I Send My Messenger Who
Prepares the Way Before Thee
Luke chapter 7 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "John (Argo), calling ... two of his (Gemini) disciples, sent them to Jesus (Auriga) ... And in that same hour (30°) he cured many ... Then Jesus ... (red radius) said unto them ... tell John ... how the (lunar eyeball) blind see, the (Argo) lame walk, the (Milky Way) (Gemini) lepers are (Eridanus) cleansed, the (lunar ear) deaf hear, the (Argo) dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is (red radius) preached" (7:19-22) in 27 AD till "the kingdom of God" (7:28) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from (Gemini) "children ... saying, We have (red radius) piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have (lunar black sackcloth) mourned to you, and ye have not wept" (7:32) in 27 AD till "the kingdom of God" (7:28) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Bible Followers Can Be Choked With
Worries, Riches and Pleasures
Luke chapter 8 Star Chart: Clockwise from when "A sower (Orion) went out to sow his (star) seed ... some fell by the wayside ... and the (Lyra, Aquila, Cygnus -- Devil) fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a (lunar black) rock (no root to endure testing)... it withered away ... And some fell among (lunar crescent) thorns (riches, pleasures, worries)(that) ... choked it. And other fell on good ground ... and bore fruit an hundredfold" (8:5-8) in 27 AD till the "kingdom of God" (8:1) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "No (Orion) man,
when he hath lighted a (solar) lamp (27 AD), covereth it with a (lunar black) vessel, or putteth it under a (Argo) bed, but setteth it on a (red radius) (lunar white) lampstand ... nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest ... be known" (8:16-17) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from when "a woman (Pollux) ... came behind him (Castor), and touched the (lunar crescent) tassel of his garment, and immediately her issue of (red radius) blood stopped " (8:44) in 27 AD till
the "kingdom of God" (8:1) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
But the (Sagittarius) Son of Man
Hath Nowhere to Lay His (Lunar) Head
Luke chapter 9 Star Chart: Clockwise from "whosoever shall be (red radius) ashamed of me and of my words (27 AD), of him shall the Son of man be (red radius) ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory ... his (Auriga) raiment was (Milky Way) white and glistening. And, behold, there talked with him two (Gemini) men, who were Moses and Elijah, Who appeared in (Milky Way) glory" (9:29-31) till "the kingdom of God" (9:2,11,27) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from (Canis Minor) "Foxes have (lunar black) holes, and (Aquila, Cygnus, Lyra) birds of the air have (solar) nests (27 AD), but the (Sagittarius) Son of man hath not where to lay his (bodyless lunar white) head" (9:58)
till 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
He That Showed Mercy is His Neighbor
Luke chapter 10 Star Chart: Clockwise from "the Lord ... sent them (Gemini) two by (Gemini) two before his (Argo) face" (10:1) saying, "I send you forth as (lunar black) lambs among (Canis Major) wolves" (10:3) "Carry neither (solar) purse, nor (lunar) bag, nor (white crescent) shoes; and greet no man by the way" (10:4) and "in that hour (30°) Jesus (lunar crescent smile) rejoiced in spirit" (10:21) in 27 AD till "the kingdom of God is come" (10:9) and Bible followers "inherit eternal life" (10:25) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
As in (Zodiac) Heaven, So On Earth
Luke chapter 11 Star Chart: Clockwise from "No man, when he (Orion) hath lighted a (solar) lamp (27 AD), putteth it in a secret (Argo) place, neither under a (lunar black) bushel (basket), but on a (red radius) lampstand, that they (Gemini) who come in may (lunar eyeball) see the (lunar white) light" (11:33) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "ye load (Gemini) men with (lunar) burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your (white crescent) fingers" (11:46)
in 27 AD till "the kingdom of God is come" (11:20) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from (Argo) "graves which (lunar eyeball) appear not, and the (Gemini) men that walk over them are not aware of them" (11:44)
and "ye build the (Argo) sepulchers of the (Gemini) prophets (27 AD), and your (Gemini) fathers (red radius) killed them" (11:47) till "the kingdom of God is come" (11:20) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Seek First the Kingdom of God and
Food & Clothing Will Be Added
Luke chapter 12 Star Chart: Clockwise from "Let your loins be girded about, and your (lunar & solar) lights burning (27 AD); And ... like (Gemini) men that wait for their lord, when he (Sagittarius) will return from the (lunar white) (Milky Way white) wedding; that when he cometh and (Orion) knocketh, they may (solar gate) open unto him immediately (12:35-36) in the "kingdom of God" (12:31) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "Whosoever shall (Argo) confess me before (Gemini) men (27 AD), him shall the (Sagittarius) Son of man also confess before the (constellation) angels of God "
in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from the (Orion) "servant " beating his (Gemini) "menservants"(12:45) and "in the same (30°) hour" (12:12) (27 AD) till "The (Sagittarius) lord of that servant will come in a day when he (lunar eyeball) looketh not for him, and at an hour (30°) when he is not aware, and will (Orion) (red radius) cut him in (solar halves) sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the (Gemini) unbelievers" (12:46).
Notice the (lunar white) "lilly" (12:27).
