Chapter 12 -- From Constantine's Rise To Papal Rome's Rise
"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman (Virgo) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Zodiac circle): And she being with child (sun in belly) cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered" (12:1-2).
From chapters 6 through 11, the visions proceed in chronological order; but now they turn back in time to the sixth seal corresponding to chapter 12. Chapters 12-22 give us what was written "on the backside" (Rev. 5:1) of the book. This outside series of visions,12 through 22, parallels and explains the series of visions from chapters 6 -11. Actually 11:19 "opened in heaven" begins and belongs in chapter 12 just as 4:1 "opened in heaven" began the first scroll. The lunar crescent looks like a door opening first a crack, then fully. A "great wonder (sign -- of the zodiac) in heaven" is "a woman" (Virgo or Israel is "a comely and delicate woman"-- Jer. 6:2; Isa. 54:5; 56:16; Gal. 4:26, 2 Cor. 11:2)"clothed with the sun" (meaning Catholic Church is "PROTECTED by the chief RULER" Constantine beginning 313 A.D. -- Mal. 4:2; Gen. 37:9-10; Ps. 104:2) in her belly and the moon under her feet ("rulers of darkness" -- Eph. 6:12; Col. 1:13; "He (the Lord) subdued nations under us, peoples UNDER OUR FEET" -- Ps. 47:3.) indicating pagan priests are now "ashes under the soles" of her feet (Mal. 4:3) while the twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles or twelve Caesars (first 12 imperial emperors of Rome) are symbolized by a "crown of twelve stars" (stephanos wreathe) (Zodiac of twelve constellations because each is represented by a star -- Gen. 37:9-10) being placed upon her head (12:1).
Who is the WOMAN? "I have likened the DAUGHTER of Zion ("my people -- Isa. 56:16) to a comely and delicate WOMAN" (Jer. 6:2), or a BRIDE (Isa. 62:5). "For the husband is the head of the WIFE, even as Christ is the head of the CHURCH" (Eph. 5:23) "in the wilderness" (Acts 7:38) which is "a chaste VIRGIN" (2 Cor. 11:2) when good or a HARLOT when evil (Isa. 1:21; 47:7-9; 50:1; 54:1; Jer. 3:1-25; Ez. 23; Hos. 2:1-23). Initially Constantine protected both the Catholic harlot, and the virgins (Novatians, Arians & Donatists). But Donatists were banished in 315 A.D.
What does the SUN represent? The SUN is Jacob or ISRAEL -- a king ruling the day; the MOON is RACHEL -- ruling the night with subordinate religious authority; twelve STARS are 12 TRIBES of ISRAEL (Gen. 37:9-10). The WOMAN is clothed with what appear to be ISRAELITE practices and customs and in authority. Since CHRIST is the "SUN of Righteousness" (Mal. 4:2), the woman is clothed with what appears to be CHRISTIANITY. But Constantine also associated himself with the SUN. "In short, as the SUN, when he rises upon the earth, liberally imparts his rays of light to all, so did Constantine, proceeding at early dawn from the Imperial palace, and rising as it were with the with the heavenly luminary, impart the rays of his own beneficence to all who approached his person" ( lib.1, ch. 43, Eusebius Life of Constantine). "The SUN was universally celebrated as the invincible guide and protector of Constantine ... Diocletian had chosen Jupiter, and Maximinian Hercules; but Constantine preferred the SUN before all the gods of his fathers, as his guardian and protecting deity." -- Gibbon
From 303 to 313 A.D., a "Great Tribulation" ("birth pains") occurred under Diocletian. Then "after the tribulation ... shall appear the SIGN of the Son of man in heaven" (Matt. 24:30). In 312 Constantine left Britain and marched his armies through Gaul into Italy. While Constantine was marching at midday, "he saw ... the CROSS arising from the light of the sun, carrying the message, In Hoc Signo Vinces or "In this SIGN conquer"; in Eusebius's account, Constantine had a dream the following night, in which Christ appeared with the same heavenly SIGN, and told him to make a standard, the LABARUM, for his army in that form before the war against Maxentius began. Eusebius describes the SIGN as Chi-Rho (the constellation Crux under Centaur conquering?), a symbol representing the first two letters of the Greek spelling of the word Christos or Christ. The wrath of this "lamb" defeated Maxentius in 312. It was a type of Christ's second coming. In 313, Constantine met Licinius and they agreed to officially grant full tolerance to "Christianity and all" religions in the Empire. This Edict of Milan legalized the Christian religion and restored all Christian property seized during Diocletian's persecution. It repudiated past methods of religious coercion and used only general terms to refer to the divinity. The Roman Empire was in three parts. Constantine ruled over Europe. Licinius over Africa and Maximin over Asia.
