Deceitful Riches Can Choke Scripture
Mark chapter 4 Star Chart: Clockwise from "a sower ... sowed (the word or seed) (27 AD) ... and the fowls of the air (Lyra, Cygnus, Aquila -- Satan) came and devoured it ... some fell on (lunar) stony ground ... it was (solar) scorched (no deep rooted conviction) ... some fell among (lunar crescent) thorns ... and choked it (worldly cares, riches, lusts) ... And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit ... and brought forth, some thirtyfold" (30°) (4:20) when "he (Sagittarius) putteth in the (lunar) sickle, because the harvest is come" (4:29) by 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "Is a (solar) lamp brought (by Orion) to be put under a (lunar black) bushel (basket), or under a bed (Argo), and not to be set on a (red radius) lampstand? (in 27 AD) For there is nothing (lunar black) hidden, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come to (solar) light" (4:21-22) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Notice that "he was in the stern of the (Argo) boat, asleep on a (black lunar) pillow" (4:38).
Mark chapter 5 Star Chart: Clockwise from "When he was come out of the (Argo) boat, immediately there met him (Castor) out of the (lunar black cave) tombs a man (Pollux) with an unclean (black lunar) spirit" (5:2). "And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the (Lepus) swine; and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea" (5:13) in 27 AD till Christians "arise" (5:41) in a resurrection in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Jesus (Orion) Walks on (Eridanus) Water
Mark chapter 6 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by (Auriga & Orion) two and (Pollux & Castor) two, and gave them authority over unclean (lunar) spirits; And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a (red radius) staff only ... shod with (lunar crescent) sandals" (6:7-9) in 27 AD till "the day of (lunar white throne) judgment" (6:11) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from when "an executioner (Orion) ... (solar) beheaded him in the prison" (6:27) and "the (Sagittarius lunar) head of John the Baptist" (6:25) was put "on a (lunar silver) platter" (6:25) requested by Herodias in 27 AD till "the day of (lunar white throne) judgment" (6:11) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "straightway he constrained his (Gemini) disciples to get into the (Argo) boat, and to go to the other (Sagittarius) side before him" (6:45) and "they (lunar eyeball) saw him (Orion) walking upon the (Eridanus) sea" (6:49) in 27 AD till "the day of (lunar white throne) judgment" (6:11) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Notice that Herod (Cepheus) "swore unto her" (6:23).
You Reject God's Commands
To Keep Your Own Traditions
Mark chapter 7 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "This (Gemini) people honoreth me with their (lunar crescent) lips, but their (lunar black) heart is far from me" (Sagittarius) (7:6) and "It is not right to take the (Gemini) children's (solar golden) bread, and to (Orion) cast it unto the (Canis Minor & Major) dogs ... yet the dogs under the (lunar black) table eat of the (Gemini) children's (red radius) crumbs" (7:27-28) in 27 AD till they "die the (Sagittarius arrow) death" (7:10) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Whosoever Shall Lose His Life For
My Sake and the Gospel's Shall Save It
Mark chapter 8 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "he entered a (Argo) boat with his (Gemini) disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha. And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a (zodiac) sign from heaven" (8:10-11). And he said, "There shall no (zodiac) sign be given unto this generation" (8:12) "And he left them and, entering into the (Argo) boat again, departed to the other side" (8:13) (of the zodiac) in 27 AD till "The Son of man ... when he (Sagittarius) cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels" (8:38) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "whosoever ... shall be (red radius) ashamed of me and of my (lunar white page) words in this adulterous and sinful (30° year) (Gemini) generation (27 AD to 57 AD), of him also shall the Son of man be (red radius) ashamed, when he (Sagittarius) cometh in the (lunar white) glory of his Father, with the holy angels" (8:38) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Elijah Will Come and Restore All Things
Mark chapter 9 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "there be some ... that stand here" (Perseus, Orion & Gemini) in 27 AD till "his raiment became shining, exceedingly (Milky Way) white like snow" (9:3) and "Elijah with Moses (Gemini) ... were (red radius) talking with (Auriga) Jesus" (9:4) and "they have (lunar eyeball) seen the kingdom of God come with power" (9:1) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "Elijah (Orion) verily cometh first, and (solar light) restoreth all things ... they have (Argo prison) done unto him whatsoever they (lunar crescent decapitation) desired" (9:12-13) in 27 AD; "O faithless generation" (+ 30° years) (9:19) till "the kingdom of God come with power" (9:1) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from when "a (solar) millstone were hung about his (Orion or Auriga) neck, and he were cast into the (Eridanus) sea" (9:42) in 27 AD and "O faithless generation" (+ 30° years) (9:19) till "And if thy (Auriga or Cepheus) foot offend thee, (red radius) cut it off; it is better for thee to enter lame into life than than having two feet to be cast into (solar fiery) hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched, Where their (lunar white) worm dieth not" (9:45-46) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Sell What You Have and Give to the Poor
Mark chapter 10 Star Chart: Clockwise from "they two shall be one (Gemini) flesh" (10:8) and "What, therefore, God hath joined together, let not man (Orion solar cut) (lunar crescent knife) put asunder" (10:9) from 27 AD till "the kingdom of God" (10:14) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from when "Permit the little (Gemini) children to come unto me, and forbid them not (27 AD); for of such is the kingdom of God.... Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter into it" (10:14-15) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "sell whatever thou (Orion's solar gold) hast, and give to the (Auriga) poor, and thou shalt have treasure in (Sagittarius) heaven; and come, take up the (Argo mast) cross, and follow me" (10:21) in 27 AD to "inherit eternal life" (10:17) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "It is easier for a (Taurus) camel to go through the eye of a (lunar crescent) (red radius) needle (27 AD), than for a rich man (Orion) to enter into the (Sagittarius) kingdom of God" (10:25) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.