (HHS).
Children are gifts from God -- not wards of the State (Gen. 33:5; 48:9; Deut. 28:4; Ps. 127:3; Isa. 8:18). What is the illegal activity otherwise forbidden? INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE (Ezra 9:1-44; Neh. 13:23-37; Nu. 36; Deut. 7:1-4; Deut. 25). You should write the terms of your marriage instead of letting the State write it for you. The Bible allows POLYGAMY and the only reason Mormons are prosecuted for it is because they use a MARRIAGE LICENCE. Try some other form of marriage. There are three types of marriages: 1. A civil law marriage with a MARRIAGE LICENSE required that ENFRANCHISES you under national Family Law. "Thou shalt make no covenant with them" (Ex. 23:32-33). It's a three-party limited general partnership between you, your spouse and the State and like any other state-licensed enterprise it is regulated by the Welfare Department, the Dept. of Family Services (CPS) and the family court. You have no input into, or say over, the marriage, divorce, dissolution, custody, alimony, child support, protective custody or restraining orders. But you get to PAY for all of it, and if you fail to pay you go to jail. You may be able to forbid VACCINES (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19-20), you may be able to HOMESCHOOL (Deut. 4:9-10; 6:7), you may even get away with SPANKING your child (Pr. 13:24; 23:13-14; 29:15; 22:15), although these activities could also land you in JAIL if you're not careful. The State will decide. But MOTHERS get CUSTODY 96% of time. Women prefer MARRIAGE LICENSES because they have a contract that guarantees them alimony and child support and child custody. But under the Mosaic law, no woman has ever owned a child, will ever own a child or could possibly own a child. "As for my people, CHILDREN are their oppressors, and WOMEN rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way" (Isa. 3:12). Women can own property (Pr. 31), inherit (Nu. 36), divorce (Mark 10:1-12) and have custody of children till they're two and weaned (1 Sam. 1:23). We can get married without a MARRIAGE LICENSE. But when a man and woman decide to get a MARRIAGE LICENSE, the state becomes the third party in the partnership (Parens Patriae). Children are the profit from this business. Parents are just babysitters (In Loco Parentis). 2. A common-law marriage is a two-party contract between man and woman. There may or may not be a written instrument as proof of the contract. States assume jurisdiction by way of BIRTH CERTIFICATES. A common-law marriage involves an agreement and penetration but excludes the State and 3. A Biblical or Patriarchal marriage (no marriage license). The man buys the woman (chattel property) from her father. (That's another reason why adultery is wrong. It is stealing from another man. She is his property right.) The bride price transfers guardianship of the female from father to husband. The father gives her away in a public ceremony to her husband. The contract terminates upon consummation and consummation is the proof of the marriage. Bride price is seven years' wages at most. The female is the object of the contract, not the contracting party (although she must give her consent). The father gives his daughter a dowry. In such marriages, the couple usually have children and become a father and mother to their children. The claims of the father supercede those of the mother (Hunt v. Hunt). Children under Hebrew law belong to father. He has the right to life or death of the disrespectful child (Ex. 21:15-17). But U.S. law forbids this. The woman doesn't own the children. Children are free at 21 (Bible) not 18 (State). He is the boss and has the right to polygamy and coverture. Everything she owns is her property and everything he owns is half and half. When he dies, all of what is his is hers. A female cannot be required to work to support her family. She is not responsible for her own debts. She has the right to be taken care of till the day she dies. She can't be sent to war. If husband dies or divorces, female goes back to father or eldest brother. This is why firstborn gets a double portion. He has more responsibility as Patriarch. Women lose their three rights if they have a MARRIAGE LICENSE.