Incidentally, the crescent new-moon time frame, indicated by the close proximity of the sun and moon, gives a birth date for Jesus anywhere from Sept. 21 to Nov. 8 when all of the fall festivals occur. Giving birth to the sun symbolizes a son is destined to rule (both Jesus and Constantine). Her tears are the glistening stars that rotate (fall) from her eyes down toward the horizon (12:2). The birth pains "as travail upon a woman with child" (1 Th. 5:3) begin the LABOR contractions which may be persecution (Matt. 24:8; Isa. 13:8). "These things are the beginning of travail" (Matt. 24:7-8) until "born again" (John 3:3), composed of spirit this time (John 3:6). Jesus was the "firstborn among many brethren" (Rom. 8:29). From Daniel's "Seventy-Weeks Prophecy" ending in 34 A.D., we add a nine-month PREGNANCY (270 years) to come to the "BIRTH PANGS" of 303-313 A.D. when Diocletian persecuted Christians or 280 years to the "man child" Constantine himself -- a type of the plan just before the real second coming of Christ.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red (radius lines) dragon (Hydra), having seven heads (Moon, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter) and ten horns (Cancer), and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman (Virgo) which was ready to be delivered (sun pregnant), for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child (Constantine), who was to rule all nations with a (red radius) rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his (Cepheus) throne" (12:3-5).
Who is the RED DRAGON? Astronomically this is Hydra and the seven planets crowned with ten "horns" of Cancer. Chrysostom says DRAGONS were embroidered on the emperors' silken robes. Historically, Arrian mentioned DRAGONS as military standards among the Romans. Ammianus Marcellinus says, "The DRAGON was covered with purple cloth, and fastened to the end of a pike gilt and adorned with precious stones. It opened its wide throat, and the wind blew through it; and it hissed as if in a rage, with its tail floating in several folds through the air." It was first used as an ensign near the close of the second century A.D. Vegetius (about 386 A.D.) wrote, "The first standard of the whole legion is the eagle, which the aquilifer carries. DRAGONS are also borne to battle by the draconarii." Since one legion consisted of TEN cohorts, there wereTEN draconarii to every one aquilifer. The DRAGON-standards were painted RED. The pagan ROMAN EMPIRE was the fourth empire of Daniel 7:23-24 with "TEN HORNS" and since the "RED DRAGON" also has "TEN HORNS" (Rev. 12:3), they must be the same beast.
The pagan ROMAN EMPIRE tried to "devour her (Christ) child" first using Herod in the reign of Augustus Caesar (Matt. 2:16) and second using Pilate in the reign of Tiberius.
The seven forms of Roman government were: Kings (750-510- B.C.), Consuls (510-498 B.C.), Dictators (498-451 B.C.), Decimvirs (451-443 B.C.), Military Tribunes (443-27 B.C.), Military Emperors (Imperial Caesars) (27 B.C.-284 A.D.) and Despotic Emperors (Diocletian ignored his Senate, creating three other rulers with himself) (284-313 A.D.). Since the DIADEM ("crown") -- the badge of oriental royalty -- was not adopted earlier than 292 A.D. when Diocletian made his partition of the Empire, the vision cannot be dated before then. From that time the DIADEM became the imperial badge and subsequent emperors adopted it. Also, since the DRAGON is the ruler of PAGAN, not Christian, ROME, the vision must be dated BEFORE the Empire became CHRISTIAN in 324 A.D. The symbolism fits only the period of 292-324 A.D. That is why the "MAN-CHILD" must be CONSTANTINE. The "TEN HORNS" are Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Vandals, Sueves, Franks, Burgundians, Heruli, Huns, Lombards and Anglo-Saxons. These were the ten kingdoms that the Roman Empire split into after 476 A.D.
