The Lord Afflicted Judah
For The Multitude of Her Transgressions
Lamentations chapter 1-5 Star Chart: Clockwise from 586 BC when Jerusalem was "a menstruous (Virgo-Judah) woman" (1:17) with "her (red radius) filthiness in her (Auriga-Orion) skirts" (1:9) and a (lunar or solar) "crown fallen" from her (Virgo) "head" (5:16) till "Thou wilt bring the day that thou hast called (Second Coming) and they shall be (punished) like unto me" (1:21) and "he will punish ... Edom" (4:22) is 2611° years or (red radius) seven laps plus 91° years ending in 2026 AD.
Clockwise from 586 BC when "he was unto me like a (Ursa Major) bear lying in wait, and like a (Leo) lion in secret places" (3:10) and "he (Orion) poured out his (liquid solar) fury like fire" (2:4) and "he hath stretched out a (bow) line" (2:8), "bent his (white ecliptic) (red stringed) bow" and (red radius) "arrows ... enter into my (Orion solar golden) heart" (3:12-13) and he (Auriga) "trampled upon the (Virgo-Judah) virgin ... as a winepress" (seven laps) (1:15) till the "salvation of the Lord" (3:26) arrives is 2611° years or (red radius) seven laps plus 91° years ending in 2026 AD.