You become the State's babysitter (In Loco Parentis) of the State's child (Parens Patriae) which must be raised in a State school and in the State's HUMANIST RELIGION. State Sovereignty means the government can CHANGE the laws of the contract WITHOUT NOTIFYING YOU and then hold you accountable for that change and TAKE YOUR KIDS AWAY if you disobey. If the parents divorce or one dies, then INHERITANCE TAXES (instituted by MARRIAGE LICENSE) allow the government to be "bought out" of its share in the marriage. Who decides whether a parent is unfit to be a parent? The State. If you don't want to do any of the above, new babysitters may be appointed. That's called termination of parental rights. About 2.5 million children are TAKEN OUT OF THEIR HOMES annually and placed in foster care because the State is dissatisfied with mommy and daddy and wants to change babysitter. The state determines CUSTODY when there is a divorce. Usually it is the MOTHER -- 96% of the time. But this can be appealed any time the circumstances change significantly. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had no MARRIAGE LICENSE. Nor did anybody else in the Bible. The churches are corporations and they are regulated by the government. All the preachers are LICENSED by the government. They're doing something that would otherwise be illegal. We've got MARRIAGE LICENSES and so we have children that are owned by our government and controlled. Our government puts out MARRIAGE LICENSES. Isn't marriage a religious business? What business has the government got in regulating marriage? You can only have a common law divorce when there was a common law marriage by contract. Ministers are incorporated and LICENSED so don't use them to get married. "Is it true that the State of Texas owns our children?" "Yes its true and not only your children but you too." (Jim Maddox, Texas Attorney General, 19 May 1986) Yes, "If his master (the State) have given him a wife (via marriage license), and she have borne him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master's (the State owns your wife and children), and he shall go out by himself" (Ex. 21:4).
POLYGAMY is Biblical and legal unless you have a MARRIAGE LICENSE. (See Reynolds v. US; see Feb. 2010 National Geographic). Reynolds should have said, "I don't have a marriage license." POLYGAMY is the common-law equivalent to a corporation. (Competition for the government.) God gave David Saul's wives (2 Sam. 12:8) and the Bible nowhere condemns POLYGAMY (Gen. 4:19; 16:1-4; 29:18-29; Ex. 21:10 Deut. 21:15; Isa. 4:1; etc.). "If he take him another wife" or "If a man have two wives" may be the result of a diminished male population due to warfare. God himself was married to more than one wife (Jer. 3:6-14; Ez. 23:4; Matt. 25) although polygamy is not necessarily the ideal (Deut. 17:14; 1 Tim. 3:2,12; Titus 1:6). A man doesn't need a Bill of Divorce because he can practice POLYGAMY. A woman needs a Bill of Divorce because she can't practice POLYGAMY. It causes VD. Two lesbians don't get VD. Women don't pass VD female to female. VD passes from male to male. That's why sodomites die like flies. Females can be used as a vehicle to transmit male to male. That is why whore houses are dangerous for men.
Because there is no other remedy at law by which to declare and enforce your right to be free from state enfranchisement, you must rescind a MARRIAGE LICENSE and any alleged benefits received therefrom in order to be free from state enfranchisement due to fraud and misrepresentation of the MARRIAGE LICENSE because of an alleged "legal need" for such license. Marriage is an inalienable right from God, not a privilege from the state. A MARRIAGE LICENSE robs the couple of Constitutional protections such as the right to trial by jury and makes their children the wards of the state. In addition a MARRIAGE LICENSE also takes away or diminishes the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th Amendment rights. Regain your capacity to be a Freeman by publicly and in writing declaring the MARRIAGE LICENSE to be null and void from its inception due to deceit, duress, fraud, injury and incapacity perpetuated upon you by the state. With this Recision of Contract and Revocation of Power you claim all your rights at law. You are not subject to the State's civil law jurisdiction. Have two witnesses sign it, as well as yourself, and then notarize it and file it and record it at the Register of Deeds. License must be returned to the county of origin in which the female resided when married. Now the state no longer has jurisdiction and Title 18 USC 1581 and 241-242 and 371 forbids holding a Common-Law freeman in peonage with fines and prison sentence if attempted.
Phyllis Schlaffley was asked, "Why are you opposed to equal rights for women?" She said, "I don't want to give up my superior rights for mere equality." What did she mean? Equality forces women to be responsible for their debts and to go out and support their family and defend their country in the army. But no woman can be compelled to serve in the military. No woman can be compelled to work to support her family or husband. Women are not responsible for their debts. That is why, upon divorce, her husband must publish in a newspaper that he is no longer responsible for her debts. He goes to debtor's prison when the debts aren't paid, not his wife. Wives can't be compelled to support their husbands. But the husband must defend his wife. He has to feed, clothe and house you.