The seven-headed serpent is even now worshipped in India. In Moor's Hindu Pantheon, p.171, is a plate of a seven-headed Buddha and against p.12 is a plate where a serpent is swimming and leaning his seven heads over Vishnu's (the man Noah's) head as he sleeps. The seven-headed serpent was also worshipped in Egypt. It has been traced back to Accad, one of the cities of Nimrod: "we read in a very ancient Accadian hymn, 'The thunderbolt of seven heads, like the huge serpent of seven heads (I bear)' (Records of the Past 3:128). M. Lenormant well compares the Accadian serpent with the seven-headed Indian serpent, Vasonki, which was doubtless derived from it" (Brown's Great Dionysiak Myth 1:120). The Indian seven-headed serpent is sometimes called Naga ... derived from Nagash, and the Accadian, Egyptian and Indian are doubtless the same as the Lernean Hydra, one of whose heads was supposed to be invulnerable till Hercules attacked it." (p.342, Computation of 666). To "stand" implies to "resist" (Est. 9:16; Dan. 8:7; Jer. 46:15). Astronomically, Hydra stretches about one THIRD the circumference of the celestial heaven.
Historically, who are the STARS? "They that turn many to RIGHTEOUSNESS" are like "the STARS" (Dan.12:3) or "ANGELS" (Rev. 1:20). When the He-goat's little horn "cast down some of the hosts of heaven, and of the STARS to the ground, and stamped upon them ... the MIGHTY and the HOLY PEOPLE" (Dan. 8:9-24), one interpretation (besides Antiochus Epiphanes or the Moslems or the Eastern Orthodox Church) is when the eastern Roman General Pompey conquered the Promised Land in 63 B.C. and enslaved the RULERS of JUDAH. These are RIGHTEOUS, HOLY PEOPLE cast to the earth in persecution. Likewise, in 312 the Roman Empire divided into THREE parts after Maxentius's defeat. In two of these the CHRISTIANS were granted toleration by the Milan Decree of Constantine and Licinius; while in the third, Maximin preferred paganism and made war against the CHRISTIANS under his jurisdiction. This "THIRD" of the Empire also happened to be the GREEK, the THIRD empire of Daniel (he-goat). Maximin was "the prophet that teaches lies, he is the TAIL" (Isa. 9:15) and the LAST or TAIL END of pagan Rome. Same with Licinius later. To both the Scripture applied that "his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth" (12:4).
Historically this symbolism represents the attitude of Galerius and Maxentius towards Christianity and CONSTANTINE its champion. Maximin was defeated. In 323, Licinius apostasized, and made war on Christianity. Constantine defeated Licinius in 324 A.D. at Adrianople. "The greater part of the fugitives who had retired to the mountains (to hide), surrendered themselves the next day" (Gibbon 14:4). Constantine thus became sole ruler in the political "heaven." Constantine himself in his epistle to Eusebius concerning the repairing of churches, said "that liberty being now restored, and that DRAGON being removed from the administration of public affairs, by the providence of the great God" (Newton's, Dissertations on the Prophecies pp. 523-524). Eusebius further relates that Constantine elevated a picture over his palace gate with an image of himself with a cross over his head and a dragon under his feet. On some of his coins the cross is erected over a fallen dragon also.
The sign of Hydra, with red radius line stripes, and in the red glow before sunrise or sunset, has the writhing of seven "wandering stars" (planets -- Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury) that slither around the zodiac on red radius necks and the Crab (Cancer) has ten appendages or "horns" above Hydra's head (12:3). Hydra's tail stretches one THIRD of the circumference of the Zodiac. As it rotates toward the horizon, it takes one THIRD of the stars down with it just as Maximin's THIRD of the empire (Asia) persecuted Jewish Christians (stars -- Dan. 12:3) from 313 till 314. Then Licinius's THIRD (Greece) persecuted Christians from 320 till 324. Hydra tried to murder Jesus (Herod and Pilate) and Constantine (Galerius and Maxentius). The red dragon waiting to devour the woman's son has many fulfillments: Egypt's PHARAOH is called a "dragon" (Ez. 29:8; Isa. 51:9) and tried to devour Israelite male children -- specifically MOSES (Ex. 1:16). But they were caught up to heaven (Exodus to PROMISED LAND). Rome is called a dragon and Rome's puppet-king was HEROD who slew all the children of Bethlehem. But the CHRIST CHILD was caught up to heaven (EGYPT). PILATE tried to kill CHRIST by crucifixion but he was caught up to heaven (resurrected to HEAVEN). GALERIUS tried to kill Constantine.