I Know You Not, Depart From Me,
All You Workers of Iniquity
Luke chapter 13 Star Chart: Clockwise from Yeshua saying, "each one of you on the sabbath loose(s) his (Taurus) ox or his (Aries) ass from the (red radius) stall" (13:15) and isn't that like healing? And "all his (Argo, Gemini, Auriga & Orion) adversaries were (red radius) ashamed; and all the (Gemini) people (lunar smiling crescent) rejoiced" in 27 AD till "Ye shall not (lunar eyeball) see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" (13:35) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "a (lunar crescent) grain of mustard seed ... grew (27 AD) and became a great (Mulberry -- Canis Minor) tree; and the (Cygnus, Aquila, Lyra) fowls of the air lodged in the branches" (13:19) is like "the kingdom of God" (13:18) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from Gemini striving "to enter in at the narrow (lunar crescent) gate" in 27 AD till "the (Sagittarius) master ... hath (Orion) shut the (solar) door ... and ... say ... I know you not ... depart from me, all ye (Gemini) workers of iniquity" (13:25-27) in 2026 AD
is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
"Herod ... that (Canis Minor) fox" (13:31-32)
Whoever Exalts Himself Shall Be Abased,
He That Humbles Himself Shall Be Exalted
Luke chapter 14 Star Chart: Clockwise from "Which of you shall have an (Aries) ass or an (Taurus) ox fallen into a (lunar black) pit, and will not straightway (red radius rope block & tackle) pull him out on the sabbath day?" (14:5) in 27 AD. Then Yeshua healed a man on the Sabbath typifying the Kingdom of God in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "When thou makest a feast, call the (Castor) poor, the (Argo) maimed, the (Pollux) lame, the (Auriga) blind, And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee (27 AD); for thou shalt be recompensed at the (Sagittarius) resurrection of the just" (14:13-14) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "whosoever doth not bear his (Argo) cross, and come after me, cannot be my (Sagittarius) disciple" (14:27)
in 27 AD and "finish" (14:29-30) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
"All That I Have is Yours"
Luke chapter 15 Star Chart: Clockwise from if a woman loses "one piece" (of lunar crescent silver), she "light(s) a (solar) lamp (27 AD) ... And when she hath found it, she calleth her (Gemini) friends and her (Germini) neighbors together, saying (lunar crescent smiling) Rejoice" (15:8-9) in 2026 AD which is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years. Yes, (lunar crescent smiling) "joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth" (15:7).
Clockwise from one son (Pollux) "wasted his substance with riotous living" (15:13) ["with (Gemini) harlots" -- 15:30] yet when he returned to his father, his father gave him "the best (lunar) robe ... a (lunar) ring on his hand, and (lunar crescent) shoes on his feet" (15:22). His father also killed "the fatted (Taurus) calf" and said "let us eat, and be (lunar crescent smiling) merry. For this, my son, was dead (27 AD), and is alive again (2026 AD); he was lost (27 AD), and is found"
(15:24) (2026 AD). The other son (Castor) obeyed his heavenly father, so was told, "all that I have is thine" (15:31) in 2026 AD.
You Can't Serve God and Money
Luke chapter 16 Star Chart: Clockwise from the unjust steward who says, "I cannot (lunar crescent) dig" and "to (Argo) beg I am ashamed" (16:3) (27 AD) till (Gemini) "friends" "may receive you into everlasting habitations" (16:9) because you were "faithful in the unrighteous (solar gold & lunar silver) money" "which is another man's" (16:11-12) and He "will commit to your trust the true (solar gold & lunar silver) riches" of "your own" (16:11-12) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years. Be kind to Bible followers now, and you will be repayed in the kingdom. Otherwise, "thou (Orion) in thy lifetime receivedst thy good (solar golden) things, and likewise Lazarus (Auriga -- "full of [star] sores" -- 16:20; [Canis Minor & Major]"dogs ... licked his [star] sores" -- 16:21) evil things; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented" (16:25).
Two (Gemini) Men, One Taken Where (Aquila
& Lyra) Eagles Are Gathered Together
Luke chapter 17 Star Chart: Clockwise from "If you had faith as a grain of (solar) mustard seed, you might say to this (Canis Minor -- Mulberry Tree) sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root ... and it should obey you" (17:6) in 27 AD till "the kingdom of God cometh ... there will the (Aquila, Lyra) eagles be gathered together" (17:20,37) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "two (Gemini) men shall be in the field (from 27 AD onward); the one shall be taken, and the other left" (17:36)
"Where Lord? ... there will the (Aquila, Lyra) eagles be gathered together" (17:37) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Men Who Left House, Parents, Brethren, Wife or Children for the Kingdom of God's Sake Shall Receive Manifold More Now & Eternal Life Later
Luke chapter 18 Star Chart: Clockwise from "It is easier for a (Taurus) camel to go through a (red radius) needle's (lunar crescent) eye (27 AD), than for a (solar gold) rich (Orion) man to enter into the kingdom of God" (18:25) but even then it is "possible with God" to gain "life everlasting" (18:30) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.
Clockwise from "Permit little (Gemini) children to come unto me, and forbid them not (27 AD); for of such is the kingdom
of God" (18:16) in 2026 AD is 1999° years or 5 laps + 199° years.