How do you divorce the State from your marriage? How do you get your children away from the State's control? Go to Nevada or some other state which has the provision for dissolution of marriage. Your wife files and says there is no property or children at issue for this court to decide upon. She notifies you of the divorce and you default. The court then gives her her divorce without without any property and without any alimony or child support. Now you go back and create your common law marriage (Patriarchal Marriage). You still have your children. Those children still have Birth Certificates. So rescind the parents' and childrens' Birth Certificates. All must be in the game to start over.
Nobody has ever been forced to pay child support or alimony. Against his will and over his objection, the husband is not forced to pay child support or alimony. The divorce contract must first be signed. But if the husband doesn't sign, what can the judge do to you? The government can't impair the obligation of contract (Art. 1: Sec. 10 US Constitution). Thus government can't compel us to contract either. Simply say, "I don't want to contract with you." "I will not sign the final decree." Then the judge will tell you that you need to make child support payments and ask if you understand. Tell him you "hear him." But don't make child support payments. Several months will pass. The sherriff will then serve you with a summons. You must show up. He will ask, "Are these your children?" Say, "No they aren't. I gave them away to the State of California." "By means of birth certificates, I put them up for adoption." Subpoena the attorney general of the State of California to prove your point. Then the prosecution will move for a continuance. If you had answered, "Yes they are my children", the judge would then ask you why you don't support them, and would throw you in prison for 30 days till you pay child support.

Voting and Citizenship
The Fourteenth Amendment breached our Constitutional Common Law rights by means of a Birth Certificate. It did not raise minorities up to the level of Common Law whites, but instead lowered whites to the level of blacks, aliens and foreigners -- as fourth class CITIZENS (Adoption of the 14th Amendment by Flack). The Common Law Constitution does not apply to the 14th Amendment UNITED STATES "CITIZEN." The Waiver and Affidavit of Citizenship is the instrument or means of escape. Also, another instrument is to create your own passport of the Kingdom of Israel (US v. Fox). It is not against the law to be an ambassador. It is not against the law to have a passport. Every ambassador has a Letter of Credential as a representative of his government. Christians are ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven (Deut. 29:10-15; Ez. 3:17-21; Matt. 7:21-22; 6:24; Rev. 18:4; 1 Jn 2:3-6; 5:2-3; Philip. 3:20; 2 Cor. 5:20). It comes under the First Amendment freedom of religion. When accused of impersonating an ambassador and counterfeiting a passport, Robert Fox filed a Subpoena Deuces Tekum to compel the government to bring in the ambassador to the Kingdom of Israel that he was allegedly impersonating; and he also filed a subpoena saying I want to ask him if my passport is a counterfeit. Being an ambassador of the Kingdom is protected under the First Amendment. The case against him was dismissed. Free exercise in Seeger V. US teaches that it must be based on "truly and sincerely held religious beliefs." Your diplomatic passport is the prima facie evidence that you are employed by the kingdom of Israel as an AMBASSADOR which is offered in 2 Cor. 5:20. File a Declaration of Intent and Purpose and give it to various agencies of government, along with recisions of contracts. If you're a CITIZEN of the U.S. corporation, you're not a free man. Bouvier's Law Dictionary defines CITIZENSHIP as a PRIVILEGE granted by the state which requires reciprocity. In 1862 Congress redefined "person" to mean "corporation" so that on 28th July 1869 when the 14th Amendment made "all PERSONS citizens of the UNITED STATES and subject to the jurisdiction thereof", it was in reality changing our status at law from being state citizens (Art. 4, Sec. 2 of US Constitution) to being corporations owned by another corporation. By the Act of February 21, 1871, "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" became the corporate constitution. It is not the Jefferson document used to govern the Republic. All crimes, whether state or federal, are now commercial crimes so Law Enforcement personnel are enforcing the 14th Amendment which is illegal. The 14th Amendment created a different government, a different citizenship, a different jurisdiction and a different court system. We have had a corporation acting as government since 1871. CITIZENSHIP is a privilege granted by your master the State and you are eligible for all the privileges your master gives you. "CITIZENS" is equivalent to "PEOPLE" or "SUBJECTS". "CITIZENS owe