Constantine was about 18 years old when his father Constantius was promoted to the rank of Caesar in the west. Constantine remained in the east demonstrating his valor in the wars of Egypt and Persia and gradually rose to the honorable station of Tribune of the first order. The favor of the people and soldiers, who had named him as a worthy candidate for the rank of Caesar, made GALERIUS jealous. Knowing the danger, Constantius repeatedly wrote letters expressing his desire to embrace his son. For some time, the policy of GALERIUS gave only delays and excuses. But it was impossible to long refuse so natural a request of his associate, without maintaining his refusal by arms. The permission of the journey was reluctantly given. Any attempt by GALERIUS to intercept the son was thwarted by the incredible diligence of Constantine. Leaving the palace at Nicomedia at night, he travelled post through Bithynia, Thrace, Dacia, Pannonia, Italy and Gaul, and amidst the joyful acclamations of the people, reached the port of Boulogne in the very moment when his father was preparing to embark for Britain. Then MAXENTIUS tried to kill Constantine but he was caught up to heaven (ruler of Rome; see below). (12:4). Both Jesus and Constantine were rumored to be dead but were "caught up unto God" (resurrected and promoted) "to his throne" (Cepheus) ruling with a "rod of iron" (Rome in either case -- Dan. 2:40) (12:5). Roman Catholics in 313 typify Jewish Christians who will be given rulership at the Second Coming (Isa. 66:7-8).
Who is her CHILD? Revelation 4:1 says, "I will show thee things which must be HEREAFTER." After 96 A.D. Therefore the primary meaning of the MAN-CHILD cannot be Jesus. "My little CHILDREN, of whom I travail in birth again, until Christ be formed in you" (Ga. 4:19) defines the CHILD as a CHRISTIAN. CONSTANTINE became a CHRISTIAN and his mother was a British lady named Helena of York (portrayed by Virgo with the sun in her belly making her look pregnant), so he was a child of ISRAEL. Just as Jesus and Titus both fulfilled Dan. 9:27 by causing "the sacrifice ... to cease," (31 A.D. & 70 A.D.), so also Jesus and CONSTANTINE both fulfill Rev. 12:5 "to RULE all nations with a rod of IRON."
Four pagan Emperors ruled the Roman Empire co-jointly at the close of the third century. CONSTANTINE'S father, Constantius, was one of them. He sympathized with Christians. When he died at York in Britain, the army proclaimed CONSTANTINE his successor whose dominion lay in Gaul and Britain. He also sympathized with Christians. It was not the place of the army to appoint a successor. That power lay with Galerius, the chief emperor, who hated Christians. He was filled with rage when he heard of the army's action. However he accepted the nomination, intending later to depose and destroy CONSTANTINE. He made secret arrangements to invade Gaul and Britain. But CONSTANTINE realized what was taking place, and pre-empted him. He left Britain and marched his army across the Alps before Maxentius (who had taken the place of Galerius, who was deceased by this time) was aware of it. At Turin, he defeated an army three times his own size and marched toward Rome. At Verona, another army, and another opposed him but both dispersed before his swift movements and powerful attacks. The Roman Senate, after his THIRD victory at Saxa Rubra (Milvian Bridge), threw open the gates of Rome, and proclaimed him Emperor of the Romans in 313 A.D. He was now a ruler of one THIRD of the Roman Empire since he had just defeated Maxentius, at Milvian Bridge. He established the CATHOLIC faith throughout his third. CONSTANTINE was "caught up" to the Roman Empire's THRONE. "God ruleth in the kingdoms of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will" (Dan. 4:32).
"And the woman (red radius line) fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days" (12:6).
Where is the PREPARED PLACE? Israel left Palestine in captivity (Andromeda -- chained woman) in 745, 721-718 and 677 B.C. Adding 1260 years (or 1260 degrees from Andromeda to Virgo), Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain but were defeated by Britons at Mount Badon in 516 A.D; Anglo-Saxons arrived successfully in Britain in 540 A.D. (Gildas), and established the Saxon Heptarchy in 582 A.D. (Gibbon) (12:6), all 1260 years after migrating through the Near East and Europe. Waldensians lived mainly in the Savoy-Piedmont-Provence area. It "shall be for a time, times, and a half a time; and when he shall have accomplished to SCATTER the power of the holy people" (Dan. 12:7) just as Israel fled from pagan Egypt to the land of Palestine. Thus Virgo, now free, rotated under the horizon "into the wilderness" (#2048 "lonesome" and "solitary" place) and the dragon also "was cast unto the earth" with one third of the stars (12:9). Cyprian was the last champion of doctrinal independence from Rome. He expressed the idea that the Roman Catholic Church had a monopoly on salvation in 257 A.D. Adding 1260 years gives 1517 (the Protestant Reformation). Novatians, Donatists and Arians were fed with knowledge and understanding (Jer. 3:15) in the WINGS of the Empire (Roman Africa; Alps; Asia Minor, etc.) from 312-316 (when Papal indictions began till banishment from Constantine's favor) to 1572-1576 A.D. (from the St. Bartholemew Massacre to Huguenots being granted freedom of religion). Rome was the EAGLE'S HEAD and Italy its BODY. Moses alluded to the Roman EAGLE beseiging Jerusalem in 70 A.D. in Deut. 28 and Christ mentioned it in Matt. 24:38. Jews did "not understand" Latin (28:49). It was not similar to Hebrew like Assyrian and Chaldean were. Furthermore, these nations were not at "the end of the earth" like Rome.
Woman Fled From Persecution For 1260 years (Rev. 12:6)
303 |
From Diocletian's Persecution starting in 303 till Edict of St. Germain, granting tolerance to Huguenots |
1562 |
304 |
From Diocletian's 4th edict ordering all inhabitants to gather and sacrifice to idols (Eusebius, De Martyribus Palestinae 3.1) till the Edict of Amboise guaranteeing religious privileges & freedoms to Huguenots
1563 |
312 |
From Battle of Milvian Bridge till St. Bartholemew Massacre which proved to Huguenots there could be no compromise. This prolonged religious war till 1598 |
1572 |
313 |
From when Constantine became W. Emperor till the Siege of La Rochelle when the Catholic army suffered heavy casualties: 10,000 lost in combat and 12,000 from disease out of 40,000 total. Inside the city the Protestant defenders suffered much smaller losses - 1,300 out of 3,100. By the end of June Charles IX signed the Edict of Boulogne giving the Huguenots the right to free public worship in La Rochelle, Montauban and Nismes, but not elsewhere. This treaty was unacceptable to the defenders of Sancerre, who held out until they were granted the same terms in August, 1573. |
1573 |
314-6 |
From when Licinius, now at Nicomedia, purged his court of Christians in 316. (Eusebius, Vita Constantine 1.52) till Edict of Beaulieu which gave Huguenots rights to worship throughout France |
1574-6 |
316-7 |
From when Licinius enacted all sorts of laws against Christians, forbidding bishops to communicate, banning assemblies of bishops, forbidding men and women to worship together, and decreeing that Christian assemblies must meet outside the city walls in the open air in 317 (Eusebius, Vita Constantine 1.51-2.2) till Treaty of Bergerac which gave Huguenots rights to worship in one town per district in France |
1576-7 |
319-20 |
From when Licinius enacted all sorts of laws against Christians, forbidding bishops to communicate, banning assemblies of bishops, forbidding men and women to worship together, and decreeing that Christian assemblies must meet outside the city walls in the open air in 319-320 (Eusebius, Vita Constantine 1.51-2.2) till Treaty of Fleix which recognized all previous treaties giving rights to Huguenots |
1579-80 |
325 |
From Council of Nicaea (pro-Catholic) till Treaty of Nonsuch when England supported Dutch Protestant Revolt, thus entering the Eighty Years' War |
1585 |
338 |
From when Constantine the Great died (337) till Edict of Nantes granted rights to Huguenots |
1598 |
President George Washington had a Huguenot ancestor, as did at least 5 other Presidents: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, John Tyler, James Garfield, and Theodore Roosevelt. A Huguenot refugee named Apollos de Revoire settled in Boston, and had a son who signed his name Paul Revere! Remember his famous midnight ride? Three members of the Continental Congress - Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and Elias Boudinot were Huguenots. Other great names include Francis Marrion, General George Patton, Clair Chennault, Admiral Dewey, Du Ponts, Henry Thoreau, Longfellow etc., etc. A Huguenot colony was founded in Florida in 1562 (years before the English landed), but was later destroyed by Spanish raiders.