supreme allegiance (worship) to the federal government, but also a qualified allegiance to the state in which they are domiciled. Their persons and property are subject to its laws" (US v. Cruikshank 92 US 542, 23L ed 588; Prize Cases, 2 Black (US) 635 17 L ed 459). "A CITIZEN of the United States owes allegiance to the United States wherever he may reside" (Kawakita v. United States 343 US 717, 96 L ed 1249, 72 S Ct 950.). Voting is committing idolatry and asking for a human king when we already have a King (1 Sam. 8:6-8). If you are a US CITIZEN then you own nothing. All your property is actually owned by the UNITED STATES Federal Corporation. Citizens are taxpayers. You have checked into a mental hospital or insane asylum. You've impaired your contract with God by making a contract with USA Incorporated. Renounce your CITIZENSHIP. "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4). "No man can serve two masters" (Matt. 6:24). "According to the doings of the land of Egypt (United States), where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan (Canada, etc.), where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances. You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the Lord your God" (Lev. 18:3-4). Become an ex-patriot Common Law freeman -- not a "PERSON". Become a DENIZEN or EXPATRIATE. There are seven ways (US Code Title 8 Section 1481). (see Onlee v. US 343 US 747 (1952) & Fairfax Divis. v. Hunters Lece 11 US 603 (1812) & Leducky v. Watkins 333 US 160 (1947)). The best ways are 1. Recision of Contracts, 2. Diplomatic Passport whereby you are employed by the foreign sovereign (tithes and offerings) as an ambassador (2 Cor. 5:20) and 3. Affirmation or Formal Declaration of Allegiance (Matt. 6:34; Rev. 18:4). Such a person can't vote or hold office and reciprocally he owes no allegiance either. Send your Diplomatic Passport to the Recorder's Office of the county where you were born (and other places also) and have it scanned and recorded and filed. Renunciation of U.S. CITIZENSHIP in a diplomatic or consular office of the United States located in a foreign country is also a way of escape. Ask the Embassy or Consulate how to do it. It cannot be done in time of war. That may be why the US has an ongoing "War on Terror" -- to try to prevent expatriation.
"If you vote for me, I'll build a new school." "If you vote for me, I'll build new roads." "If you vote for me, our community will have more jobs." That is an OFFER. When you vote for a particular candidate, you ACCEPT and enter into a contract. The term is over TIME -- perhaps four years. The CONSIDERATION is the new school, new roads, or more jobs. A contract is an OFFER with ACCEPTANCE over TIME with CONSIDERATION. All contracts are voluntary. God is our King. Humans rejected God and VOTED to have a human king (1 Sam. 8). It is TREASON to enter a polling booth. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20:3) (United States). "Our citizenship (politeuma -- politics) is in heaven" (Philip. 3:20). A citizen of a country is obligated to obey the laws of his country even though few can know the laws of their own country. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Have no contracts with foreign gods (Ex. 23:20-24, 32-33; 34:10-17; Deut. 7:1-4; Judges 2:1-23) (United States). "Choose" (Deut. 30:19). When you register to vote by signing your name, you impair your liberty. Every time you sign your name, you impair your liberty to some degree. Don't take any OATH like public officials or soldiers or RAISE YOUR HAND (James 5:12; Matt. 5:33-37; Num. 5:19). The Divine Right of Kings comes from God. Kings don't run for office. When Jesus returns, He will not be running for re-election. Christians have "No king but Jesus." When the people were disposed to have Romulus for their king, he refused to take the honour, until the gods should give some sign to confirm it to him: and so, upon an appointed day, after due sacrifices and prayers offered to the gods, he was consecrated king by an auspicious THUNDER (Dionys. Halicarn. 2:5; see pp. 242-244 of Shuckford's Sacred and Profane History).
By the law of nations, ambassadors and other public ministers serving in a foreign country are absolutely exempt from allegiance to the State to which they are sent; they are not subject to its laws, and their persons are inviolable (Davis v Packard (US) 8 Pet 312, 8 L ed 957; Davis v Packard (US) 7 Pet 276 8L ed 684; Davis v Packard (US) 6 Pet 41, 8L ed 312; United States v Ortega, 11 Wheat (US) 467, 6 L ed 521; The Exchange v McFaddon, 7 Cranch (US) 116, 3L ed 287; People v McLeod, 1 Hill (NY) 377, 25 Wend 483 (to the effect that the case of ambassadors forms the only exception to the rule that approval by the sovereign of an alien detracts nothing from acts of criminality committed in a foreign country); Raymond v Leishman, 243 Pa 64, 89 A 791 Annotation: 1 ALR 1159. Yes, "we are ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor. 5:20).