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven (Roman government). And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is (cosmic block and tackle) cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time (12:7-12).
There was infighting as early as 305 but Michael (Ophiuchus or Constantine) and his angels (Hercules & Bootes or generals) fought against the dragon (Maximian, Maxentius & Maximin) most forcefully from 310 (war against Maximian) to 324 A.D. (when Constantine became the sole emperor) (12:7). The Devil was cast down from Rome (heaven) knowing he had only a short time (312 to 324). He then incited the earth (Maximin's Constantinople) and Sea (Lycinius's Illyricum) causing each to go to war. In 324 A.D. Constantine removed the capitol from Italy (where the crown had been worn for 11 centuries) to Constantinople. Thus, "neither was their place found any more." Constantine had a dream about a old and infirm woman who was transformed into a young woman with symbols of Imperial greatness, and that he was the one who transformed her. Thus he transformed Byzantium into the new capitol, Constantinople, to be that queen.
What is the WAR? This pictured the downfall of paganism and establishment of Catholicism in the fourth century (referred to twice before in the the 6th seal -- Rev. 6 -- and the 5th trumpet -- Rev. 9). Diocletian caused thousands of Christians to perish from 303 until 313 A.D. When Constantine arrived in 313 A.D. the persecution stopped. Following the Edict of Toleration of Licinius in 313 A.D., the Roman Empire was divided into THREE parts -- Europe under Constantine, Africa under Licinius and Asia under Maximin. In two-thirds -- Europe and Africa -- Catholics had toleration, but in the ONE THIRD, Asia, Maximin renewed persecution against them, until defeated by Licinius, when the Catholics were restored to favor. Thus was the remaining THIRD of paganism overthrown. Later, Licinius changed from the Catholic faith, and began to persecute Christians again -- or devour the woman's offspring -- in his THIRD (Thrace & Asia). Licinius, however, was finally defeated by Constantine, and Catholicism made the state religion in 325 A.D.
Astronomically, by precession of the equinox, the heel of Hercules (Michael) is gradually bruising the head of Drago as it moves uppermost more and more. Drago's first star Thuban no longer rules at the pole, as it had in early Chaldea, as the "Prince of the Powers of the Air." Also Orion (Michael) bruises Cetus. Jesus said, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke 10:18). Hydra is like a long streak of lightning rotating down behind the red-sunset horizon. Many Christians believed at the time that the Millenium was beginning. But Constantine rejected the divinity of Christ. He also appointed a bishop (Caecilian) who had under persecution turned over Scriptures to be burnt to save his life. Thus Constantine's "Christianity" was far from perfect, but it was a great improvement over polytheism. Barbaric customs such as branding humans, crucifixion, and gladiatorial combat were abolished. In 321 A.D. Constantine decreed that Sunday, the sacred day of "Christianity," should be observed in all the cities by cessation of trade and labor. In 325 A.D. he abolished the bloody gladiator combats, where men killed eachother to amuse the populace, a Roman institution that had existed for a thousand years. Christianity, even in corrupt form, has a humanizing effect on society. Christ will also cast down Satan, set up a new religion and new capital, and marry his bride, the saints, who will rule with him in power and glory. Constantine only typified this ultimate reality by "marrying" Roman Catholicism. Then Julian the apostate took the throne and reigned two-and-a-half years (between 360 and 363 A.D.). Julian fought against Catholicism and for heathenism. Then Theodosius (379 to 395 A.D.) with great severity suppressed heathen worship. The great dragon and his angels in the guise of heathen rulers and officials were finally cast down from the political "heaven" of the Roman Empire. Gibbon says "that, in a full meeting of the Senate, on a regular division, Jupiter was condemned and degraded by a large majority" in favor of Christ.
"And when the dragon (Hydra) saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (Virgo) which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle (Pegasus or Corvus), that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood (army) after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood (army). And the earth helped the woman (Virgo), and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was wroth with the woman (Virgo), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" (12:13-17).
"When the enemy shall come in like a flood" (Isa. 59:19), the earth helped the woman (12:16). The crescent-shaped moon mouth under Virgo opened up or waxed to a more fully-open moon mouth at Aquarius (324-325 A.D.) to swallow Licinius's army in 324 A.D. when Constantine defeated him at the Battles of Adrianople, Hellespont, and finally Chrysopolis on 18 September 324, and then shut him up within the walls of Byzantium (another open mouth) and later executed him in 325 A.D. (From Virgo's sun to Aquarius's moon is 150 degrees divided by 12 months per year = 12.5 years + 313 A.D. = 325 A.D.) Notice a white lunar frown before, and a black lunar grin after. From 325 when the Council of Nicaea forbade Christians from meeting together, we add 1260 years to get 1586 when Mary, Queen of Scots, was executed and Protestants could now meet together.
The earth opened her mouth in 318 A.D. also and swallowed up armies in burial GRAVES. (From Virgo's sun to Aquarius's moon is 150 degrees divided by 30 earth days = 5 lunar days + 313 A.D. = 318 A.D.) Constantine's son Crispus was leader in victorious military operations against Franks and Alemanni in 318, 320 and 323.
The earth helped at other times also. Circumcellions (Numidian & Mauretanian peasantry whose leader was called "Captain of the Saints") defended the DONATISTS in N. Africa from Constantine and his son's Roman legions using a club known as an "Israelite" and a war-cry "Praise be to God." The peasantry of Paphlagonia, armed with only scythes and axes, defended the NOVATIANS from 4000 Roman legionaries during the reign of Constantius. When Julian the Apostate became emperor in 361 A.D. (Rev. 8:5), he proved more merciful to the DONATISTS than his Catholic predecessors. He permitted them to return to their country and restored their former liberty.
To the now enthroned woman (Cassiopeia -- another 1260° from Virgo) were given two wings of a great eagle (Aquila or the United States) to fly from Roman Catholic Europe to America (516 + 1260° = 1776 -- American Independence; 540 + 1260° = 1800 -- Louisiana Purchase; 582 + 1260° = 1844 -- Texas a U.S. Territory) (12:14). Notice the progression from enslaved Andromeda (Israel taken captive) to unshackled Virgo (+ 1260° = Virgo Britain) to Queen Cassiopeia (United States) as Israel gains power over 2520 years of punishment. "Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on EAGLE'S WINGS, and brought you unto myself" (Ex. 19:4). "As an EAGLE stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her WINGS, taketh them, beareth them on her WINGS: so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him" (Deut. 32:11-12). The literal rendering of verse 14 is "The EAGLE, the GREAT ONE." Not only was Emperor Theodosius named "the GREAT," but his coins showed EAGLE'S WINGS protecting his eastern and western dominions. Because of the persecution of the Dragon, Theodosius representing the "TWO WINGS," East and West, of the EAGLE Empire, befriended the persecuted Church. In 381, the Council of Constantinople confirmed the decision of the Council of Nice, and upheld the divinity of Christ. His rule greatly aided the flight of Israel towards the BRITISH ISLES and the spread of Christianity.
"Moreover I will appoint a PLACE for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a PLACE of THEIR OWN and move no more" (2 Sam. 7:10). Where is it? The BRITISH ISLES -- not Palestine because Israel had moved out of that land. Isaiah 69:12 says Israel will come "from the NORTH and the WEST" (Isa. 49:5-12) meaning "the ISLES AFAR OFF" (Jer. 31:10) where this "virgin of Israel" (31:4) is "gathered" (31:10). The flight of the woman began with the fall of heathenism (313) and ended with the rise of the Papacy (533-610), a period of less than three centuries. From 516, 540, and 582 A.D. she was protected in BRITAIN from this Holy Roman Empire for 1260 years. She was gathered. Verse 6 doesn't say "HER PLACE" or "FROM the SERPENT." Therefore two different 1260-year periods are mentioned in verses 6 and 14 making the "seven times" punishment complete (2520°). Then BRITAIN and the UNITED STATES rose to greatness (Isa. 41:1) from 1776 onward. Saxons, Danes, Jutes and Hibernians are really Isaac's sons, Danites, Jews and Hebrews. Just as John ate the Bible (John 10:10), so also the woman is nourished with Scripture during this time. Moreover, the 2520 years punishment ended in 1776 (American Independence), 1800-1803 (Louisiana Purchase) and 1844 A.D. (Texas a U.S. Territory).
Out of Hydra's mouth comes a red radius water pipe flood that connects to the lunar open mouth that drinks it in. Biologically, dragons and alligators spout out water to overcome their enemies. "The Egyptian account of (the crocodile) ... was that sixty days elapsed before its eggs were laid, that the eggs were ... sixty, that sixty days passed ere they were hatched, that the animal had sixty vertebrae ... sixty nerves, that their teeth amounted to sixty, that ... their annual ... fasting lasted sixty days, and ... they obtained the age of sixty years" (Wilkinson's Egypt 5:237). Historically, when the Dragon could no longer use State persecution against the Christian Church, he attempted to overwhelm it and corrupt it by the inrush of unconverted pagans who brought with them heathen beliefs and practices. These are the "waters" defined as "peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues" (17:15) which became a flood into the church after Christianity was made the state religion in 325 A.D. They corrupted the visible Roman Church but by then the true church was long gone. Later military expeditions ("floods") were despatched by the Catholic government against "heretics" in the Roman Empire. Also, another "flood" that Satan stirred up was the Goths, Vandals and Huns from Mongolia to overwhelm the now "Christianized" Roman Empire and obliterate "Christians" and Israel through miscegenation and mass immigration to gain political and religious control. But the Huns, Vandals and Goths submitted to the religion of the conquered Catholics and also absorbed Roman laws, manners, language and customs (Gibbon 4:37:20-24). They settled down to farming and herding. In 410 A.D. Rome had to recall her legions from Britain to defend Rome itself from the Goths under Alaric. This left Britain wide open for the Jutes in 449. Attila the Hun attacked the Roman Empire from 433 to 450 A.D. But eventually "Christianity was embraced by almost all the barbarians" (Gibbon ch.37). The English Channel provided a separation between the true Christian Israel and the pagan Roman Catholic Church as well as the barbarian hordes. Jutes, Angles, and Saxons built ships and escaped to Scandinavia and the British Isles. The remnants who remained behind on the continent were victimized. The true Christian church has no idols or images of Jesus, Mary or the saints; doesn't worship a wafer host; doesn't pray to statues; rests on the Sabbath rather than Sunday; doesn't keep the Scriptures in Latin; rejects the confessional and the cross symbol in worship; believes in tithing ten percent of wages; avoids eating pork and celebrates the festivals of Passover, Pentecost and Sukkot.
From 313 A.D. when Constantine became emperor of Rome (sun in Virgo -- 12:1) till 606 A.D. when Emperor Phocas gave Pope Boniface III supremacy over other "Christian" churches (solar corona upon Cancer -- ch. 13:1), is 293 years as well as 293 degrees. In 324 A.D., 11 degrees after 313 A.D., as the sun enters Virgo's TWO Roman legs -- Rome and Constantinople (Dan. 2), he removed the capital from Italy (where the crown had been worn for 11 centuries) to a new city called Constantinople after himself. The western mountain was "moved out of" its place (Rev. 12:6). Notice also that from the sun in Virgo (12:1) 313 A.D. to the lunar crescent under Virgo's feet is 17 degrees or 17 years which brings us to 330 A.D. when Constantine stole the treasures and statues of the PAGAN temples in Greece (Moon, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter) to decorate New Rome (Constantinople) and dedicated Constantinople and prohibited PAGAN rites in his new capital. Old Roman laws were remodeled according to Christianity. Also, the father of Constantine, called Constantius was appointed head or Caesar in 293 A.D. which is when the sun enters the head of Virgo. Rome fell in 476 which is when Cetus began: "He (Caesar) who now hinders (Antichrist) will continue to hinder, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked one (Papal Cetus) be revealed" (2 Th. 2:7-8).
Parallelling the first historicist fulfillment, we believe that our Lord will return after a Diocletian-like persecution of ten years. There will be a sign in the heaven just as with Constantine's Chi-Rho. He will fight against paganism and win. Christians will then rule in his kingdom just as Catholics did formerly. He will adorn Jerusalem with the wealth of the world. This is the eastern capital that Constantinople only typified. He will name Jerusalem after himself just as Washington and Constantine did with their eastern capitals. "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done, is that which shall be done" (Eccl. 1:9). God says, "I change not" (Mal. 3:6). He is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb. 13:8).